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Haven't played since Subs were added...


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Half considering setting the game up again.... has anything gone full crazy in the game? Last I remember is CV's being a nightmare, uninstalling before subs, seeing on youtube how much "FUN" fighting them were, and not really thinking about the game for a LONG time. Then I found this forum on the reddit... and am half considering starting up again. Though, prolly as a free player as I don't feel WG should get anymore money from me. 

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The only advice I might muster, is to give it a try.

Catch 22 logic is impeccable on this underwater conundrum devs have blessed us with. You might get lucky and stomp over noob sub, roadkill outcome usually if thats the case.

Well played sub, or subs in a division are gonna make You look up minimap and wonder why in anybodies name half of your team is playing Tetris around an island, while the available space resembles LA freeway in rush hours😁

Thats not fun, the griefing potential of ‘good sub gameplay’ is hilarious, on purpose built in with higher xp earnings for doing same crap as other surface only going massochists.

Sell them they will, since cynicism is not in short supply nowadays, while I play less and less, just cause exploiting suckmarines, CVs and their implementation traits to its fullest has an uncanny resemblance of folk who think molesting kittens’n puppies is kinda cool🙃

Dont like em, dont play them, dildo mains will hopefully tell You a different yarn about how cool is it to swim with fishes🥱


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1 hour ago, Angel_With_A_Shotgun said:

Half considering setting the game up again...  I don't feel WG should get anymore money from me. 

Subs add a layer of richness to the game and prevent BBs and CVs that tend to languish far away from the battle from becoming complacent. They keep you on your toes, are fun to hunt, and fun to play. If you want a real challenge, try sinking another sub with your sub.

You don't have to spend a penny playing this game as long as you play it consistently. I got some Premium time in a container way back during the first week of December and still have 12 days active because I keep getting more of it every few days. Play WOWS or don't play WOWS, it's your decision. However, saying that you have to pay to play the game or can't bring yourself to play it anymore because of the introduction of a new unit type it is just being disingenuous.

Edited by Snargfargle
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It depends. If you play Randoms, you're going to hear a lot of complaining about subs and CV's, and I can't comment because I'm strictly PVE.

Subs and CV's in COOP are an annoyance and that's about it. Occasionally you'll eat a string of guided torps because it's less damage than the alternative of turning your broadside to a BB with his guns trained on you ... but the bot subs do not go deep, basically they alternate between periscope depth and surfaced, which makes them less of a pain in the aft. CVs are basically XP pinatas if you get to them before the rest of the team have devoured them.

However ... given that you've been away a fair bit I should warn you that the economy has been nerfed, and the nerfing is still ongoing. The Daily/Monthly missions were replaced with a 'Battlepass', and the rewards for that have been declining over time. In addition they don't include the Battlepass whenever there is an event ... instead they do a tailored Battlepass, for instance the Battlepass is currently the 'Lunar New Year' event. To put it simply ... when you left there were Daily/Monthly missions AND when there was an event there were missions for that event. Now ... there is only the event.

I'm not sure if you left before the big econ reset ... but basically there are no econ signals any more ... it's all bonuses, and camos no longer have any econ bonuses. You can find the details on the wiki if you want them.

Depending on what you had in your dock before you went on hiatus and how your reserves were (silver, coal, etc) you may well find it quite endurable playing again. If, however, you were 'broke' ... you may find it harder to grind.

My advice: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. It won't cost you anything but disk space and bandwidth to install the game again, and if you don't like it, it doesn't take long to uninstall.


Oh ... one other thing. If you were using mods back in the day, and if you were using the official ModStation ... you may want to consider just going with Aslain's modpack, because every patch it seems to take WG longer to get the ModStation up and running again.


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I don't mind CV's as long as there is only one per team.  x2/team gets suddenly excessive and negatively affects game play (IMO).

I was anti-sub when they came out.  I refused to play them, even though I won a couple of premium subs.  After being forced to deal with them for a while, this last Christmas I decided to learn how to play them while there was a +200% daily win modifier so I could speed my way through some progression.  After several days of sucking, I started to figure them out.  I got all three lines to Tier 10, and I may have acquired U-4501 and Gato.

They are fun to play once you figure out how to balance spotting for your team without getting detected.

Subs are not really that bad...until one sneaks up on you with insufficient team support and you get nuked by one.  But, you can also get nuked by a distant battleship or stealthy destroyer, with about the same frequency.  It's pretty uncommon for me.  Maybe since I have played them I understand how other sub players do, and I am more aware of where they may pop up.  Many times, when I find them near me I can sink them.

I think subs should be capped to x2/team to keep game play more comfortable.

