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The Mighty Mo! The Mighty Missouri! The OG Cash Cow


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I just want to highlight one of my absolute favorite ships in the game with 2 games. I was fortunate enough tho get the old OG Missouri back in the day for 850 000 Free XP (which was insane amount back in the day) and 1 credit ....

Its been quite a love hate relationship at times where I had games where I couldn't get a cit on a broadsiding cruiser to save my life to the whole tinfoil hat/ninja nerf discussion from a couple of years ago when most thought WG has done some trickery with the ship, to recent games like the two below.

First one was quite hilarious. Started out a bit slow on the left flank of Two Brothers where me team just folded and died, and my team that had big advantage 6 Vs 2 on the right side was loosing the flank as well(?). So then I decided "Fugg it!", I gonna go up the middle channel and see what I can do because this game is lost anyways, ended up killing a cruiser, a sub and their Carrier and then I headed down the channel again and killed of 2 cruisers and a BB, ended the match with:

6 Kills (seconds away from the 7)

3100 Base XP

2 Solo Caps?!

192 K Damage

and ..... drumroll ..... 2,4 M Credits!


Then in a game an evening before I had gotten another Kraken which was also a kind of "Game of Throws" game where we were loosing hard and then came back strong in the end with the win decided in the last moments.

5 Kills

2700 Base XP

2 Caps

156 K Damage 

and ..... drumroll ..... 2,2 M Credits!

Also a 22 sec reload with the Halsey Confederate buffs in both games.


And last an oldie but goodie featured on Mighty Jingles with 267 K Damage.


So what are you're experiences playing the Mighty Mo and what is you highest record in credits earnings?


Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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  • OldSchoolGaming_Youtube changed the title to The Mighty Mo! The Mighty Missouri! The OG Cash Cow
2 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

850 000

Wasn't it 750,000? I remember it well because the Musashi was the same price and I got the Musashi for FXP at the last gasp (Missouri had already been pulled, and I had to miss out because I didn't have enough elite ship XP to convert even if I'd wanted to).

I pulled Missouri this Christmas on a lucky roll to end all lucky rolls. Because of when I obtained her and the fact that I'm a co-op main, a credit comparison would be inappropriate. However, as far as my experience with her is concerned, she is a sweet, sweet ship. Her only downside is the lack of a spotter (mostly for seeing over things), but she does have the base range to deal with anything she has to face. Not the longest, but more than adequate. The radar doesn't see much use, but occasionally an Italian bot or Yorktown will try to smoke up* and find that it does him no good, and it can be useful for rounding a corner in full knowledge of what is or isn't waiting on the other side of the hill.

I enjoyed my Iowa grind, but Missouri just feels all-around better in all respects. 



* Red bot Yorktowns will launch an aircraft to smoke themselves up if threatened. 

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11 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Wasn't it 750,000? I remember it well because the Musashi was the same price and I got the Musashi for FXP at the last gasp (Missouri had already been pulled, and I had to miss out because I didn't have enough elite ship XP to convert even if I'd wanted to).

I pulled Missouri this Christmas on a lucky roll to end all lucky rolls. Because of when I obtained her and the fact that I'm a co-op main, a credit comparison would be inappropriate. However, as far as my experience with her is concerned, she is a sweet, sweet ship. Her only downside is the lack of a spotter (mostly for seeing over things), but she does have the base range to deal with anything she has to face. Not the longest, but more than adequate. The radar doesn't see much use, but occasionally an Italian bot or Yorktown will try to smoke up* and find that it does him no good, and it can be useful for rounding a corner in full knowledge of what is or isn't waiting on the other side of the hill.

I enjoyed my Iowa grind, but Missouri just feels all-around better in all respects. 



* Red bot Yorktowns will launch an aircraft to smoke themselves up if threatened. 

It might been 750 000, just remember it was an insane number and one of my hardest grinds because I was on the clock (they already announced they were gonna pull it).

I feel like most actually still get surprised about the 9.5 km radar. DId Musashi also get a boosted Eco bonus (above T9 Premiums)?

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The rich get richer and the new player gets the rock.

WG being WG.

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38 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

DId Musashi also get a boosted Eco bonus (above T9 Premiums)?


37 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The rich get richer and the new player gets the rock.

WG being WG.

The amount of no-$ premium content is massively increased compared to when I began playing. When I started, it was Missouri and Nelson - 750K and 375K FXP. That was it. Coal wasn't a thing.  Now there are coal ships in one nation or another at almost every tier except 1, 2 and (for some reason) 8. 

The new player is infinitely better served in that respect than I was, and the tech tree progression has also been made more logical.

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The credit bonus is now a mere 40% (the same bonus as the green credit booster). Before the return, she earned more than that. I remember many quite mediocre games netting 1 million credits, when the same result in Iowa would make barely 500k. I'm sure the original credit bonus wasn't double, but it sure felt like it. I got mine in a santa crate in 2020.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Wasn't it 750,000?


Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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18 minutes ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

The credit bonus is now a mere 40% (the same bonus as the green credit booster). Before the return, she earned more than that. I remember many quite mediocre games netting 1 million credits, when the same result in Iowa would make barely 500k. I'm sure the original credit bonus wasn't double, but it sure felt like it. I got mine in a santa crate in 2020.

By turning it into a “bonus”, it’s inherent credit multiplier got excluded from being increased by the applied bonuses. (The days of stacked bonuses of the dragon flags are not to be lived again.)

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45 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:


The amount of no-$ premium content is massively increased compared to when I began playing. When I started, it was Missouri and Nelson - 750K and 375K FXP. That was it. Coal wasn't a thing.  Now there are coal ships in one nation or another at almost every tier except 1, 2 and (for some reason) 8. 

The new player is infinitely better served in that respect than I was, and the tech tree progression has also been made more logical.

I'd still swap back to the early years in a minute, if you'd ask me.

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10 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

By turning it into a “bonus”, it’s inherent credit multiplier got excluded from being increased by the applied bonuses. (The days of stacked bonuses of the dragon flags are not to be lived again.)

The earning potential for everything was much greater in those days. I remember earning 75K commander XP quite a few times. Made grinding 19 point captains easy. Since the rework I have seen 49K CXP just once with a red booster.

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29 minutes ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

The earning potential for everything was much greater in those days.

Yes. And the bigger the “basic earner” was, the bigger was the hit accomplished by the economic re-boning.

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1 hour ago, Utt_Bugglier said:


Oooo, that could be 'kinky'. Good term, tho, for a 'sarcastic' response to what Wedgie does, lol.

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27 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

Oooo, that could be 'kinky'. Good term, tho, for a 'sarcastic' response to what Wedgie does, lol.

Sarcasm, no - evoking disturbing imagery, yes!

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Hi all,

4 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Wasn't it 750,000? I remember it well because the Musashi was the same price and I got the Musashi for FXP at the last gasp (Missouri had already been pulled, and I had to miss out because I didn't have enough elite ship XP to convert even if I'd wanted to).

I pulled Missouri this Christmas on a lucky roll to end all lucky rolls. Because of when I obtained her and the fact that I'm a co-op main, a credit comparison would be inappropriate. However, as far as my experience with her is concerned, she is a sweet, sweet ship. Her only downside is the lack of a spotter (mostly for seeing over things), but she does have the base range to deal with anything she has to face. Not the longest, but more than adequate. The radar doesn't see much use, but occasionally an Italian bot or Yorktown will try to smoke up* and find that it does him no good, and it can be useful for rounding a corner in full knowledge of what is or isn't waiting on the other side of the hill.

I enjoyed my Iowa grind, but Missouri just feels all-around better in all respects. 

* Red bot Yorktowns will launch an aircraft to smoke themselves up if threatened. 

The Missouri was indeed 750.000 FreeXP... I remember it took me months and months to get her... 🙂

I got her on 03.06.2017


Leo "Apollo11"

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4 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

The credit bonus is now a mere 40% (the same bonus as the green credit booster). Before the return, she earned more than that. I remember many quite mediocre games netting 1 million credits, when the same result in Iowa would make barely 500k. I'm sure the original credit bonus wasn't double, but it sure felt like it. I got mine in a santa crate in 2020.


4 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

By turning it into a “bonus”, it’s inherent credit multiplier got excluded from being increased by the applied bonuses. (The days of stacked bonuses of the dragon flags are not to be lived again.)

Both correct. Although they nerfed the earning power, its still a printing press for credits. From the time before they fiddled with the earnings, it sticks in my head that I once got 3 million credits in what felt like a middling win. 

Edited by Pugilistic
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5 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

The earning potential for everything was much greater in those days. I remember earning 75K commander XP quite a few times. Made grinding 19 point captains easy. Since the rework I have seen 49K CXP just once with a red booster.


"Before the dark times.  Before the Puerto Rico." - old salt to new sailor after handing him his father's light cruiser.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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15 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

So what are you're experiences playing the Mighty Mo and what is you highest record in credits earnings?

The Missouri is not in my Port.
My highest earnings are a little over one million credits.  I was sailing the Hakuryu at the time, if my memory serves me. 
I had a lot of signal-flags hoisted, too.  (This was before the economic re-work split the bonuses from the flags and camouflages.)

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7 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:


"Before the dark times.  Before the Puerto Rico." - old salt to new sailor after handing him his father's light cruiser.



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13 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:
14 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Wasn't it 750,000?



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20 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

"Before the dark times.  Before the Puerto Rico."

"Before the Dark Times. Before the Dockyard" keeps the same syllables. 

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

"Before the Dark Times. Before the Dockyard" keeps the same syllables. 

And if you’re from Boston or Bar Harbor, you have more things rhyme!

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

"Before the Dark Times. Before the Dockyard" keeps the same syllables. 


"But Grandpa!  I was just playin' on your account an' got you that Daisen thingie, and it wasn't so bad to do wit all those ugly red 'boosters' dat used to be on your screen.  And them pretty blue ones.  I thin I left a few green ones for you!  Aren't you happy?"


I though making sure people knew -which- Dockyard was the dawn of all evil was important.




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