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Finally, a ship I can annoy my teammates with 😂


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And it is none other than the Tier VIII IJN destroyer, Asashio.

  • Very stealthy she is, with 5.4 kilometer detection by sea. Perfect for sneaking into capture areas and spotting enemy ships. But she is slow, and has pathetic anti-air defense. 
  • She has torpedoes, but her torpedoes can only hit flat tops and lumbering battleships.
  • She has main guns, but any decent gunboat destroyer captain can rip apart Asashio's ass and blow her up all over the place, knowing full well the IJN DD's guns are slow firing, and her torpedoes cannot hurt destroyers and cruisers. 

So how do I play this ship?

  • I can't easily contest capture areas.
  • I can't reliably win a gun duel.
  • My anti-air defense is virtually non-existent.
  • And ships with radar is a death sentence waiting to pounce on my puny little Asashio...

This has already led to quite a few instances where my teammates, obviously frustrated at the lack of my Asashio's 'support', complained—about me. 😄


LOL! Hahaha! 🤣

As if I care about my win rate! 

Would my stats, hidden and hideous as they are, make any difference? Would my stats resurrect an already destroyed New Orleans? 😄



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4 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

So how do I play this ship?

Average (at best) player perspective, and pre-dating submarines:

  • Basically play her like any other IJN torp boat, only more so.
  • Abuse the bejayzus out of the vision mechanics (I assume you've already memorised everything's radar ranges).
  • Don't forget that your torps go underneath the ships they can't hit, and also that a lot of typical players don't seem to know (still!) that your torps can't hit their DD or cruiser! So? So they will sometimes do something dumb when your torps are in the water.
  • As with most IJN torp boats, your guns are a lot more useful than most give them credit for (at one point, I had more gun kills in my Asashios than I did torp ones); you may fire slowly, but your alpha is solid. Pick your spots though - as you allude to, a decent gunboat will still take you to the cleaners; wounded targets are a good place to start.
  • Herd BBs; decent BB drivers will know what you can do, and sometimes take some pains to be where you aren't - make use of this. Of course, the ones that don't know what you can do are lunch.

I imagine better (and more current) players will be able to add to this. I really don't have a handle on how submarines have impacted Asashio; I withdrew from Randoms when they were launched, and don't usually play my Asashios in other modes (unless a mission calls for it).

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56 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

This has already led to quite a few instances where my teammates, obviously frustrated at the lack of my Asashio's 'support', complained—about me. 😄


LOL! Hahaha! 🤣

Probably upset that you aren’t knife-fighting for caps and launching your torps at back line BBs vs. the much closer DDs and cruisers they threw their ship away against. :classic_laugh:

Edited by Nevermore135
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I misread the title, I thought it said 'Finally a ship I can enjoy with my teammates'... oh well....

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It's a solid destroyer, though picking fights with other triangles takes some practice. 

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I started playing the Asashio just very recently. One of the better things that this destroyer has taught me has been to be very methodical. I seldom play destroyers in PVP modes (I'm more of a cruiser and battleship player, and most often in Co-op and Operations), and with the Asashio, the usual checklist I have with most destroyers is made even longer, given how limited she can be and how her potential impact is absolutely at the mercy of match making.

This was a solo Random Battle with 2 CVs per side. Right then and there, I knew I have to play it really safe and conservative for possibly the entire match. The fact that the red team's destroyer can easily run circles around my torpedo boat, further made it difficult. And, best of all, there are only three (3) ships—2 of them the CVs—that my torpedoes can destroy. 


I went to the capture area near where I spawned to spot enemy ships. Unfortunately, I could not even venture into it since one of the enemy CVs smartly sent his planes to support their Le Fantasque who was leading the charge. There was a Myoko, as well as the Alabama, right behind the island near F8. As expected, I was easily spotted. I thought of using smoke, but I decided against using it; not yet while I can still run away. And the enemy Amalfi—SAP and all—was also in the same side of the map.

It was not going to be a fair fight. I have to abandon that side of the map or risk getting sunk early.


One by one the enemy picked our ships apart. Both of our New Orleans and our Renown succumbed to concentrated enemy fire. On my end, I was deciding how to best support the rest of the team. 224:462 and we are down to 2 CVs, 1 cruiser, me, and our submarine. Things were really not looking good, and we still have 11 minutes to go, plenty of time for us to stage a comeback, or for the enemy to sink our ships one by one.