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3 hours ago, Angel_With_A_Shotgun said:

Half considering setting the game up again.... has anything gone full crazy in the game? Last I remember is CV's being a nightmare, uninstalling before subs, seeing on youtube how much "FUN" fighting them were, and not really thinking about the game for a LONG time. Then I found this forum on the reddit... and am half considering starting up again. Though, prolly as a free player as I don't feel WG should get anymore money from me. 

You’re going to see a sub in every match in randoms at T10.  Since you uninstalled before they were fully released you will have to learn how to play against them, but it’s only one per side. CVs are the same. Nothing new there. If you aren’t willing to adjust your play to deal with subs, you’re not going to like it.  You sound like you have an overall negative attitude towards the game. Just not starting again sounds like the best course of action for you, But ya never know. You may really enjoy the ASW aspect of the game.  

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The Dutch cruiser line has been an interesting addition, also.

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28 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

The Dutch cruiser line has been an interesting addition, also.

Submarines were formally added in autumn 2022 when Dutch cruisers were already added in game for at least a year.

Though currently I have forgotten details of the submarines testing process other than the autumn '22 formal launch shorthand.

New branches added from the beginning of 2022: Pan-Asian cruisers, Italian destroyers, French large cruisers, British battlecruisers, German and USN submarines, Japanese light cruisers, USN hybrid aviation battleships, British submarines, Pan-American cruisers, Pan-EU gunboat destroyers, Spanish cruisers, Japanese battlecruisers, USN alternative CV and (coming soon) Commonwealth cruisers.

Game development has been hampered by real-life geopolitical conflicts: development of new contents was slowed down and "simplified" (though far from a complete halt).

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5 hours ago, Angel_With_A_Shotgun said:

Half considering setting the game up again.... has anything gone full crazy in the game? Last I remember is CV's being a nightmare, uninstalling before subs, seeing on youtube how much "FUN" fighting them were, and not really thinking about the game for a LONG time. Then I found this forum on the reddit... and am half considering starting up again. Though, prolly as a free player as I don't feel WG should get anymore money from me. 

It's easier to have fun when you're armed with information and have learned to apply it in a practical manner. 
Yuro created a good educational video, which I suggest watching.

Comprehensive Submarine Guide (And Fighting them) in World of Warships

I also suggest checking out the CV videos and Submarine videos of @Ahskance on his youtube channel.  He has several playlists.

And @ArIskandir has a number of videos illustrating how he has taken submarine playing and hunting to become his personal sciences.

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My general impression is that its a detriment to the game, but it is heartwarming to see a J-line BB get shotgunned. 

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ill never play a sub . we didnt ask for them in the game when a survey came out 

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4 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

Oh ... one other thing. If you were using mods back in the day, and if you were using the official ModStation ... you may want to consider just going with Aslain's modpack, because every patch it seems to take WG longer to get the ModStation up and running again.



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5 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

Oh ... one other thing. If you were using mods back in the day, and if you were using the official ModStation ... you may want to consider just going with Aslain's modpack, because every patch it seems to take WG longer to get the ModStation up and running again.


On the other hand, I notice that Aslain posts updates about every other day here.

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6 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

On the other hand, I notice that Aslain posts updates about every other day here.

If there is a bug in any of the mods, he jumps on with a fix ASAP.  More importantly, he listens and acts on community feedback.

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5 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

Oh ... one other thing. If you were using mods back in the day, and if you were using the official ModStation ... you may want to consider just going with Aslain's modpack, because every patch it seems to take WG longer to get the ModStation up and running again.

There are also quite a few mods that seem to have been abandoned in the ModStation, either because the authors were Russian and moved their efforts to MK or they just left the game entirely. The only reason I am still using ModStation over Aslain’s is because of the extra degree of assurance that WG won’t erroneously hand out infractions for approved mods. I am aware that Aslain’s is also an “approved” mod pack, but my confidence in WG’s general level of competence is quite low, as is my confidence that CS will care to address such issues in any meaningful way after closure of the official forums.

Edited by Nevermore135
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8 hours ago, Angel_With_A_Shotgun said:

Though, prolly as a free player as I don't feel WG should get anymore money from me.

Many have this same sentiment, myself included. If you want to avoid seeing Subs in your battles - well, that requires playing in T5 & below.

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1 hour ago, Gaelic_knight said:

ill never play a sub . we didnt ask for them in the game when a survey came out 

But, I did.  🙂 

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4 hours ago, Project45_Opytny said:

Submarines were formally added in autumn 2022 when Dutch cruisers were already added in game for at least a year.

Though currently I have forgotten details of the submarines testing process other than the autumn '22 formal launch shorthand.

New branches added from the beginning of 2022: Pan-Asian cruisers, Italian destroyers, French large cruisers, British battlecruisers, German and USN submarines, Japanese light cruisers, USN hybrid aviation battleships, British submarines, Pan-American cruisers, Pan-EU gunboat destroyers, Spanish cruisers, Japanese battlecruisers, USN alternative CV and (coming soon) Commonwealth cruisers.

