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Flambass about no full line - ups and the falsification of battle results by the inflated use of RNG.


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Very interesting YT - video made by Flambass, where he is critically questioning WG's use of RNG in WoW and the low numers of players in randoms on a sunday. "Everyone in church" ...


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25 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

Very interesting YT - video made by Flambass, where he is critically questioning WG's use of RNG in WoW and the low numers of players in randoms on a sunday. "Everyone in church" ...


Is that the same Flambass that called out for "less free stuff" while gorging himself on "CC presents" and lametning how people "get 2 fast to hight tiers" while sealclubbing in the low/mid tiers? Yes? Well then yaaaawn....

Edited by Yedwy
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11 minutes ago, Yedwy said:

Is that the same Flambass that called out for "less free stuff" while gorging himself on "CC presents" and lametning how people "get 2 fast to hight tiers" while sealclubbing in the low/mid tiers? Yes? Well then yaaaawn....

I don't know what you are talking about, but everyone has the right to improve both as human being and professionally. Even if Flambass made wrong decisions and statements in the past does that not reduce the seriousness of him nowadays.  

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True gamer still sleeps at 2pm on sunday beacouse he was gaming until morning on saturday

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I consider Flambass a very competitive person who has mastered this game and is now finding it hard to find a fair fight.  For him, all games are against bots.

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1 hour ago, Wulf_Ace said:

True gamer still sleeps at 2pm on sunday beacouse he was gaming until morning on saturday

Whatever, but his thoughts about inflated (and wrong) use of RNG has nothing to do with sleeping or gaming habits and is most central in his video. If you like all you see or accept ingame then it is your own business and point of view. I give credit to Flambass that he tries to be honest and criticizes obvious undesirable developments.

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1 hour ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

I consider Flambass a very competitive person who has mastered this game and is now finding it hard to find a fair fight.  For him, all games are against bots.

When I was taking marital arts, the captain who was our lead instructor could kick you three times and and put you on the mat before you could even blink, and we were all trained soldiers too. He said that he had a hard decision to make soon because to advance any more in martial arts would require him to resign his commission and pursue it full time. It's amazing when you see what a dedicated expert can do. Flambass streams games every day and has done it for years. He's about as much of an expert in this game as anyone is.

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2 hours ago, Yedwy said:

"get 2 fast to hight tiers"

Can you please use proper 'english' such as 'goes too fast to high tiers'. There are many players who do this (many of them should not be doing this, ofc).


2 hours ago, Yedwy said:

sealclubbing in the low/mid tiers

This has been going on since before WoWS officially launched (maybe in Alpha & very likely in Beta).

Nevertheless, seal clubbing is in WoWS & how can one remove it? In fact, it can be argued that the mid tiers (5 - 7) are the best to play. T2 - T4 are, also, fun to play.

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57 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

Nevertheless, seal clubbing is in WoWS & how can one remove it?

Stop counting win-rate at Tiers 1 to 4 once you're out of protected MM.

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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

Can you please use proper 'english' such as 'goes too fast to high tiers'. There are many players who do this (many of them should not be doing this, ofc).


This has been going on since before WoWS officially launched (maybe in Alpha & very likely in Beta).

Nevertheless, seal clubbing is in WoWS & how can one remove it? In fact, it can be argued that the mid tiers (5 - 7) are the best to play. T2 - T4 are, also, fun to play.

I'm getting to the point where I consider myself playing at tier 5 to be seal clubbing.

I still do it because I'm grinding lines down there...

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44 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I'm getting to the point where I consider myself playing at tier 5 to be seal clubbing.

I still do it because I'm grinding lines down there...

what lines are there to grind at level 5, you are over in a few games especially with economic boosters

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Just now, Wulf_Ace said:

what lines are there to grind at level 5, you are over in a few games especially with economic boosters

I'm completely free2play, with not a lot of time (maybe one game per day).

I still have a lot of lines at tier 5.







Pan-American CL


I only use grey boosters on tech tree grinds. Better boosters are saved for ships I like or need for special occasions...since I don't get as many boosters as those who can play more.

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6 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I'm completely free2play, with not a lot of time (maybe one game per day).

I still have a lot of lines at tier 5.







Pan-American CL


I only use grey boosters on tech tree grinds. Better boosters are saved for ships I like or need for special occasions...since I don't get as many boosters as those who can play more.

I'm sorry, but I don't think that Tier V and playing there has a lot to do with the topic of this thread. 

