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Weekend Spree - 23-25 February 2024

Ensign Cthulhu

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Got my grind targets for the weekend done. One day away - two at most - from collecting the ten free premium event crates.

Discovered that my current high-priority grind captain is NOT the current highest ranker! There's another who's almost a quarter million CXP closer to 21. However, I'm probably sticking with this one because he's the one who's in a ship I'm currently grinding. I'll make a decision when that grind is done and they are closer to being neck-and-neck.

Finished reading Wilson's War (see my previous Weekend Spree for a brief description). It's significantly changed my perspective on the subject of the study. Have now picked up Brian Hall's Communications and British Operations on the Western Front 1914-1918. Like Wilson's War, this is essentially the author's PhD thesis published as a book, so it's a dry, scholarly read rather than a coffee-table page turner, but it's still interesting to someone like me, who's interested in digging ever deeper into what went on behind the scenes in that war and why things turned out the way they did.

The introduction almost has me preening, actually, since many of the works he quotes are ones I already own and have read (and will probably demand a re-reading in the near future). A similar thing happened with Wilson's War.


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Really, Operations and a few COOP matches.  Like you, I will have those same premium event crates today.  Read John Ringo's Black Tide Rising series these past few days.  A very interesting series about the end of the world with Zombies.  Most of the story is at sea though......  And, I like his work (and, he's a para from the a little bit after the era I was at Fort Bragg....)

Other than that, not very much other than normal life stuff.

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I didn't get too many battles in over most of the weekend, but I did have fun with Airship Escort last evening with clanmates, including @Justin_Simpleton.  Just to change things up, we ran with several divisions of just German secondary builds (when it works, it is hilarious), tried all Napoli cruisers (that was a bust), and other times created torp soup for the red team.  Great game mode just to have fun and relax with friends.

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Sick and unable to eat for 48 hours from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon.

After eating a bit on Sunday, was able to marshal enough energy to play one battle per hour for five battles. Went three for five. The clan actually got into Naval Battles this week. Our lead looked insurmountable; haven’t yet checked to see if we won.

After my one meal in 72 hours, I thought I felt well enough to go to work this morning, but getting showered and dressed used up all the energy I had.

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Played on the live server and the public test server.  The Piemonte (Italian Supership) was interesting as an alternative to the Conde'.

Sailed in Brawls battles with my submarines. 
Had a few games that were victories, but the majority were defeats.  The one really good game, I posted about elsewhere.

Played some Star Trek Online, too.
Just a Task Force Operation battle and a patrol battle for space combat.  Much of my time was spent administratively.
I welcomed some new Duty Officers to my ship's crew roster and sent some others back to where they could find jobs on other ships or whatever.
I also used the Admiralty system to sent portions of my Fleet to perform various missions, and the Duty Officer system to have various tasks attempted/performed by members of my ship's crew.
I'm approaching the 100,000 refined dilithium threshold in my inventory.  Which is a nice feeling. 
I'll probably get a ship with it. 
There are a few I've had my eye on, but there's no rush.  I could also simply continue saving-up for a bigger/better ship in the 150,000 dilithium price-range.

Posted in various forum topics.  

Watched some anime' on the gogoanime website (which changed its domain, again  🙂 )

As weekend go, this one wasn't bad.

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Weekend Spree? Aren't these the Naval Battles? Anyway, for me in EU (GOM clan) we had a close one vs another EU clan - something like 84 - 79 stars. In NA (1IF clan) it was 17 - 0 stars vs a non-participatory Asia clan. I played, perhaps, 20-24 battles all weekend.

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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

Weekend Spree?

Weekend Spree was started by a chap named Reymu over on the old forums and was basically what it is here, a place for people to say what they'd got up to in WOWS (and sometimes out of it) over the weekend. At some point, he stopped doing it and I asked him if I could take it over. He agreed, so here we all are now. 

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