Game development has been hampered by real-life geopolitical conflicts: development of new contents was slowed down and "simplified" (though far from a complete halt).

submarines were first introduced as far back as 2018  in the halloween evet terror of the deep . there was no homing and you could only fire torps when surfaced 



terror of the deep 2018  , Exorcist  2019  and Ghotsbuster  2018



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55 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

But, I did.  🙂 

i know you have wolfie 

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The only way 'War Failing' would bring back RTS CVs and limit 'Flubs' to operations, perhaps, is if the player base, en masse, refused to play both 'Flubs' and 'reborked' CVs'. Since this hasn't happened due to the lack of intelligence (& mass unity of action by said players) from the 'Herring school of player type' (the vast majority of the player base - WG knows its target audience too well) we are stuck with both 'Flubs' & 'reborked CVs'. Personally, I'm glad & proud to announce that my port is 'Flub' & 'reborked CV' free.

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23 hours ago, Aethervox said:

Many have this same sentiment, myself included. If you want to avoid seeing Subs in your battles - well, that requires playing in T5 & below.


T5 often gets you into T6+ matches, which opens you up to subs.

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On 3/3/2024 at 1:45 AM, Angel_With_A_Shotgun said:

Half considering setting the game up again.... has anything gone full crazy in the game? Last I remember is CV's being a nightmare, uninstalling before subs, seeing on youtube how much "FUN" fighting them were, and not really thinking about the game for a LONG time. Then I found this forum on the reddit... and am half considering starting up again. Though, prolly as a free player as I don't feel WG should get anymore money from me. 

I think you've been unjustly talked out of playing.  Subs are interesting.  IMO fun to play, and require a different set of skills to fight.  Put aside your preconceptions and try the game with subs in it.  You might find yourselves having fun.


They're not all that common anyway.

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23 hours ago, Aethervox said:

Many have this same sentiment, myself included. If you want to avoid seeing Subs in your battles - well, that requires playing in T5 & below.

Aren't they also forbidden, or at least non-productive, in some of the new modes? 


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27 minutes ago, iDuckman said:

I think you've been unjustly talked out of playing.  Subs are interesting.  IMO fun to play, and require a different set of skills to fight.  Put aside your preconceptions and try the game with subs in it.  You might find yourselves having fun.

There is a lot of truth in what @iDuckman says.  I think a lot of us here carry some old baggage (I'll raise my hand first) with "how things were" and especially since the introduction of subs and many have some very valid complaints and issues.  There are changes currently being addressed, and honestly, these changes will take numerous patches - I'm kind of in a wait and see attitude before making any final judgements so the remainder of 2024 should be interesting.  

For newer players without any idea of how it was before, subs are cool and just part of the game.  I've seen that firsthand.  And some veteran players do love the hurt they can inflict in battle.  

I will say that subs and some aircraft carriers do alter the way I play and, more so, depending on the class of ship I captain.  I have learned to adapt somewhat and deal with it.  And when shotgunned by a sub out of nowhere, I still cuss like a sailor and curse the day subs were introduced.

That's life.  I try to deal with it.


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On 3/3/2024 at 2:45 AM, Angel_With_A_Shotgun said:

half considering starting up again.

To be clear, submarines - IMO - were a bloody awful addition to the game, and drove me out of Randoms.

That said, the game still has some merit, and - especially if you aim to be ftp - it is more than possible to have fun with it. FWIW, my approach is along the following lines:

  • Avoid Randoms like the plague; for me, the prevalence of submarines is simply too high to be any fun.
  • Get my PvP fix in Clans and Ranked: depending on tier and other restrictions, these modes are either sub-free, or generally top out at one sub per side (which is tolerable).
  • Otherwise, play Operations or Coop; although submarines appear in multiples in the latter, they are much less of a problem there, due to the way that the bots are programmed (and the visibility battle mattering a lot less in Coop).
  • I would even advocate playing submarines in Coop: although they're a game-ruining menace in Randoms, WG did a pretty good job with the aesthetics, so they're quite pretty to look at. Also, there's the old 'know your enemy' thing; when you meet one in Ranked, say, it's helpful to know what they can and can't do.

My feeling is that the crucial question is how important is Randoms to your enjoyment of the game? If you can get meaningful enjoyment from the other modes, it's worth coming back. Although I would rather subs (in their current implementation) were removed from the game, they have actually increased the variety of ships I play, so making the game more varied for me: when I focused on Randoms, I played to win, which generally meant focusing on a fairly narrow selection of ships; now that I'm - mostly - playing modes where winning doesn't really matter, I can play more or less whatever I fancy. It's actually been quite liberating (although I still generally avoid Standard BBs)...

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