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California buff, Veneto buff, Henri buff and many more! (Clickbait warning)


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I hate clickbait posts, yet this time something important has seemed to happen.

Currently I don't know whether or not lengthy contents about the Mir Korabli (the former WoWS CIS Realm) is welcomed or even acceptable here. Yet the information, suggesting a divergence, seems too important to ignore for me.


Note the latest Russian devblog entry. In short, some of the very controversial nerfs/balance decisions are going to be reversed or fixed: Kreml's AA & secondaries HP will be restored. Veneto will boast slightly better Sigma value than Roma/AL Littorio (from 1.7 to 1.85). Henri IV's acceleration characteristics will be reverted into regular cruiser pattern. Nebraska will receive deck plating and RoF buff. Hayate will receive TRB in an independent slot. Belfast 1943's main battery reload is reduced to 8.5 seconds. And California will have her main battery reload reduced from 34.2 to 31 seconds, also have her main battery traverse time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.

Yet with the current state of affairs regarding the devblogs of WG and Lesta, it's doubtful if these changes will be synchronized to WoWS NA/EU/ASIA or CN servers.

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2 minutes ago, Project45_Opytny said:

Hayate will receive TRB in an independent slot.

Oh man, I hope that makes it through here. 

Veneto needs a rate of fire buff as much as she needs her sigma increased. 

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Here's a translation for anyone who "ne gavarit pa rusku." Courtesy of google.


Increased survivability of air defense installations. Now it corresponds to the standard values for battleships.

The horizontal aiming angles of the stern main guns in both directions have been increased by 10 degrees.

The time for the engine to reach maximum power when moving forward has been reduced from 60 to 40 seconds, and when moving backward, from 40 to 20 seconds.

Main gun sigma parameter increased from 1.7 to 1.85.

Ship deck armor and aircraft hangar flight deck armor increased from 32 to 38 mm;
Main gun reload time reduced from 30 to 28 seconds.

The "Torpedo Reload Speed Up" consumable has been moved to a separate slot.

Main battery turret rotation time by 180 degrees reduced from 18 to 12 seconds.

Main gun reload time reduced from 10 to 8.5 seconds.

Main gun reload time reduced from 34.2 to 31 sec;
Main battery turret rotation time by 180 degrees reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.

A quick looks shows some solid balance changes.

Edited by Aragathor
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FWIW isn't the CIS-WOWS and "rest-of-world"-WOWS two completly different games at this point in time? And thus catering to two different audiences?

One audience would like an action game that provides quick rewards, fast & dirty play and bears little to no resemblance with the real world? And another audience who sort of long after a naval simulator with would-be real world physics and ships? Take a wild guess at which it which….

I don't suspect that the changes made in Lesta-Land makes it to the rea....sorry - rest of the (gaming)world.

My two cents.

Edited by ZeuSueZ1337
Typos etc.
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The divide isn't really there. We are still getting the same models and ships. Only recently small changes were implemented.
Looking at the one's above, it would be massive dick move from WG, not to change the ships like RU.


Hayate, Belfast 43, and California, are all ships that are not popular at all.

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14 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

"(...)be massive dick move from WG(...)"

And they have never, ever done stuff like that before, right? A d*** move? I'm not holding my breath.

More likely they'll impose nerfs on almost every other ship, except the fantasy CCCP boats where the blueprints were found in the nightstand of a certain comrade, Да?! 

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18 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

Increased survivability of air defense installations. Now it corresponds to the standard values for battleships.



21 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

The horizontal aiming angles of the stern main guns in both directions have been increased by 10 degrees.



23 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

Main gun reload time reduced from 34.2 to 31 sec;
Main battery turret rotation time by 180 degrees reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.



24 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

The "Torpedo Reload Speed Up" consumable has been moved to a separate slot.



25 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

The time for the engine to reach maximum power when moving forward has been reduced from 60 to 40 seconds, and when moving backward, from 40 to 20 seconds.



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52 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

Main gun reload time reduced from 34.2 to 31 sec;
Main battery turret rotation time by 180 degrees reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.



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9 minutes ago, CaptainEleven said:



You and me brother, we are left hoping for sunshine on a rainy day.

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1 hour ago, Aragathor said:

The divide isn't really there. We are still getting the same models and ships. Only recently small changes were implemented.
Looking at the one's above, it would be massive dick move from WG, not to change the ships like RU.


Hayate, Belfast 43, and California, are all ships that are not popular at all.

Not popular because people can't find proper reason to pay resource/cash for them, let alone playing.

Everyone said Yueyang/Vermont etc. is bad in the past (and are mostly true), however they got the popularity they deserved after WG gave them buffs, who can be certain that the same won't happen again after these ships are buffed (if these buffs are also implemented here)? As far as I know people are longing for that Hayate buff for years and Lesta just gave players what they want in that devblog.

WG has done d*ck moves so many times, adding one doesn't matter for them anyway.🤣

Edited by New_Jersey_prpr
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this is the Russian server that released Soviet Subs last update?

It's a different game over there now.

Yes really. It's based on World of Warships, but changes/new stuff that happens there is stuff for their game.

We may get the same/similar changes - Russian Soviet subs are coming, but at a different time to the Russian version of the game.

It's already been pointed out that some ships in testing got different changes in the Russian game vs what we got (ASIA/EU/NA) and there was a flurry of tin foil hat theories why.

The easy answer is the Russian version of the game is going it's own way with stuff. 

Edited by Grantwhy
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1 hour ago, Project45_Opytny said:

And California will have her main battery reload reduced from 34.2 to 31 seconds, also have her main battery traverse time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.

