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Grinding a new account


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I started a new player account on the EU server four days ago and I thought I'd share a few thoughts about a new player experience.

Unlike four and half years ago, I have a clue about online gaming.  This time around I know the consequences of my decisions and what WG is trying to get me to do.

It seems there two types of players that WoWs needs: whales and sharks.  They want players who will spend money to get a thrill and players who can give a good game and provide video content.  They seem to be wanting to capture the gamers by showing really exciting video clips with really excited people having lots of fun.  They don't seem to want to develop new gamers.

If you are a new gamer, the heavy metal, head banger music that is the background music for the tutorials will certainly discourage you from trying to learn from these videos. I can't imagine anyone finding that noise helpful while watching a tutorial.  I won't watch them.

The tutorial tips in my new account are very helpful.  It's a good improvement.  It is lacking any mention of what bots are and how to identify them.

I'm at level 14 in my progression grinding two nation lines, UK and USA and I have 23 battles left before reaching level 15 where I can access my inventory.  I'm still unclear why I'm being shown info about playing operations which require tier 6.  The issue of not enough vacant slots is already becoming apparent.

I have unlocked 3 tier 5 battleships and it won't be long before two cruisers and a DD will be unlocked at tier 5.  I'm trying to remain in protected play while building up credits to work on my communications such as in-game chat and battle cmds/requests. There's a few other details to work on that I zipped by last time.

My stats are looking ok so far.




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Is WG showering you with freebies by any chance?

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3 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

I started a new player account on the EU server four days ago

You, also, say you began WoWS 4.5 years ago?

I have just two WoWS accounts, one began in late Alpha testing (yes, I do have the Iwaki Alpha) on NA server & later transferred to EU. Just previous to the ability to transfer accounts between servers, I began an 'alt' account in EU. When the transfer option happened, I transferred both of these accounts to the other server. So, I'd say, I've seen all the shenanigans from WG in WoWS.

It is commendable, Justin_Simpleton, that you have decided to start a new account. Personally, I would not & I would, now, never give WG a penny for what they've done to both WoWS & WoT. 

Lastly, send 'Aethervoxx' a message in EU & I will div up with you there if we are on at the same time - the low to mid tiers are more enjoyable in several ways. Cheers.

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31 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

Lastly, send 'Aethervoxx' a message in EU & I will div up with you there if we are on at the same time - the low to mid tiers are more enjoyable in several ways. Cheers.

I will certainly try to make that happen.  

34 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

It is commendable, Justin_Simpleton, that you have decided to start a new account. Personally, I would not & I would, now, never give WG a penny for what they've done to both WoWS & WoT. 

 I'm starting a free to play account (FTP) and it is the second one I've begun.  My main account has NOT been free to play but I started another NA  ftp account and created a clan that requires eye to eyeball contact as a requirement to join.  The EU account will be ftp because, well....I'm broke.  There may be a time in the future when I think it worth money to put into this game.

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Ive seen some of Flambass videos when he grinds a new totally free to play account. I just wanna say, WG couldn't pay me enough to start a new free to pay account, cant even imagine the pain, would feel like really crappy work for me now, which makes me wonder how WG still can get a new influx of players to this game.

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Since it has been brought up, the whole starting a new account idea. I've thought about it but I've worked so hard on my account as it is. Plus I'm a third of the way to have enough coal for USS Black.

It might take me 6-12 months to get to 5o% so I figure I will not do it. Start a new account that is.


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7 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

If you are a new gamer, the heavy metal, head banger music that is the background music for the tutorials will certainly discourage you from trying to learn from these videos.

If the tutorials even existed back when I started playing, I paid them no attention. Jingles to start, then branching out into others. I wanted to watch people who played the game without the insider perspective that sometimes causes people to assume that everyone else knows what you do and doesn't have to be told - and more importantly, which requires them to be very careful about what they DO say lest it give away too much.

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10 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Is WG showering you with freebies by any chance?

A light sprinkle of 8 premium days and a tier 2 premium ship.  Of course, there's some eco bonuses and signals but nothing too generous. 

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@Justin_Simpleton, I opened a second account on EU too in September or October 2023. I go exactly the same way as you do and will fight 200 battles under protect modus in T 3 + 4 before moving on. Almost done with it though. You can always contact me under Katzbalger_1 if you would like to. Enjoy Europe! 😇 

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9 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

A light sprinkle of 8 premium days and a tier 2 premium ship.  Of course, there's some eco bonuses and signals but nothing too generous. 

And then the coupons will come for you...

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worst word I can see in a game is "grinding"

that is just a word for not enjoying the game,you are making it your work and not your fun time.

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43 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

worst word I can see in a game is "grinding"

that is just a word for not enjoying the game,you are making it your work and not your fun time.

I think you are right.  I'll refrain my use of that word.  It's little things like that which subtly affects player attitude.

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It truly isn't appropriate to say you are 'grinding'. In WoWS, the game grinds you.

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29 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

It truly isn't appropriate to say you are 'grinding'. In WoWS, the game grinds you.

I stoped playing World of warcraft after many years when the game become grindfest of work. Logging every day just to do daily tasks sucked the joy out of me.

