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Regarding T9 Fletcher...


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I have my Fletcher's modules juiced up so that I'm supposed to have a main battery range of 18km and says so on the equipment page and the in port drop down menu for artillery. When I enter a game however, my main battery range for HE is 16.3km and for AP it's 16.5km. I have a ticket submitted for this but was wondering if any Fletcher owners could take a look at theirs for a similar issue?




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The current maximum range listed for my Fletcher is 11.8 km.

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Why for heavens sake do You want that much range in a Fletcher?

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2 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Why for heavens sake do You want that much range in a Fletcher?

To suffer from "can't-hit-ship-itis"?  😉 

Personally, I prefer my gun-bloom to be smaller, instead of bigger.  I tend to play my DD's as torpedo boats.

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Look, I didn't come here to explain *why* I want the added range. You do you and I'll do me. If I want to play this ship as a gunboat, that's my business and I'm not seeking your input in that regard. I only wanted to know if anyone else with similar settings has noticed this issue.

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i have reload so its down to 2.8 seconds  i feel 12.9km range is long enough with a 5.8km concelment  im happy  to sneek in a bit closer 

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1 hour ago, hocus4957 said:

You do you and I'll do me.

In your few brief statements, I conclude that your proposition of you “doing” yourself is an excellent idea.

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1 hour ago, hocus4957 said:

Look, I didn't come here to explain *why* I want the added range. You do you and I'll do me. If I want to play this ship as a gunboat, that's my business and I'm not seeking your input in that regard. I only wanted to know if anyone else with similar settings has noticed this issue.

For whatever it is worth, I like your avatar image of the Hoppe's scented candle.

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3 hours ago, hocus4957 said:

main battery range of 18km

You’ll never hit anything other than a stationary BB at that range. Shell flight times on US DDs are atrocious as it is. You are much better off at base range of 11ish. Looks like you didn’t take CE either.
As for your range problem, check your commander skill. To get to 18 you’d have had to take range on him too. Did you swap commanders out or something? 
Running a lighthouse build on a DD is kinda pointless. You want to farm at range, a cruiser will do that much better. As it sits now you’re just a detriment to your team. 

Edited by Type_93
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Wow, this thread is a good example of how NOT to treat an OP.  Asked a simple question.

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5 hours ago, hocus4957 said:

I have my Fletcher's modules juiced up so that I'm supposed to have a main battery range of 18km and says so on the equipment page and the in port drop down menu for artillery. When I enter a game however, my main battery range for HE is 16.3km and for AP it's 16.5km.

I re-spec'd my Fletcher to test this. For some reason in the game it's showing a -1.7 km nerf to main battery range (18-1.7 = 16.3). Was there a patch that recently nerfed the Fletcher or DDs in general?




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That's really weird. The range should be 16.5, no? 

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11 hours ago, hocus4957 said:

wondering if any Fletcher owners could take a look at theirs for a similar issue?

OK, I figured it out. It's a problem that's been in the game since 2016 at least. The Fletcher can be modified to have a firing range longer than its fire control system can acquire a target lock. Apparently they either never addressed this discrepancy or didn't care to. A question to tech support is warranted and I hope that you will post their response here.



Edited by Snargfargle
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5 hours ago, hocus4957 said:

Look, I didn't come here to explain *why* I want the added range. You do you and I'll do me. If I want to play this ship as a gunboat, that's my business and I'm not seeking your input in that regard. I only wanted to know if anyone else with similar settings has noticed this issue.

The thing is the Fletchers shells have horrible ballistics and it struggles with hitting targets at its the range of the researched FCS just like every US DD.

Gunboating in the Fletcher would be taking stuff like BFT and Fearless brawler to up your DPM, not trying to hit targets you will miss.

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I just tried seeing if you could shoot farther than you could lock onto a target but you can't.

Apparently, WG never considered that someone would combine skills and equipment in such a way as to create an 18 km range Fletcher.

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My suspicion here is that the maximum range of some guns may be hard capped at or near what the real-world weapons they're based on were capable of. For the USN 5"/38, that was... 16km, but various environmental factors could affect a long-range shot (and likely would, especially at maximum range, as this isn't a high-velocity gun we're talking about). OP cites 16.3 and 16.5km, which gives some wiggle room for RNG on top of the real-world limits of the gun. Pretty weird if that were a total coincidence.

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Why would you ever want such long range on Fletcher guns?

