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I should have Sicilia within half an hour or so any suggestions for her?


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Normal main battery build if you want the optimal option. The secondaries have improved range but lack the dispersion to really be worth building into. It has better AA (yay, such a big deal), a bit more AP dpm, and faster smoke cooldown, but Colombo/Sicilia still really isn’t a brawler. 

If you have Colombo, main battery Sicilia is kind of redundant, but the secondaries aren’t worth fully committing to like the German BCs. Or even Mass/Georgia/Ohio. 

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7 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

Normal main battery build if you want the optimal option. The secondaries have improved range but lack the dispersion to really be worth building into. It has better AA (yay, such a big deal), a bit more AP dpm, and faster smoke cooldown, but Colombo/Sicilia still really isn’t a brawler. 

If you have Colombo, main battery Sicilia is kind of redundant, but the secondaries aren’t worth fully committing to like the German BCs. Or even Mass/Georgia/Ohio. 

She may not be a brawler, but with SAP secondaries she will make any DD think twice about stalking her. The videos I’ve seen, she plays like a bigger Napoli.  

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3 hours ago, Yedwy said:

As title sais...

Sec build?




I have Sansonetti ofc

Normal captain and upgrades. Don't fall into the secondary noob trap.


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It's a premium: as long as Sansonetti isn't your only good Italian commander, you can experiment a bit with a different one.

I'd go full secondaries, frankly, at least tentatively. The "hitting DPM" (factoring in the dispersion) appears to be only barely below the Ohio's, but these shoot SAP, so they'll melt a lot of cruisers and French/British BBs. Granted, the firing angles are awful, but does it even matter if you can stay smoked up for a minute in front of the enemy?

The module in slot #6 also buffs the AA, which isn't as useless on this as it is on the Colombo, given the range is better (she has 127s, not 90s). Remember to run the smoke flag. Given the smoke lasts so long and you have 4 charges, not the usual 3, you might consider not running FP or CE.

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