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Improved repair party readiness


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How many BB players out there take this?  I don't think i have it on any ship or even tried using it.

I probably hit 2mill potential in less than half my battles and far fewer use all my repairs.

How do you all feel about this ability?

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18 minutes ago, WES_HoundDog said:

How many BB players out there take this?  I don't think i have it on any ship or even tried using it.

I probably hit 2mill potential in less than half my battles and far fewer use all my repairs.

How do you all feel about this ability?

To be honest .... I dont even know what it is..... is it a skill? Or a module...?

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13 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

To be honest .... I dont even know what it is..... is it a skill? Or a module...?

Commander skill

.8% faster repair party per every ships base hps in potential and extra charge at 2million.


If it basically turns your heal into a vermont heal thats pretty nice but does it really?  I mean without the extra healing per charge of course.

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Was wondering about this too, i consider using it on my Illinois when i respec the commander, taking Super Heavy AP wasn't a good choice, so i'm interested to hear what people think about it.

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I use it on some high-tier BBs, especially sniping ones, since they tend to live long and take a lot of potential damage, especially from their peers, compared to those that push in and tend to take more "efficient" types of damage, like torps or plane ordnance.

On some snipers, IRPR it makes sense in place of Emergency Repair Expert: the heals are smaller but reload faster and you often get the 5th one, too. Montana is one example. On others, I take both: Slava for instance only has 3 stock heals, so both skills are useful.

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The skill is to situational. The cooldown reduction is minimal until very late and reaching 2 million potential damage is something only a few high tiers BBs can achieve. Basics of Survivability is more reliable and will likely keep you alive for longer. 

may be if WG remove the cooldown part and  changed the condition to +1 heal every 20 times your ship health instead of +1 when reaching the 2 million potential damage so the condition would be +1 heal every 2.116.000 for a preussen and +1 heal every 1.384.000 for a bismark.

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4 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

How many BB players out there take this?  I don't think i have it on any ship or even tried using it.

I probably hit 2mill potential in less than half my battles and far fewer use all my repairs.

How do you all feel about this ability?

I take it on basically all my BBs now, unless it's really point intensive like Schlieffen or something along those lines. It's a great skill because lets be honest it's quite easy to survive and get up to that 2 million potential damage. It outclasses BOS by miles, that skill is barely worth it anymore I can't think of anything I'd spec BOS on. However with IRPR it lets you make more unique and better builds, an amazing skill that is 100% worth it.

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45 minutes ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

I take it on basically all my BBs now, unless it's really point intensive like Schlieffen or something along those lines. It's a great skill because lets be honest it's quite easy to survive and get up to that 2 million potential damage. It outclasses BOS by miles, that skill is barely worth it anymore I can't think of anything I'd spec BOS on. However with IRPR it lets you make more unique and better builds, an amazing skill that is 100% worth it.

what you are saying is you average 2 million potential damage in all your bbs including lower tiers?

Edited by pepe_trueno
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6 minutes ago, pepe_trueno said:

what you are saying is you average 2 million potential damage in all your bbs including lower tiers?

No I'm saying when the game goes on and I actually need one of those extra heals then I get up to that 2 million potential damage. 

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1 hour ago, pepe_trueno said:

The skill is to situational. The cooldown reduction is minimal until very late and reaching 2 million potential damage is something only a few high tiers BBs can achieve. Basics of Survivability is more reliable and will likely keep you alive for longer. 

may be if WG remove the cooldown part and  changed the condition to +1 heal every 20 times your ship health instead of +1 when reaching the 2 million potential damage so the condition would be +1 heal every 2.116.000 for a preussen and +1 heal every 1.384.000 for a bismark.

On average? Most BBs never run out of heals to begin with except BBs with quick repairs and I'd say only tiers IX and X can realistically achieve 2m potential(and only specific BBs at that). I agree on the latter part, having the heal be 10-15x your base health would probably better than a flat 2 million which is basically unachievable for low tiers.

It also depends the game mode, ranked will never see 2 million damage in bronze or silver really(or very rarely, most of the time you've either won or lost well before reaching that mark) and I'd say only Ops might see it occasionally.

Edited by MBT808
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2 hours ago, MBT808 said:

On average? Most BBs never run out of heals to begin with except BBs with quick repairs and I'd say only tiers IX and X can realistically achieve 2m potential(and only specific BBs at that). I agree on the latter part, having the heal be 10-15x your base health would probably better than a flat 2 million which is basically unachievable for low tiers.