Here I have every ship I need for competetive play and logging in just to pick ship I enjoy playing, and mostly I can do missions in ships I like to play.

We gamers have forgot to have fun , developers killed our joy

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1 hour ago, Wulf_Ace said:

worst word I can see in a game is "grinding"

that is just a word for not enjoying the game,you are making it your work and not your fun time.

I understand your point.
But, *somebody* coined the use of the word grind for this sort of gaming progress long before I got here.  🙂 

giphy.gif  giphy.gif 

giphy.gif giphy.gif 


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22 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

I'm at level 14 in my progression grinding two nation lines, UK and USA and I have 23 battles left before reaching level 15 where I can access my inventory.  I'm still unclear why I'm being shown info about playing operations which require tier 6.

Congratulations on the grind work you are putting in on a new account!  If you have not done it, it does open your eyes to a new player's perspective and does, in fact, make you wonder about the logic behind WG's decision on some of the levels. Many, to me, seem out of place because of the order of the progression.

On a recent new EU account, I was very surprised at the lack of players.  Many battles had anywhere from two to four real people in them distributed among green and red teams.  This was somewhat of a surprise since the "protected" player mode combines Asia, EU, and NA players.

I will add that there is too much "enticement" by WG to get players to abandon this really worthwhile mode of play and get them into higher tiers well before many are truly ready for it.  Staying in this mode does take a degree of discipline.  

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33 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

developers killed our joy

Only if you let them.

I'm quite capable of throwing down for a 150,000 XP day of mega grinding if there's something in it for me, but doing that every time I sit down to play would do me in. My grind goals for 2024 are simple, easily reached, and can be taken literally no more than a battle a day in the ships on the list. 

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3 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

Staying in this mode does take a degree of discipline.  

I think a lot of the problems surrounding low tiers could be avoided if they would stop counting for win rate. This would completely remove any incentive for stat-padders to come down, and might permit low tiers to be opened up for all the good things that Tiers 5 and up enjoy. Missions open to low tiers are few and far between, but they do occur from time to time. 

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I capped off today's grind with a terrific battle.


8 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

On a recent new EU account, I was very surprised at the lack of players.  Many battles had anywhere from two to four real people in them distributed among green and red teams.  This was somewhat of a surprise since the "protected" player mode combines Asia, EU, and NA players.

I'm seeing the same. But I began wondering about the specifics of this 'protected mode' when I was playing against two carriers that seemed to be a div.  They both came straight at my Pheonix right at the start.

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7 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

But I began wondering about the specifics of this 'protected mode' when I was playing against two carriers that seemed to be a div.  They both came straight at my Pheonix right at the start.

This is just a guess, but I do believe that there are, at times, individuals who grind accounts to sell.  I ran across this twice early on when it was VERY obvious that a two-man division was not anywhere near the level of "new player status."  In other cases, it could just be two experienced players setting up new accounts.  

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20 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

I will add that there is too much "enticement" by WG to get players to abandon this really worthwhile mode of play and get them into higher tiers well before many are truly ready for it.  Staying in this mode does take a degree of discipline.

On the money! I just remember when I started ca. 2 years ago. No idea about the real character of the game (mechanics, playstyles, overmatch, spotting ... endless etc.) I  had some few (!!) battles in T 1 - 4, and so I moved directly to T 8 randoms with my "Mainz" and later with my "Pommern" all up the ladder. No modules, didn't know about it actually, zero commander skills and so on. When I really started to take a serious approach my WR was ruined, but I made it up to 41% after a short period of time and then have been going up the ladder the hard but constant way. If I would have started as I should have done I would be at 48 - 51 % WR. I suppose that many players are unfortunately doing as I did.

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4 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

Justin_Simpleton, I tried to contact you, but didn't find your account. Do you have another account - name on the EU -server?

I wound up with the name Simpleton_J   

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Some here have talked about 'grinding' - that this is a negative. Au contraire. When WoWS began one had to 'grind' - one had to play to gain tiers & this is as it should be.

I recall having to spend time & some money to get to, say, the Bismarck & later the Yamato. There is the sense of accomplishment through 'grinding'.

I, especially, enjoyed grinding through the RTS CVs, to the Essex & the Taiho - those CVs were challenging to play (unlike the now, imo, barf reworked CVs).

The old 'grind your way up mode' of play has turned into the 'pay to advance up mode' of play which, I suppose, was inevitable to attract enough new players.

Still, one can 'grind' by having a dedicated FTP account. So, there is that. 

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32 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

Some here have talked about 'grinding' - that this is a negative. Au contraire. When WoWS began one had to 'grind' - one had to play to gain tiers & this is as it should be.

I recall having to spend time & some money to get to, say, the Bismarck & later the Yamato. There is the sense of accomplishment through 'grinding'.

I, especially, enjoyed grinding through the RTS CVs, to the Essex & the Taiho - those CVs were challenging to play (unlike the now, imo, barf reworked CVs).

The old 'grind your way up mode' of play has turned into the 'pay to advance up mode' of play which, I suppose, was inevitable to attract enough new players.

Still, one can 'grind' by having a dedicated FTP account. So, there is that. 

Yeah but it was fun in those days.

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