I decided to go to the middle of the map. Somehow I was expecting the enemy team will try to execute a pincer movement; and I wanted to be near our CVs for support. Meanwhile, our submarine was hunting for the enemy Shokaku (who was still undetected) instead of taking on other targets. On my end, I still have zero damage done. Not one of my torpedoes I launched in the last 9 minutes hit their Alabama. The enemy battleship was playing it smart.

10:55 on the clock. Finally, one of my torpedoes scored a hit on the enemy battleship. However, it was not enough to sink the target. No joy.


08:12. The enemy Shokaku blasted our Irian. By this time, things were really looking up to be insurmountable.

  • Our Amagi, already sunk by the enemy DD, remarked "sh*t team once again". 
  • Our New Orleans player (the one who remarked about my hidden stats) typed on the All Team channel about how low our win rates are, and how this game was "already over as soon as it started."

Very inspiring words. LOL


But then something happened. The enemy Shokaku, the CV our submarine was hunting the entire the game, appeared on my sights. I launched my torpedoes and scored one hit.


The CV driver deftly dodged the rest of the torpedoes, but he was not able to escape from my Asashio's main guns. 


Scratch one flattop for our team!


I was on my way to start capturing B when a target was spotted. The enemy Independence went down next, this time courtesy of Asashio's torpedoes. That's it—two enemy aircraft carriers sunk! 


By this time, the three of us left were racing toward the capture areas. I went back to cautious mode, knowing full well how dangerous the Amalfi's SAP is. She can destroy my damaged destroyer quite easily, and then retreat under the cover of smoke, potentially dealing the death blow from which we can no longer recover.

Fortunately our CVs found the target, sunk it, and we won the battle.




Maybe my hidden stats not only annoyed our New Orleans player, but also the other team. 🤣

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Asashio is actually, IIRC, still my most played DD in WoWS. Sadly, though, about 99 percent of those battles are from the glory days of the World of Warships.

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The Asashio as I know it, 'The Assassin', has consistently given me several torpedoes while playing BBs.  I try to catch as many as possible.

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7 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

The Asashio as I know it, 'The Assassin', has consistently given me several torpedoes while playing BBs.  I try to catch as many as possible.

Waste not, want not, as they say.

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Of course, our host cloned this great ship several times to create an entire Premium line of the same ship.  I just got the tier IX Minegumo from a crate....

I wonder is there a tier 10 Asashio?

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7 minutes ago, Asym said:

wonder is there a tier 10 Asashio?

It’s called the Yueyang. 

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1 minute ago, Type_93 said:

It’s called the Yueyang. 

I wonder why they didn't clone an IJN variant?

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@Frostbow Asashio is pretty much just a meme boat. It can do some damage, but as far as positive battle impact, you’re better off in a Kagero.  If you just like the meme’ability of the ship, then carry on. The Fenyang is fun too if you have it. It’s an Akizuki with deep water torps. 

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5 minutes ago, Asym said:

I wonder why they didn't clone an IJN variant?

Prolly cuz the Asashio is a clone herself if Kagero. Torp boats take a lot of practice to be good at. Shima is still king when it come to sneaky stealthy destruction.  A well played Shima can carry match much better than most gunboat DDs can.  Even with 1hp left a torp boat is deadly. Low health gun boats have very little impact late in a match.  

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I hate Asashios, on my team or the enemy. My team because they are absolutely useless besides spotting. Enemy team because I'm usually in a BB and they hunt my ass down lol 

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4 minutes ago, mashed68 said:

I hate Asashios, on my team or the enemy. My team because they are absolutely useless besides spotting. Enemy team because I'm usually in a BB and they hunt my ass down lol 

Well, Asashio used to be really good, but it's essentially a one trick pony. IIRC, the other DWT DD's came later, and they have the definite advantage in being able to torpedo also cruisers.

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22 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

@Frostbow Asashio is pretty much just a meme boat. It can do some damage, but as far as positive battle impact, you’re better off in a Kagero.  If you just like the meme’ability of the ship, then carry on. The Fenyang is fun too if you have it. It’s an Akizuki with deep water torps. 

Thank you. I'll continue playing this ship for a few memes. In a way, I also kind of enjoy the challenge of achieving impact while having a limited tool kit. Maybe up to 20 battles, I'll see what I can do with the Asashio.

5 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Well, Asashio used to be really good, but it's essentially a one trick pony. IIRC, the other DWT DD's came later, and they have the definite advantage in being able to torpedo also cruisers.