Its not really known for being that strong gun farmer so I would treat it like the Swedish DDs (Halland, Öster etc), build for as short gun range as possible so youre DD go dark as quick as possible after a knife fight with another DD to limit the amount of damage you take. 


Apparently it was about 7 years ago I last played Fletcher..... I think you can see in the video below when I got a puny Kraken while running into Flamu, how bad the arcs get at that range and how much you need to zoom out and lead to get shells on target (much worse than Marceau).





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Just now, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Why would you ever want such long range on Fletcher guns?

Its not really known for being that strong gun farmer so I would treat it like the Swedish DDs (Halland, Öster etc), build for as short gun range as possible so youre DD go dark as quick as possible after a knife fight with another DD to limit the amount of damage you take. 


Apparently it was about 7 years ago I last played Fletcher..... I think you can see in the video below when I got a puny Kraken while running into Flamu, how bad the arcs get at that range and how much you need to zoom out and lead to get shells on target (much worse than Marceau).

  Reveal hidden contents




OP seems to be a co op main, which makes this all the more strange honestly since most engagements there are at spitting range. However, it's his ship and if he wants to make it rain HE shells from 16 or 18km away in co op then full power to him. 

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Pretty sure the point of this thread is to discuss a potential bug.


  • A max range Fletcher w/ upgraded fire control should be 18km
  • A max range Fletcher w/ default fire control should be 16.4km

I don't have the ship myself, so I suggest switching the fire control and see what happens.

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Hi all,


12 hours ago, hocus4957 said:

I have my Fletcher's modules juiced up so that I'm supposed to have a main battery range of 18km and says so on the equipment page and the in port drop down menu for artillery. When I enter a game however, my main battery range for HE is 16.3km and for AP it's 16.5km. I have a ticket submitted for this but was wondering if any Fletcher owners could take a look at theirs for a similar issue?





Just go here and experiment with various builds:

WoWs Ship Builder



Leo "Apollo11"

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4 hours ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

My suspicion here is that the maximum range of some guns may be hard capped at or near what the real-world weapons they're based on were capable of.

There would be precedent to do so. This has always been the case for tier V BB New York, which was her maximum range hard capped to the historical ranges of her guns, in this case due to an ~15 degree maximum elevation. If one takes the fully upgraded ship into battle with APRM1 (slot 3 US BB-specific range mod) and pops the spotter plane, the range will only increase by about half a kilometer. It’s quite possible that Fletcher is another rare case where such a limit is hard-coded in as a reference to historical capabilities.

Due to the way WoWs compresses distance and plays with scale, most of the time this isn’t a factor at all. For example, for most BBs the in-game maximum range is actually much closer to what was considered their maximum effective range when in service.

Edited by Nevermore135
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2 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

BBs the in-game maximum range

"The greatest range at which one ship's guns have successfully hit another vessel is 24 km (15 miles), a feat that occurred twice during the second world war. On 8 June 1940 the German battleship Scharnhorst hit the British aircraft carrier Glorious at that range in the North Atlantic, while a month later on 9 July, during the battle of Calabria the British battleship HMS Warspite hit the Italian flagship Guilio Cesare at a similar distance." -- https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/longest-range-hit-by-a-ships-gun


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18 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

"The greatest range at which one ship's guns have successfully hit another vessel is 24 km (15 miles), a feat that occurred twice during the second world war. On 8 June 1940 the German battleship Scharnhorst hit the British aircraft carrier Glorious at that range in the North Atlantic, while a month later on 9 July, during the battle of Calabria the British battleship HMS Warspite hit the Italian flagship Guilio Cesare at a similar distance." -- https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/longest-range-hit-by-a-ships-gun


Just because a gun can fire a projectile out to a certain range in no way means one can expect any reasonable degree of accuracy at that range, especially against a moving target. Yamato’s guns were capable of lobbing shells well past 40km, but the in-game ~27km range is a much more accurate representation of realistic battle ranges.

While the skill of the crews certainly contributed to the hits you mentioned, there was a fantastic amount of luck involved as well.

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In the song "Sink the Bismark" it is said that "the Bismark started firing, fifteen miles away." This may be correct as the Hood opened fire at at 15 miles (24.2 km). However, when the Bismark sank the Hood it was from only 9 mi (14 km).

When the Bismark was sunk, Rodney and King George V started firing at 14 1/4 miles (23 km). Eventually, Rodney closed to only 1 2/3 miles (2.7 km).

This is a picture of Rodney firing on the burning Bismark (seen in the far distance).


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