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Did the Naval Battle clan requirements increase?


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70,200 BXP now required for the clan to get into the naval battles... I thought it was somewhere around 65-68K.

My senior moment?  Are they once again beating the PvE clans to try to make us cross the distasteful line?  My "mostly sleeping" clan is unlikely to qualify even with a slight increase in this thing...  Trying to build out our base the rest of the way, but it's tough with declining participation numbers, especially on the PvP side.

Just curious.

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The bxp required for my clan is 45900. My clan's ranking is on the last stand list. Yours on last stand too, and mine one has higher ranking than you.


Maybe not the ranking, but amount of players inside the clan changes the value.

Edited by a252
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Interesting… good reason to purge the roster regularly…

Thanks for the tip!

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Mine is now down to 18,600 base xp - 6 members remain on the books. Only 3 have played a game in the last 50 days.

The requirements scale with the number of members. Inactive members are a serious impediment to qualifying for naval battles.

I used to operate on the basis of never excluding anyone. But reducing participation made it impossible to qualify. So I changed my participation requirements to inactivity of 70 days may result in exclusion. I use the total oil contribution (from opening crates) to determine how much leeway I give after 70 days. The last person I excluded had over 17,000 oil to his name, so I only excluded him after being inactive for 270 days.

The highest member number I reached was 32, it's been a steady decline since then. The player turnover for this game is around 80%.

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8 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

So I changed my participation requirements to inactivity of 70 days may result in exclusion. I use the total oil contribution (from opening crates) to determine how much leeway I give after 70 days. The last person I excluded had over 17,000 oil to his name, so I only excluded him after being inactive for 270 days.

I have over 100,000 oil to my name. 

We're a casual clan, of which I am 2IC. I purge people who are gone for over a year. The exception is for a guy I recruited who died while booting up to play WOWS. His absence from the game is beyond his control, and so long as I have anything to do with it, he will stay on the books forever. 

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9 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

The requirements scale with the number of members.

This.  ^^^^

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57 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I have over 100,000 oil to my name. 

We're a casual clan, of which I am 2IC. I purge people who are gone for over a year. The exception is for a guy I recruited who died while booting up to play WOWS. His absence from the game is beyond his control, and so long as I have anything to do with it, he will stay on the books forever. 

In my NA clan, of which I am the Commander, yes, many players quit the game so numbers are down. Like Cthulhu here, I will cull those who haven't played for over a year or so except for one guy (a Dep Cmdr) who has not played for some years but he, single handedly, built the clan oil earnings so he stays on the books :).

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4 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I have over 100,000 oil to my name. 

We're a casual clan, of which I am 2IC. I purge people who are gone for over a year. The exception is for a guy I recruited who died while booting up to play WOWS. His absence from the game is beyond his control, and so long as I have anything to do with it, he will stay on the books forever. 

I like your "eternal patrol" policy 🙂

13 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Mine is now down to 18,600 base xp - 6 members remain on the books. Only 3 have played a game in the last 50 days.

The requirements scale with the number of members. Inactive members are a serious impediment to qualifying for naval battles.

I used to operate on the basis of never excluding anyone. But reducing participation made it impossible to qualify. So I changed my participation requirements to inactivity of 70 days may result in exclusion. I use the total oil contribution (from opening crates) to determine how much leeway I give after 70 days. The last person I excluded had over 17,000 oil to his name, so I only excluded him after being inactive for 270 days.

The highest member number I reached was 32, it's been a steady decline since then. The player turnover for this game is around 80%.

Well, we made it for the week, but I'll keep an eye on the activity of the membership.  I'm a Deputy Commander to our mostly away Commander, so I don't get to set policy independently, but I can see a few folks (3) that haven't been on since they joined about 40 days ago. 

All of the Deputy Commanders (3) are > 50K oil producers (I'm just over 68K, so nowhere near EC's 100K).  I personally use 10K as my bar for a clansman's first promotion from midshipman.

Best regards!

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8 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I have over 100,000 oil to my name. 

We're a casual clan, of which I am 2IC. I purge people who are gone for over a year. The exception is for a guy I recruited who died while booting up to play WOWS. His absence from the game is beyond his control, and so long as I have anything to do with it, he will stay on the books forever. 

a nice tribute  @Ensign Cthulhu

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11 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I have over 100,000 oil to my name. 

We're a casual clan, of which I am 2IC. I purge people who are gone for over a year. The exception is for a guy I recruited who died while booting up to play WOWS. His absence from the game is beyond his control, and so long as I have anything to do with it, he will stay on the books forever. 

It's great when you have enough active players to carry the qualifications. I have over 100k oil myself, and another 39k on my alt account. The next highest is my son with 17k - he too hardly plays and is a perpetual member. I had to cull because even grinding 40k base xp on both my accounts wasn't enough. I really wanted to be a no cull, no boot clan. But reality has a way of intervening. A small clan HAS to compete in NB in order to build the base. I created the alt specifically to grind oil. And I did grind out fully the dailies on both accounts for a year and a half before burning out. 

It's a long slow slog, I have 51k stockpiled and working toward finishing the coal building (100k), then will be the 3rd upgrade for the steel building (120k) and then, after that I can start grinding for the RB and * tier buildings.

Edited by UnderTheRadarAgain
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