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4 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

I don't know what you are talking about

You know full well what he's talking about. What's the word for someone who says one thing and does another?

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16 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

You know full well what he's talking about. What's the word for someone who says one thing and does another?

A modern human........  Ethics went out the window in the 80's...

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5 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Very interesting YT - video made by Flambass, where he is critically questioning WG's use of RNG in WoW and the low numers of players in randoms on a sunday. "Everyone in church" ...

The Mature Game syndrome....  Most mature games that don't close, end up with frozen populations or get sold and revamped and then, realize the IP has been poisoned and the stalled population remains....  Clone of clones of everything.  Stomps in PVP in any mode.  Expert players farming in lower levels.  All and some of those <<<< are what you see when you go back and visit a game you loved......

This game is just about there IMO.   For many of us, we've retired from full time play and only play OPS or ASB's if offered.  Why>?  Because, there's nothing left to do for one; and, two, there's nothing more to experience or gain....! 

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30 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

You know full well what he's talking about. What's the word for someone who says one thing and does another?

A lying, dog-faced pony soldier?


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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Stop counting win-rate at Tiers 1 to 4 once you're out of protected MM.

I must be a noob because I didn't realize stats below tier 5 even counted towards your overall stats. Seems like I raised my 48% win rate above 50% the hard way, playing tier 10s. If I had only known... lol.

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2 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Whatever, but his thoughts about inflated (and wrong) use of RNG has nothing to do with sleeping or gaming habits and is most central in his video.

I haven't seen the video but RNG has always had a big impact in the game. RNG is a tool of normalization to somewhat diminish the impact of skill disparity, if you consider how teams are formed up, significant RNG is central to the design of the game. As the skill disparity increases within the playerbase (an unavoidable consequence of time) it would be logical to have even more  RNG normalization tools. 

Good, competitive players will always lament significant RNG "distortions", as they will have a more significant impact over them. It's like progressive taxes, the rich will always cry foul. 

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Stop counting win-rate at Tiers 1 to 4 once you're out of protected MM.

No. Why should win-rates and by logical extension, all these statistics we have on player performance be affected just because we want to stop seal clubbing? 

The cure to seal clubbing is to arm those seals with knowledge, something your beloved Wargaming has utterly failed to implement well because all they want to protect are their revenues and profits.

Moreover, seals are not limited to Tiers 1 to 4. Anyone with zero skill can literally buy a premium ship and play at the highest tiers. Also, anyone with thousands of battles in high tiers yet remain as clueless and useless as he was during day 1 of his career in World of Warships can be considered a seal, although of the 'old' variety. LOL




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14 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

As the skill disparity increases within the playerbase (an unavoidable consequence of time) it would be logical to have even more  RNG normalization tools. 

There is nothing normal about feeling cheated constantly on, and this doesn't apply for the creme de la creme players only ... It's as so often the "poor" that pay the bill. Making all efforts to squeeze away a really good salvo and only to get rewarded with ricochet, hits at the torpedo protection etc. time and time again is cheating on the player. Perhaps for several of you it's an elitist game only, but I can assure you that the main (poor) body of the player base gets even more affected. 

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15 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

I haven't seen the video but RNG has always had a big impact in the game. RNG is a tool of normalization to somewhat diminish the impact of skill disparity, if you consider how teams are formed up, significant RNG is central to the design of the game. As the skill disparity increases within the playerbase (an unavoidable consequence of time) it would be logical to have even more  RNG normalization tools. 

Good, competitive players will always lament significant RNG "distortions", as they will have a more significant impact over them. It's like progressive taxes, the rich will always cry foul. 

In Bold:  Spot on.  A major symptom right before the exodus period of many studied games.  They neuter the entire platform to increase throughput and the good players leave or lose their minds...

Underlined:  competitive players simply start using the least RNG affected tools....  That's why we see limitations in some modes of play...  Good players simply seek other exploits to make up what RNG takes....

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3 minutes ago, Asym said:

Underlined:  competitive players simply start using the least RNG affected tools....  That's why we see limitations in some modes of play...  Good players simply seek other exploits to make up what RNG takes....

Hence why I play CV when getting tilted. I am least affected by the casino normalization in that platform.

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1 minute ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Hence why I play CV when getting tilted. I am least affected by the casino normalization in that platform.

AH !!!!  The Dissimilar weapons exploit !!!  Well done !  Well done, I salute you Sir !  👍

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

What's the word for someone who says one thing and does another?


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