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Matchmaking - Clyde Plays - Background, Analysis and Possible Fixes


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Matchmaking often comes up in discussions as to the overall fairness to the player base, and it has even been suggested by some it may single out individual players.  Here @clydeplays takes a deep dive into the mechanics of matchmaking in World of Warships.  He explains how it currently works and makes some suggestions on how it could be improved.  It's a long video, but for those who are really unfamiliar with the basic concept of matchmaking, it is well worth viewing.

Here is the video link you can view here or on YouTube:

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 00:00 Intro 00:29 Video Outline 01:04 How the Matchmaker Works Today 03:46 The Complaints of the Player Base 04:57 Clyde's Beliefs: Never Give Up, Never Surrender! 05:59 "SBMM would increase queue times." - WG 06:40 The Questions to be Answered 07:08 The Experiment 07:53 List of Issues with the Dataset (for transparency) 11:11 Dataset Overview 12:13 Battle Performance Indicators 13:08 Which Indicator is best? 14:21 Battle Performance Indicator Results (Basic) 15:38 A More Elegant Way to Measure the Indicator Accuracy 16:25 Example Graph, Good Indicator 17:16 Example Graph, Bad Indicator 18:16 Battle Count in Ship Indicator (Detailed) 19:22 Account Battle Count Indicator (Detailed) 20:13 Win Rate in Ship Indicator (Detailed) 21:27 Account Win Rate Indicator (Detailed) 23:54 Average Base XP in Ship Indicator (Detailed) 24:36 Average Account XP (Detailed) 25:44 Cumulative Account Stat Charts 27:00 Three Problems with Matchmaking 28:36 Steamroll Charts 30:55 Why Players Don't Really Want SBMM 32:49 So - what do we do now? (My Proposal) 35:58 Why WG Won't Fix Anything 38:59 Final Thoughts

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As a solo player, I would rather improve and try to fix my play, instead of asking for the matchmaker to be fixed. 

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13 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

As a solo player, I would rather improve and try to fix my play, instead of asking for the matchmaker to be fixed. 

That seems like something we can agree upon.

Simultaneously, understanding how matchmaking works might assuage the feelings of people who get upset about the matchmaking?

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47 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Simultaneously, understanding how matchmaking works might assuage the feelings of people who get upset about the matchmaking?

Understanding is essential, but if we are talking about 'assuaging feelings of people who get upset' about matchmaking, then that would be an infinitely complex problem. There's no perfect matchmaking, to be honest. Ships might be 'perfectly matched' against each other, but then players have different levels of patience, mental focus, adaptability, situational awareness, motivations, etc. One AFK DD can instantly predispose his team to defeat.

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I'm not sure if this was covered in Clyde's video, but I've been thinking, what if Wargaming would depart from +/- 2 tier difference in matchmaking? That would be interesting. For Co-op, I hope WG brings back 2 humans + 7 bots. That was an amazing 'bug'. 

On a side note, I credit @clydeplays for helping me sustain my interest in World of Warships. Before he was a CC, we once faced each other in a Random Battle. He was playing the Paolo Emilio, I was playing the Minnesota. Neighbors Map, and I was slowly approaching the center when out of nowhere he appeared. His torps sunk my battleship, while my guns also sunk his destroyer. It was crazy fun.

Before that match, I was burned out from playing. I posted on my Twitter the results of that match, and how fun it was having a thick and slow battleship fight it out against the Paolo Emilio. I did not expect he would find my post and take his time to greet. It refreshed my perspective on the game, and I've been continuously playing whatever captures my interest in World of Warships.

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@clydeplays Thanks for taking the time to make a very informative and interesting video. Although it was long it was an easy to watch and understand video. You did a really good with the presentation.

I am open to any changes WG would try to make to help with the MM. I guess it's quite a complex issue and with no software or code writing knowledge I can really not fully understand. However I did like some of your ideas like the rebalance of teams after the ships were selected for each side.

 Although I now having a better understanding of how it works. I don't know how much it will help me Saturday night while I am getting steamrolled 7 out 10 games for loses. Then Sunday night steamrolling the other team for 7 out of 10 wins. 

Either way thanks again for the video really a nice job! 



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Another aspect of the matchmaking process is that it can only work with the players available.

Some of the "best possible" match-ups may not happen because the relevant players aren't logged-in at the moment in time when the matchmaker is examining the queue of players who are logged-in and have hit the "BATTLE" button.
Essentially, timing and luck-of-the-draw are factors in matchmaking.

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9 minutes ago, clammboy said:

@clydeplays Thanks for taking the time to make a very informative and interesting video. Although it was long it was an easy to watch and understand video. You did a really good with the presentation.

I am open to any changes WG would try to make to help with the MM. I guess it's quite a complex issue and with no software or code writing knowledge I can really not fully understand. However I did like some of your ideas like the rebalance of teams after the ships were selected for each side.

 Although I now having a better understanding of how it works. I don't know how much it will help me Saturday night while I am getting steamrolled 7 out 10 games for loses. Then Sunday night steamrolling the other team for 7 out of 10 wins. 

Either way thanks again for the video really a nice job! 

Well said.

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10 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

...what if Wargaming would depart from +/- 2 tier difference in matchmaking?

This is one idea I would love to see implemented into the game. 

However, I can see where this would be somewhat difficult, especially here on the NA server, due to the overall number of players at a given time of the day.  At higher tiers, this may be possible due to the overall popularity of higher-tier ships, but again, it has a lot to do with active players on the server.  I really have a hard time believing, even at peak NA server numbers, that such would be possible.  Lower tiers would struggle even more to find active players within a given time frame to queue up, which is necessary for battles.  I don't know how long this group would be willing to wait sitting in the queue.

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