It also depends the game mode, ranked will never see 2 million damage in bronze or silver really(or very rarely, most of the time you've either won or lost well before reaching that mark) and I'd say only Ops might see it occasionally.

A counter argument is that "base HP *15" would probably be more favorable to Conqueror and her like that should not be favored, and making a skill less "universal" helps countering the cookie-cutter-ness of optimal commander builds.

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A few, though I don't even remember which ones. Some have heavy ap, some have the aa skill and the usual suspects have sec skills. Probably have this on Kremlin and nothing else. Getting more heals off doesn't solve anything I need to solve. 

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14 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

Commander skill

.8% faster repair party per every ships base hps in potential and extra charge at 2million.


If it basically turns your heal into a vermont heal thats pretty nice but does it really?  I mean without the extra healing per charge of course.


Just checked and yes I do use this on most my BB builds and I think it is great. Followed pretty much the tips in the PQ video below. You get the same effect for 1 less skill cost.

So I taken away "Emergency Repair Expert" on all my T10 BB and taken "Improved Repair party Readiness" instead.

I play mostly Ohio, Thunderer, Conqueror, Schlieffen, St.Vincent when I play BBs

So this is pretty much mo go to build for atleast all of the above exept Schlieffen. Cheaper cost 1 + extra heal and 10% reload buff at the same time! 




Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:


Just checked and yes I do use this on most my BB builds and I think it is great. Followed pretty much the tips in the PQ video below. You get the same effect for 1 less skill cost.

So I taken away "Emergency Repair Expert" on all my T10 BB and taken "Improved Repair party Readiness" instead.

I play mostly Ohio, Thunderer, Conqueror, Schlieffen, St.Vincent when I play BBs

So this is pretty much mo go to build for atleast all of the above exept Schlieffen. Cheaper cost 1 + extra heal and 10% reload buff at the same time! 




You, on the other hand now have eight skill points used rather contradictorily:

Four points for “Furious” - reload reduction time for each instance of fire, but

Four points for the fire prevention skill, which not only reduces the total number of fires possible, but also eliminates the most likely possible location of a second (or subsequent) fire

And what you call “all at the same time” is more accurately characterized “if and while certain conditions are being met.”

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20 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

How many BB players out there take this?  I don't think i have it on any ship or even tried using it.

Same here.  Don't have it.  Never used it.

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What tiers in general, and what kind of BB's in particular are we talking about here? I don't have it specced, and one consideration is always that the points you allocate to any skill are points taken off others.

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3 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

You, on the other hand now have eight skill points used rather contradictorily:

Four points for “Furious” - reload reduction time for each instance of fire, but

Four points for the fire prevention skill, which not only reduces the total number of fires possible, but also eliminates the most likely possible location of a second (or subsequent) fire

And what you call “all at the same time” is more accurately characterized “if and while certain conditions are being met.”

But I dont want to burn down? I want to have ONE controlled fire on my ship, hopefully permanently during the game to get the buff and in that way I can counter it with these ships great heals (Zombie heals in case of Conq and Vincent).

I DONT want to burn in 4 places (Thunderer would die and the other 2 struggle). Im going for the "The skill is TWICE as effective for the first fire/flood compared to subsequent instances".

So I want pretty much one fire to burn forever for the reload buff but without really risking anything in exchange.

Not running Fire prevention skill on any T10 BB is usually considered a noob move, especially with all the 3-stackable Golden Lions and other fire spammers out there.

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47 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

But I dont want to burn down? I want to have ONE controlled fire on my ship, hopefully permanently during the game to get the buff and in that way I can counter it with these ships great heals (Zombie heals in case of Conq and Vincent).

I DONT want to burn in 4 places (Thunderer would die and the other 2 struggle). Im going for the "The skill is TWICE as effective for the first fire/flood compared to subsequent instances".

So I want pretty much one fire to burn forever for the reload buff but without really risking anything in exchange.

Not running Fire prevention skill on any T10 BB is usually considered a noob move, especially with all the 3-stackable Golden Lions and other fire spammers out there.

How do you get exactly one fire onboard to fulfill your curious desire to have a raging fire on your ship? We don't have something like a 'Careless Smoker' captain skill. I usually can farm up to 3 fires easily, even four, I might be limited to one or two if the enemy ship stops firing at me for some reason. Can't imagine why they should, though, and typically, neither can they.

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For most ships, you're actually trading short term survivability in exchange for long term survivability.