I missed the party, so to speak. All that's left for me is this one trick pony. 😅

12 minutes ago, mashed68 said:

I hate Asashios, on my team or the enemy. My team because they are absolutely useless besides spotting. Enemy team because I'm usually in a BB and they hunt my ass down lol 

Oh yeah. To the point my team mate (whom I can't support because of reasons) won't stop berating me about my hidden stats. 🤣

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5 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Thank you. I'll continue playing this ship for a few memes. In a way, I also kind of enjoy the challenge of achieving impact while having a limited tool kit. Maybe up to 20 battles, I'll see what I can do with the Asashio.

I missed the party, so to speak. All that's left for me is this one trick pony. 😅

Oh yeah. To the point my team mate (whom I can't support because of reasons) won't stop berating me about my hidden stats. 🤣

Randoms should be okay, but if you take the Asashio into operations, as I tried, ..... actually, feel free to ignore this.

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7 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Thank you. I'll continue playing this ship for a few memes. In a way, I also kind of enjoy the challenge of achieving impact while having a limited tool kit. Maybe up to 20 battles, I'll see what I can do with the Asashio.

Just wait untill you dev strike some back row BB camper and they start raging about how your hacking or how they got shotgunned by a sub but there are no subs in the match. That’s when Asashio really shines!

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1 hour ago, Frostbow said:

I started playing the Asashio just very recently. One of the better things that this destroyer has taught me has been to be very methodical. I seldom play destroyers in PVP modes (I'm more of a cruiser and battleship player, and most often in Co-op and Operations), and with the Asashio, the usual checklist I have with most destroyers is made even longer, given how limited she can be and how her potential impact is absolutely at the mercy of match making.

This was a solo Random Battle with 2 CVs per side. Right then and there, I knew I have to play it really safe and conservative for possibly the entire match. The fact that the red team's destroyer can easily run circles around my torpedo boat, further made it difficult. And, best of all, there are only three (3) ships—2 of them the CVs—that my torpedoes can destroy. 


I went to the capture area near where I spawned to spot enemy ships. Unfortunately, I could not even venture into it since one of the enemy CVs smartly sent his planes to support their Le Fantasque who was leading the charge. There was a Myoko, as well as the Alabama, right behind the island near F8. As expected, I was easily spotted. I thought of using smoke, but I decided against using it; not yet while I can still run away. And the enemy Amalfi—SAP and all—was also in the same side of the map.

It was not going to be a fair fight. I have to abandon that side of the map or risk getting sunk early.


One by one the enemy picked our ships apart. Both of our New Orleans and our Renown succumbed to concentrated enemy fire. On my end, I was deciding how to best support the rest of the team. 224:462 and we are down to 2 CVs, 1 cruiser, me, and our submarine. Things were really not looking good, and we still have 11 minutes to go, plenty of time for us to stage a comeback, or for the enemy to sink our ships one by one.


I decided to go to the middle of the map. Somehow I was expecting the enemy team will try to execute a pincer movement; and I wanted to be near our CVs for support. Meanwhile, our submarine was hunting for the enemy Shokaku (who was still undetected) instead of taking on other targets. On my end, I still have zero damage done. Not one of my torpedoes I launched in the last 9 minutes hit their Alabama. The enemy battleship was playing it smart.

10:55 on the clock. Finally, one of my torpedoes scored a hit on the enemy battleship. However, it was not enough to sink the target. No joy.


08:12. The enemy Shokaku blasted our Irian. By this time, things were really looking up to be insurmountable.

  • Our Amagi, already sunk by the enemy DD, remarked "sh*t team once again". 
  • Our New Orleans player (the one who remarked about my hidden stats) typed on the All Team channel about how low our win rates are, and how this game was "already over as soon as it started."

Very inspiring words. LOL


But then something happened. The enemy Shokaku, the CV our submarine was hunting the entire the game, appeared on my sights. I launched my torpedoes and scored one hit.


The CV driver deftly dodged the rest of the torpedoes, but he was not able to escape from my Asashio's main guns. 


Scratch one flattop for our team!


I was on my way to start capturing B when a target was spotted. The enemy Independence went down next, this time courtesy of Asashio's torpedoes. That's it—two enemy aircraft carriers sunk! 


By this time, the three of us left were racing toward the capture areas. I went back to cautious mode, knowing full well how dangerous the Amalfi's SAP is. She can destroy my damaged destroyer quite easily, and then retreat under the cover of smoke, potentially dealing the death blow from which we can no longer recover.

Fortunately our CVs found the target, sunk it, and we won the battle.




