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Links to Videos for World of Warships beginners


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This list of videos on YouTube form the basis of what I recommend to beginning players as a place to start when learning the game. I will group these links by basic fundamentals and ship types. Most of these videos were released by Ichase , but in this collection you will also find videos from Notser, NoZoupForYou, Normal Guy of the North, and Yuro. Sadly, Ichase's video on captain skills has become horribly dated, as well as his thoughts on captains skills for all classes.

Part 1: Game Basics (Ichase)

   Mindset - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kssY4T-u-n0&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp

   Settings - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly3adT5BeVw&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=2

   Free 2 Play - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDgwH2w-k7U&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=3

   Aiming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNcG9Pu9Y40&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=4

   Autobounce and Overmatch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeepzMO23sk&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=5v

   Armor and Angling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gANc9-ohVFs&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=6

   Shell Selection - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgW8fEQRsGQ&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=7

   Modules - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT46j0i8jRc&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=9

   Modules part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwjjkVtBTAE&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=10

   Basic Positioning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKhopOAxIu4&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=13

   Lemming Trains are bad - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNj2cO6IfVo

Part 2: How to play BB (Ichase)

   BB Positioning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYZl9k-yi34&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=14

   Secondary BB - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB_gwEaB3so&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=20

   BB Battle Flow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buL-PZy3z_g&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=21

Part 3: How to play CA/CL (Ichase)

   Cruiser part 1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYoAP9nhFjg&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=17&t=0s

   Cruiser part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfnJnWFmwjQ&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=18&t=163s 

Part 4: How to play DD (Ichase, Notser, & NoZoupForYou)

   DD Positioning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZNAu2jITm4&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=18

   Dealing with radar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKGK9h7iBUA

   Dealing with CV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAmPkGqGRXU

Part 5: How to play CV (Ichase)

   CV Fundamentals - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14G72bhbEY4&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=8

   CV Positioning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjmVZ6MqGYM&list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp&index=19

Part 6: How to play Submarines (Normal Guy of the North & Yuro)

   How not to die - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsYHD7vJ-Zo

   Complete Guide to Submarine - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvF_4wga0sg


Edited by _KlRlTO_
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This is just a reminder that there is an entire growing section here on DevStrike! - @iChase actually has his own section.  These were added with his permission and blessing some time ago.  

@_KlRlTO_ @Wolfswetpaws (A reminder to all - DevStrike! offers a lot more than just "General Discussion".  The reference section carried over some guides from the old forum and continues to grow daily with new material).

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I should also add, if you see new material let me or someone on the staff know.  We are more than willing to add it and despite having a link to the written text or a video, we always contact the creator prior to posting as a courtesy.  We also make a real attempt to sort videos by creator or by topic.

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 @HogHammer is that your way of saying you'll be moving this topic to within one of the reference section categories?

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40 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

@HogHammer is that your way of saying you'll be moving this topic to within one of the reference section categories?

Probably not at this time.  I think it provides a good reminder here on the forum that we are more than just "discussion" at DevStrike! but also a learning tool.

I'll review the links provided (many are duplicates) and review/add the links we don't currently have for inclusion.  Also, as mentioned, I do like to get the blessing from the original creator prior to posting these links.  At times, they provide some valuable additional input.

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