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Tier List of Support Consumables (Pinata Hunt in Public Test Server)


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The new game mode Pinata Hunt looks amazing, primarily due to the new mechanism called support consumables, which provides players with different abilities (repair/smoke/minefield/invincible/speed boost/bombers/damage boost/freeze points).

After playing several rounds of this game mode, I would like to make a tier list of those consumables and discuss it with you guys. (Since all the consumables are team-wide effects, I will combine them into one list.)

Powerful: Coordinated Emergency Repairs, Iron Curtain

  • Repairs do +1% HP and DCP for 30 seconds. It is so powerful as it can restore health when brawling with enemies.
  • Iron Curtain does 15 seconds of invincibility. Theoretically, It could prevent tons of damage like a main salvo or torpedoes. I haven't encountered such a moment yet.

Mediocre: Join Fleet Maneuvers, Call Smoke Curtain, Coordinated Fire, Call Patrol Bombers

  • Join Fleet Maneuvers to give a 30% speed boost and 30% "rudder efficiency". It is used for kiting or dodging torpedoes but is somewhat situational.
  • Smoke curtain is quite similar to US support CV, but considering everyone brawls in this mode and brings hydro, the usefulness is limited.
  • Coordinated Fire gains a +20% damage boost on a selected target for 30 seconds. When used correctly, it could quickly eliminate one enemy. However, your teammates probably won't follow your instructions, or they won't do damage.
  • Talking about patrol bombers, I haven't tested this a lot, but I think it is suitable in late-game scenarios where most of the people spread out and have a lot of AA mounts damaged.
  • Minefield: Similar to US Support CV. I haven't tested this a lot. My enemies rarely bring them, so it's difficult to tell whether it's efficient. Leave your comments below!

Poor: Forced Stalemate

  • Other than stopping the enemy from gaining a score (which I think a small amount of score does not affect much and is very situational), slowing down the Pinata is not quite tactically important anyway. You could stop shooting them and let them move away from enemy-controlled regions.

This post is merely to bring this topic into discussion. Since I am not a very skilled/experienced player, the list above isn't very accurate and is subject to further discussions and amendments. If you have any ideas or opinions, feel free to comment here!

Note: In PTS Armory you could use 24 000 000 credits to purchase all the consumables. But I am unsure whether you can still do it as some reported that the page has disappeared.


Edited by erichappy123
Missed minefield
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I'm curious to try the Pinata game mode.
Something different from "the usual" at least.

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The buff that increase speed and rudder is extremely powerful.

the big question here is what are the rules for platoons? Looking at those team buffs a well coordinated platoon will destroy this mode.ย 

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10 minutes ago, pepe_trueno said:

the big question here is what are the rules for platoons? Looking at those team buffs a well coordinated platoon will destroy this mode.ย 

According to the development blog, no more than one aircraft carrier, one submarine, three battleships, three cruisers, and three destroyers per team.

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8 minutes ago, erichappy123 said:

According to the development blog, no more than one aircraft carrier, one submarine, three battleships, three cruisers, and three destroyers per team.

unless i got it wrong those are the rules for the match not for platoons.

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33 minutes ago, pepe_trueno said:

unless i got it wrong those are the rules for the match not for platoons.

Are you perhaps trying to use the word "platoons" instead of the word "divisions"?

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40 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Are you perhaps trying to use the word "platoons" instead of the word "divisions"?

i haven't made a division in a long time so platoon was the first thing that come to mind when talking about itย ๐Ÿ˜…

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1 hour ago, pepe_trueno said:

i haven't made a division in a long time so platoon was the first thing that come to mind when talking about itย ๐Ÿ˜…


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