I-I cannot think of a more accurate gif than this one:


I would move Heaven and Hell for this buff.

13 minutes ago, Grantwhy said:

We may get the same/similar changes - Russian Soviet subs are coming, but at a different time to the Russian version of the game.

To be fair, NA-related changes like buffs to California (USN battleship), I would think, would be more "global" than just Russia. I don't really think that Lesta's World of Ships would be the only one actually making a legitimately brilliant decision over Wargaming's WoWs. I really, sincerely want to believe that our devs are at least smart enough to realize that this change should have been implemented over 3 years ago. Just my two 356mm shells. 😛

Edited by Sailor_Moon
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22 minutes ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:


There are also arguments that claim judging from Vermont's ballistics become almost unworkable beyond medium range after the concept rework, the changes are in fact a sidegrade on maneuverability at the cost of gunnery.

22 minutes ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

WG has done d*ck moves so many times, adding one doesn't matter for them anyway.

One particular aspect of concern for Chinese players like me is that, it seems that the more capable planners, reasonable developers and benevolent (at least in a relative sense) management staff have ended up on the "other" side (Gascogne for coal, reasonable and/or welcomed balance adjustments, etc.) and reducing the "International" servers to something like WoWS CN Server in 2018~2019: a stagnant backwater with bleak prospect, run by a greedy mercantile agent (in this case, the rump of "Western" Wargaming) that cares only about potentially unsustainable money-making while does little regarding game development, balance adjustments and improvement. At least a number of Chinese players (including me) playing on "International" servers are "refugees" from that period yet now they are feeling being betrayed and stranded in a backwater with their hard-earned collection of in-game items again.

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1 hour ago, Aragathor said:

A quick looks shows some solid balance changes.

You have no idea how BADLY I wish I could know if these are REAL or not for us...


Guhhhh......I wish Wargaming CMs actually knew or could tell us these thiiiings....

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1 hour ago, Aragathor said:

Looking at the one's above, it would be massive dick move from WG, not to change the ships like RU.

It would be tantamount to a personal insult for me if they don't make it though, given how I have advocated for these very changes to California for over 3 years, and WARGAMING KNOWS THAT. I know they know it, because on many occasions, I have been told that the devs are aware of my concerns with the ship. I know they know I'm right about it too. Too much evidence supports those facts to be otherwise. so I'm REALLY hoping for this kind of balancing progress (which let's face it, Wargaming needs a positive push right now).

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29 minutes ago, Project45_Opytny said:

something like WoWS CN Server in 2018~2019

Maybe some of you have heard of that farce: due to some serious dispute between Wargaming and Kongzhong (Chinese publisher of Wargaming games then), the CN server suffered a lengthy delay of new updates between early 2018 and early 2020 when a new agreement is finally reached. The game stood still in Patch 0.7.2 for months before KZ staff managed to hack received data packs of Patch 0.7.3, then the CN Server stood still again in Patch 0.7.3 until around Summer 2020 when the agreement was enforced, and the remaining players grinded their afts off in events that got condensed in almost unimaginable manner (like the Soviet battleships and Soviet heavy cruisers were introduced in Early Access in one single patch to catch up with the other servers). During the delay there are a few spurious claims of potential agreements that will have updates resume, one of those caused me to venture out in anger and frustration and settled in WoWS ASIA.

At least many Chinese players are recently appalled by how "Western" WG's apparent paralysis regarding game balance adjustments contrasting with Lesta's announcement of the various tweaking of test ships (including brand new ones like Picardie and Kommissar) and the long-desired and warmly welcomed buffs to some ships that seems to be victims of previous heavy-handed balance changes.

The furthest I've made in CN are Admiral Hipper, Charles Martel, Ibuki, Nagato and King George V. By now I have a collection of c. 350+ ships, including rare ones and possibly 20 Tier X and superships.

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45 minutes ago, Project45_Opytny said:

the CN server suffered a lengthy delay of new updates between early 2018 and early 2020 when a new agreement is finally reached.

NA's most well-known noob-slaughtering CV player transferred to the CN server in that time frame explicitly because CN still had RTS carriers.

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If these changes aren't in the regular development blog don't get your hopes up too high about it, this is still WG after all.

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3 hours ago, Project45_Opytny said:

And California will have her main battery reload reduced from 34.2 to 31 seconds, also have her main battery traverse time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.



Now, where's Sailor Moon??


2 hours ago, Sailor_Moon said:

You too, huh?!



 Oh, there you are!!! 


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2 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

Now, where's Sailor Moon??

I'm here, yep!


Although I'm not celebrating YET. I gotta see the transfer to the WoWs devblog. HOPEFULLY it's soon, and hopefully it is as we see it on the WoS devblog....we'll see. But yes,  I am actively watching these developments regardless.

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50 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

And those are all actually nice changes.

Which means our chances of getting them are rather low.

I legitimately honestly hope you're wrong about our chances of getting them being low. But hey, ANY chance is better than no chance. Which was basically what it was for over 3 years. So I'm gonna watch and wait....

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52 minutes ago, Sailor_Moon said:

I legitimately honestly hope you're wrong about our chances of getting them being low. But hey, ANY chance is better than no chance. Which was basically what it was for over 3 years.

I do too, but the track record's definitely not in our favor.

52 minutes ago, Sailor_Moon said:

So I'm gonna watch and wait....

"For more random bundles and event crates? Sounds like a great idea! Oh, improvements to old ships? Uh... yeah, sure. We'll put that on the list too." -- WeeGee

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