Maybe my hidden stats not only annoyed our New Orleans player, but also the other team. 🤣

Well done @Frostbow, compliments 🫡

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8 hours ago, Frostbow said:

And it is none other than the Tier VIII IJN destroyer, Asashio.

  • Very stealthy she is, with 5.4 kilometer detection by sea. Perfect for sneaking into capture areas and spotting enemy ships. But she is slow, and has pathetic anti-air defense. 
  • She has torpedoes, but her torpedoes can only hit flat tops and lumbering battleships.
  • She has main guns, but any decent gunboat destroyer captain can rip apart Asashio's ass and blow her up all over the place, knowing full well the IJN DD's guns are slow firing, and her torpedoes cannot hurt destroyers and cruisers. 

So how do I play this ship?

  • I can't easily contest capture areas.
  • I can't reliably win a gun duel.
  • My anti-air defense is virtually non-existent.
  • And ships with radar is a death sentence waiting to pounce on my puny little Asashio...

This has already led to quite a few instances where my teammates, obviously frustrated at the lack of my Asashio's 'support', complained—about me. 😄


LOL! Hahaha! 🤣

As if I care about my win rate! 

Would my stats, hidden and hideous as they are, make any difference? Would my stats resurrect an already destroyed New Orleans? 😄





So how do I play this ship?

Q. I can't easily contest capture areas.
A. You cannot go out there in the first 10 minutes of the battle to capture any points.

Q. I can't reliably win a gun duel.
A. Yes and No. Taking on a full health gunboat Dd is not wise. However, a gunboat that is hidden or one shot-able that is a given. 

Q. My anti-air defense is virtually non-existent.
A. Well Duh'. AA is the worse. CV's will try to hunt you down by spotting. Run away and smoke if you can when they do spot you.

Q. And ships with radar is a death sentence waiting to pounce on my puny little Asashio...
A. You should never be in Radar range unless you have a plan with your division or team mate


My Asashio tips:

  • You are a slow DD. Don't get into things that you can run away from.
  • Stealth is your ally. The worse thing for you is to be seen. 
  • Spot when possible, however when detected run away. Spotting is tertiary in function
  • Don't shoot unless you can kill the enemy with one shot. Use best judgment.
  • Never go into the middle. Asashio is a flanker DD. You will die in the middle.
  • Torp according to the enemy. A good enemy will Zig-Zag. Lead your torpedo shots in predicable paths
  • Sometime use the close spread for the first shot and then a wide spread for the second shot. Or fire close spread with one forward halfway with the aimer and the second lagging halfway behind.
  • If you have a target that needs a reload shot for another two spreads wait 5 to 10 seconds to see if they do damage control on the flooding. If so then launch the reload banks. You want to get perma flooding(s).
  • Accept that you will miss sometimes with your torpedoes. Its OK.
  • One hit on the enemy ships is just as good as multiple hits. 
  • Teammates will not like your game play because you will do things that may not align yourself with an expected torpedo player. Play your ship.
  • Never attach submarines on your own. You are not an ASW DD.
  • Hide from planes and turn off your AA. It's worthless since your have a 2.5km range.

Below are my ship build and commander skills. It takes 100 seconds to reload my torpedo banks

Here are a few videos with me playing the Asashio






Edited by Tpaktop2_1 NA
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OP sounds like me thinking to myself after just free exp'n to the tier 6 pan-asian destroyer.

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LadyAnesjka... Now that's a name i haven't seen or heard in a long time. She was an NA forum member, the few interactions i had with her she was a cool gal, really chill.

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11 hours ago, Type_93 said:

@Frostbow Asashio is pretty much just a meme boat. It can do some damage, but as far as positive battle impact, you’re better off in a Kagero.  If you just like the meme’ability of the ship, then carry on. The Fenyang is fun too if you have it. It’s an Akizuki with deep water torps. 

If its not killing stuff, Asashio can be a detriment to the team since it is often not doing any of the other destroyer things. An exception is a purple guy who -I swear- runs a gunboat build and wrecks stuff. 

Edited by Pugilistic
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One of the strongest ships in the game imho. A tier 8 Premium that couldn't care less about getting into T10 games, devastates T10 BBs. Have the majority of my Krakens and 2 of my Solo Warriors in this ship.

Using RPF/RL I can most of the time control the encounters with enemy DDs and I usually contest caps where I reverse in azz first and then just continue reversing until I spot the enemy DD and force him out or to smoke up. This isn't viable in games with CVs, radars or Vampires.

Can devastate a flank by killing all their BBs. Can get random dev strikes on stationary CVs with 20 km torps.

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