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Reworked CV & Flub free account


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I was almost reworked CV & Flub free before - I've made a complete break Feb 21, 2024 by selling my NA account T4 reworked CVs & my two T6 (Ger & US) Flubs. I didn't play either that much & I realized 'why should I even be slightly hypocritical by having even a vestigal number of these broken griefer classes'. On EU server, I haven't had either griefer class for some time.

No more garbage reworked CVs for me. Full disclosure: if War Failing ever brought RTS CVs back (the CVs that took some intelligence to play), I'd be playing them.

No more Flubs. What is the incoming changes to Subs but another non-admission by War Failing that Flubs remain an ongoing disaster.

If only a massive number of players would refuse to play reworked CVs & Flubs then, perhaps, War Failing would wake up & respond appropriately.

As far as I'm concerned (imo), the faster & more often all reworked CVs & Flubs are sunk in all battles the better.

Edited by Aethervox
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RTS CV were 10x times broken then they are now.

Only thing and only thing that anoyes.me is the CV spotting, beacouse you everybody can see you as long as CV wants and its impossible to counter. I really dont care about the damage, can he do dmg, yes, but so do overpowered BBs with overpens.

Crying about CVs is like antilope is crying about how fast is the gepard and its not fair its faster then her. Guess what , gepards cant catch antilops all the times.

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The independence is the first cv in my line up, and its only there because WG won't let me sell it yet. It has not ,and will never be played. I've never had a sub. 

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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

I was almost reworked CV & Flub free before - I've made a complete break Feb 21, 2024 by selling my NA account T4 reworked CVs & my two T6 (Ger & US) Flubs. I didn't play either that much & I realized 'why should I even be slightly hypocritical by having even a vestigal number of these broken griefer classes'. On EU server, I haven't had either griefer class for some time.

No more garbage reworked CVs for me. Full disclosure: if War Failing ever brought RTS CVs back (the CVs that took some intelligence to play), I'd be playing them.

No more Flubs. What is the incoming changes to Subs but another non-admission by War Failing that Flubs remain an ongoing disaster.

If only a massive number of players would refuse to play reworked CVs & Flubs then, perhaps, War Failing would wake up & respond appropriately.

As far as I'm concerned (imo), the faster & more often all reworked CVs & Flubs are sunk in all battles the better.

You still have battleships, destroyers, and cruisers?


Those are griefer ships too...

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Darn... here I was thinking you were starting a new reroll F2P account just to play CVs and Subs... 

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2 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

RTS CV were 10x times broken then they are now.

That's not what El2aZer says in EU - he says reworked CVs are actually worse for the game. Contact & ask him if you don't believe what I claim here.

Ofc, endless planes are 'realistic' as opposed to limited planes with RTS CVs. Ofc, the whole older AA regime was worse than what WG has done to the new AA regime (lol). Ofc, reworked CV hulls armoured like BBs are realistic as opposed to the RTS CV paper thin hulls. Ofc, it's realistic for WG to 'protect' a worse version than the original type of CV. I'd say you are very biased in asserting RTS CVs were 10X worse than the present CV idiocy we are subjected to. Ofc, I would assert that RTS CVs were & are 10X better for the game than these reworked joke CVs that presently infest WoWS.

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44 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Darn... here I was thinking you were starting a new reroll F2P account just to play CVs and Subs... 

No, unlike many, I have principles I will adhere to. Plus, I have too many fun ships, developed captains & Ships to ever plan to start over with a F2P re-roll account.

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Just now, Aethervox said:

unlike many, I have principles I will adhere to.

I have principles too - I'll use whatever ships it takes to do the job most efficiently, rather than sacrifice a mission on the altar of my pride. 


7 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

That's not what El2aZer says

He can say what he likes, but it doesn't necessarily make him right.

Trust me, if the RTS era returned tomorrow, you would be screaming for nerfs even more than you are now.

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1 minute ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

if the RTS era returned tomorrow, you would be screaming for nerfs even more than you are now.

Incorrect, Cthulhu, I would gladly & happily play RTS CVs  - I never 'screamed' about RTS CVs - the MM & some of the players got my screams (on the WG forums).

PS: I bought the RTS Graf Zeppelin & played it always fully loaded out with torp planes & not once did I ever 'whine' like so many did on the various loadouts the GZ had when it began to be played. If you know how much I can 'whine' on Wedgie forums you'd see that not whining is extremely rare for me when it comes to what 'War Failing' does.

8 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

screaming for nerfs even more than you are now.

I have no clue what you are accusing me of here?  What am I screaming for? What nerfs? To what? I, simply, say I'd prefer RTS CVs, that's all. Plus, I announce that I won't play classes of ship that I think Wedgie has completely ruined. Any reworked CV or 'Flub' that I can sink will please me extremely well.

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