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Altered movie titles and their new plots.


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A giant gorilla raids a New York takeout and takes over the Empire State building,  he pollutes the whole of Manhattan by letting go of the most appallingly odiferous flatulence...

"A thundering box office giant!"


*Special Effects Supplied By Taco Bell


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Taco Bell strikes again, after a hurricane deposits thousands of sharks in LA, they fast discover the delights of Crunchwrap Supremes... however there is a drawback

"Make America Bait Again!"



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2 hours ago, Efros said:

Taco Bell strikes again, after a hurricane deposits thousands of sharks in LA, they fast discover the delights of Crunchwrap Supremes... however there is a drawback

"Make America Bait Again!"




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From the crew that brought you the memorable 'Wrong Tortilla'


An airliner get hits by rogue turbulence and gets suspended in mid air upside down. But for how long... and who will survive?

Spoiler! They all die, only the the clowns that make up the crew survive. Maybe

Warning! Don't read the spoiler until you've watched the movie. Remember, we warned you.

Starring Rumack Harrison, the man who laughs, because you won't.



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The call of the west and the outrageous facial hair, brandishing paddles and questionable choice of underwear given the situation, our grim band of non lookalikes paddle into trouble as they encounter the cast of Deliverance.

"Blazing Paddles...or never give a kayak an even break!"

Blazing Paddles



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Finally a movie that is not a sequel and does not have a number, like 4, for instance.

Exact Change is now coming to a theater near you.

Don't miss your change to experience a suspense driven crime filler this coming summer. A story that is based on a true story.

In 1986, two suspicious looking characters were pestering transit bus drivers in the area of Stockton Street, San Francisco. These two potentially dangerous individuals managed to catch a bus, and while onboard were seen to exchange conspiratorial glances and occasionally slip out words like 'Enterprise', 'bones', and 'whales' which concerned citizens later reported to the San Francisco Police Department. Based on this, the detectives formulated three theories, they were either foreign spies, serial killers, or whales fetishists, or all of the above. This is the story as reconstructed by the best writing team we could employ, and their pet dog Max.

SFPD and the Transit Authority still list this case as open. They are regularly getting calls, mostly from crackpots and loonies who claim they've seen these persons of interest on television.



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