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...and people say WG 'RNG' is random and not manipulated...


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At least it’s not another set of 50 det or flood chance flags (whichever you have way too many of)?

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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Want to know how many 7 days of premium time pulls I've gotten from a super container?


I doubt that SC drop rates are uniform between player accounts.

Overall population, yes. Individual accounts? No. 

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32 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Want to know how many 7 days of premium time pulls I've gotten from a super container? None.

During the "snowflake" and Christmas events I got a ton of free Premium time. It's mid Feburary and I still have 20 days left. Back on the old forums it was sort of a standing joke among people who had just purchased Premium time that they would be getting more of it now in supercontainers instead of things like steel that they preferred.



Speaking of steel... I got this last month.


Edited by Snargfargle
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I got Collingwood back in January. Got Gallant a couple of years ago. In four years have gotten premium time a couple of times, 1000 doubloons twice, freexp once or twice. The other 10,000 supercontainers were flags.


Collingwood supercontainer win.jpg

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58 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

At least it’s not another set of 50 det or flood chance flags (whichever you have way too many of)?

This! For some reason the fire chance flags (which I use the most of) NEVER appear in the daily flag containers, just some shitty det flags (have 500? of) or some hydro extension flags.

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Just before the Anniversary event last year I had about 550 IIRC. Anniversary event and Christmas just piled on the premium time. I haven't actually bought any in years. I bought a half price package of 360 a long time ago and ever since then WG just keeps throwing more at me.

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2 minutes ago, Efros said:


Just before the Anniversary event last year I had about 550 IIRC. Anniversary event and Christmas just piled on the premium time. I haven't actually bought any in years. I bought a half price package of 360 a long time ago and ever since then WG just keeps throwing more at me.

This is the "if you know" 😁 part.   Long time running LOL here at WOWS .

This is AFTER I used the max to do that last event too🤣


I can't THROW this stuff away fast enough.

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2 hours ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

At least it’s not another set of 50 det or flood chance flags (whichever you have way too many of)?

I don't mind Det flags because the Marceau likes to go boom a lot when I play it in Co-op. It's my go to DD for whenever I do missions in Co-op.

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Random super a few months ago dropped me Weimar.

Super for my birthday last week dropped me Texas. 

I've also had a super with 50 det flags. Can't win em all. 

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Supercontainers are usually what the phrase 'Fortune Vomits On My Eiderdown Once More' was invented for...

(It'd be nice to be able to toggle them off, for daily containers at least; these days, I'd much prefer a small but consistent amount of coal to whatever worthless load of cobblers usually falls out of a supercontainer.)

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The very fact that the meme exists (people with lots of premium time getting lots more premium time) demonstrates a rather strong signal that Super Containers are not actually delivering uniform drop rates across player accounts...

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4 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The very fact that the meme exists (people with lots of premium time getting lots more premium time) demonstrates a rather strong signal that Super Containers are not actually delivering uniform drop rates across player accounts...

Or it could be that WG just likes to drop Premium time as it keeps people actively playing the game. I'm oftentimes finding myself thinking "Well, I really don't want to play the game right now but as I have this free Premium time I probably should either grind a new ship line or at least farm a bunch of free XP."


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19 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

Or it could be that WG just likes to drop Premium time as it keeps people actively playing the game. I'm oftentimes finding myself thinking "Well, I really don't want to play the game right now but as I have this free Premium time I probably should either grind a new ship line or at least farm a bunch of free XP."


The point is that only people who are currently on premium time get it dropped more often...which means drop rates aren't uniform across player accounts.

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7 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The point is that only people who are currently on premium time get it dropped more often...which means drop rates aren't uniform across player accounts.

It's also conceivable that the drop rates are consistent (across a large enough sample size anyway) and we're more prone to noticing/commenting on premium time drops when we've already got plenty?

The main reason I'm skeptical is that rigging the drops is probably harder than just letting RNG get on with it; it's not that I wouldn't put stuff like that past WG

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For me, premium time usually only drops when I'm planning to take a break from WoWS:

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40 minutes ago, Verblonde said:

It's also conceivable that the drop rates are consistent (across a large enough sample size anyway) and we're more prone to noticing/commenting on premium time drops when we've already got plenty?

The main reason I'm skeptical is that rigging the drops is probably harder than just letting RNG get on with it; it's not that I wouldn't put stuff like that past WG

I've never received the 7 day or 30 day super container drop when I already had premium time.

I've also never gotten sufficient premium time to have it keep re-upping.

Yet some people can gain or at least keep even with premium time use. That is not consistent behavior across the very large sample size.

Rigging the drops is actually not difficult at all...especially when no one can verify your drop rate claims.

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20 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

This! For some reason the fire chance flags (which I use the most of) NEVER appear in the daily flag containers, just some shitty det flags (have 500? of) or some hydro extension flags.

Meanwhile I have infinite fireflags and keep getting more, but under 100 deto/secs/speed flags. It's a conspiracy! 

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