I did some math on it a while ago, but the basic idea is:

  • auto-take it for superheals
  • maybe take it for improved heals
  • maybe not take it for standard heals

For superheals, just trade BoS for it because the heal is so strong, even a small CD reduction quickly compensates for fire/floods. There is only gain here.

For other heals, it takes significantly longer for the CD reduction to make up for it, costing short term survivability.

Ask yourself: How often do you run out of heals and needed more, while the match wasn't already decided?

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

How do you get exactly one fire onboard to fulfill your curious desire to have a raging fire on your ship? We don't have something like a 'Careless Smoker' captain skill. I usually can farm up to 3 fires easily, even four, I might be limited to one or two if the enemy ship stops firing at me for some reason. Can't imagine why they should, though, and typically, neither can they.

With proper positioning and DCP use, I rarely find myself in a situation where I have more than one fire burning (with FPE). In fact, conventional wisdom is to let a single fire burn due to the risk of getting multiple fires stacked immediately afterwards. Add to this the fact that Furious offers diminishing returns for each additional fire after the first, and I can understand his reasoning.

Granted, I personally wouldn’t run Furious on any battleship without a super heal (which are also the ships that deal with multiple fires better because you just need to live long enough to print a new ship).

Edited by Nevermore135
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6 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

With proper positioning and DCP use, I rarely find myself in a situation where I have more than one fire burning (with FPE). In fact, conventional wisdom is to let a single fire burn due to the risk of getting multiple fires stacked immediately afterwards. Add to this the fact that Furious offers diminishing returns for each additional fire after the first, and I can understand his reasoning.

Granted, I personally wouldn’t run Furious on any battleship without a super heal (which are also the ships that deal with multiple fires better because you just need to live long enough to print a new ship).

I gathered from the earlier posts that the IRPR is worth it on those BB's with superheal, so not so much with others. The conditions where you only get one fire going, when you mention position do you mean distance to the potential HE spammers? What I've noticed is that the closer they are, the higher the probability of having three fires going on. Three or four fires burns HP's at an alarming rate.

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20 hours ago, pepe_trueno said:

The skill is to situational. The cooldown reduction is minimal until very late and reaching 2 million potential damage is something only a few high tiers BBs can achieve. Basics of Survivability is more reliable and will likely keep you alive for longer. 

may be if WG remove the cooldown part and  changed the condition to +1 heal every 20 times your ship health instead of +1 when reaching the 2 million potential damage so the condition would be +1 heal every 2.116.000 for a preussen and +1 heal every 1.384.000 for a bismark.

Then I'd imagine you'd be very surprised that I can on occasion hit two million potential with tier 7 and 8 cruisers. And that I've got a record game in the Gneisenau of 2,965,283 potential damage also at tier 7. Granted one won't get that every game, but to say its something that only a few very high tier battleships can achieve is also not true.

I'll agree that at T6 and below many would find it hard to benefit from the extra heal portion of the skill. But that is more a matter of base health and armor schemes not being as good. Because this skill is quite good for the likes of Sinop. And really any of the battleships with particularly good icebreakers and/or turtleback can consider taking it.

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4 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

But I dont want to burn down? I want to have ONE controlled fire on my ship, hopefully permanently during the game to get the buff and in that way I can counter it with these ships great heals (Zombie heals in case of Conq and Vincent).

I DONT want to burn in 4 places (Thunderer would die and the other 2 struggle). Im going for the "The skill is TWICE as effective for the first fire/flood compared to subsequent instances".

So I want pretty much one fire to burn forever for the reload buff but without really risking anything in exchange.

Not running Fire prevention skill on any T10 BB is usually considered a noob move, especially with all the 3-stackable Golden Lions and other fire spammers out there.

👆 All of this.

Furious and Fire Prevention combo makes perfect sense, because you only want ONE fire, that's actually controllable. Fire Prevention actually helps you in that regard because you have only 3 burn areas. More often than not, you're only catching ONE fire with FP on, which is what you need. Without FP, you'll catch fire too much, in too many places, often. You won't be able to survive that for long.

As for IRPR, I'm not entirely sure I'm sold on it. It's definitely useful if you're taking a lot of potential damage (I don't always hit close to 2 million potential damage in a ship like California, for instance) AND you have standard 80s heal cooldown. Not so useful on ships that already have quick heals. I can definitely see the use of it on superheal ships though, ANYTHING to get those crazy heals faster...

That said, it's worked out pretty darn well on my Musashi....so I'll test it more and see how it works out.

Edited by Sailor_Moon
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