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Before posting, please review the general guidelines and format of your post - The requested format is to assist those seeking clans to join and for your recruitment effort:

Clan Name: (List your clan name here)    
Clan Tag: [List your clan tag here
Server: [List your representative server]  such as - North America (NA), Europe (EU), Asia (ASIA)
Clan Commander: [List Clan Commander] Optional 

After listing your clan in the above example, write a brief description of your clan, the type of potential players you are seeking or players that would be a good fit, battle types, requirements, etc.  If you have a clan logo, Discord link, or website, please feel free to include those as well.

There is no need to do frequent “bumps” to move the post to the top at the present time, but in the future, those abusing may receive a warning.

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The idea, then, is to have a static list of clans recruiting?  I like that idea as long as the post can be edited some time in the future to accommodate changes.

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Correct.  Much like the old forum with the ability to make necessary changes.

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10 hours ago, HogHammer said:

Correct.  Much like the old forum with the ability to make necessary changes.

There might be a problem with that. I have noticed that after either one edit or a certain amount of time that I can no longer edit previous posts. It may be a forum setting, and it may already be fixed. I just don't know until I test it again.

Edit: No time like the present. Also, it may be a unique issue to not being able to edit the first post in a thread. Will need more time to experiment. Meanwhile, I would like to be able to bump on occasion (not often). I like to use memes to do so.

Edited by _KlRlTO_
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11 hours ago, HogHammer said:

Correct.  Much like the old forum with the ability to make necessary changes.

Good example. I can no longer edit the post above

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Looking into the issue with edits.  Thanks!

The current EDIT limit for registered users is 180-minutes.  This was established in order to take some of the workload off moderators - at the present time. This may change in the future as we grow the forum and add additional moderators for different topics.

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On 9/1/2023 at 8:57 AM, HogHammer said:


The current EDIT limit for registered users is 180-minutes.   

does that mean our comments will be locked from edit once it has been posted for 3 hours?

Edited by Wan Teitoku
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Comments are not locked.  Just the ability to edit your original post - for the time being.

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14 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

Comments are not locked.  Just the ability to edit your original post - for the time being.

well, that's unfortunate

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You have 180 minutes to edit the original post - we are currently reviewing that time limit.


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As a somewhat afterthought... wouldn't it be a good idea if the Clan topic would give some indication about what sort of clan they are, casual, competitive, PvP, PvE... their main language can probably be deduced from the clan name.

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Probably the most important aspects are the Clan name and Server location at present time.  If you look at the clans that have posted already, all have done a good job in their description as to what you address - even posting Spanish/English in one case, battle types, use of comms, etc.

As time goes on, and perhaps to avoid confusion, we may have to revisit a more detailed format.  

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On 9/2/2023 at 4:01 PM, Wan Teitoku said:

does that mean our comments will be locked from edit once it has been posted for 3 hours

The time limit is currently 48 hours. I am checking up on the possibility of lifting time restrictions here. In the meantime, if you need your post updated, I would suggest adding the fully updated text as a reply to to the thread and asking a moderator to replace the post for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/10/2023 at 11:52 AM, I_cant_Swim_ said:

The time limit is currently 48 hours. I am checking up on the possibility of lifting time restrictions here. In the meantime, if you need your post updated, I would suggest adding the fully updated text as a reply to to the thread and asking a moderator to replace the post for you.

On the old forum, we didn't bother editing the original.  We added updates as new posts.  This had the additional benefit of bumping the thread.  Update time limit could be okay here.

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26 minutes ago, iDuckman said:

we didn't bother editing the original.

Good to know, mate. Thanks.

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/31/2023 at 7:03 AM, HogHammer said:

Before posting, please review the general guidelines and format of your post - The requested format is to assist those seeking clans to join and for your recruitment effort:

Clan Name: (List your clan name here)    
Clan Tag: [List your clan tag here
Server: [List your representative server]  such as - North America (NA), Europe (EU), Asia (ASIA)
Clan Commander: [List Clan Commander] Optional 

After listing your clan in the above example, write a brief description of your clan, the type of potential players you are seeking or players that would be a good fit, battle types, requirements, etc.  If you have a clan logo, Discord link, or website, please feel free to include those as well.

There is no need to do frequent “bumps” to move the post to the top at the present time, but in the future, those abusing may receive a warning.

And where do we post this information for recruitment please

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