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issues i have with the playerbase when wanting to try something new


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so we all know carriers and subs get all the hate right? my whole issue is that, i want to try something new like carriers and subs, but once i do that, everyone will go on a hate train for just wanting to have fun, like is it so hard for once in your life to try subs/cvs and without all the hate and scrutiny????


mind you i only want to try CVs out in ops, sadly subs only have coop and randoms and i dont play coop


a few streamers got a point, you cant say crap about CVs/subs unless you played them, saying subs are "OP" because one shotgunned you or CVs (what ever they say about them), i agree with the streamers, the hate is misguided and uncalled for...

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Let them hate all day long. What ship type you play is your own choice, and no one else's business. 

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10 minutes ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

so we all know carriers and subs get all the hate right? my whole issue is that, i want to try something new like carriers and subs, but once i do that, everyone will go on a hate train for just wanting to have fun, like is it so hard for once in your life to try subs/cvs and without all the hate and scrutiny????

mind you i only want to try CVs out in ops, sadly subs only have coop and randoms and i dont play coop

a few streamers got a point, you cant say crap about CVs/subs unless you played them, saying subs are "OP" because one shotgunned you or CVs (what ever they say about them), i agree with the streamers, the hate is misguided and uncalled for...

OK, there's some "angst" in Ops with Carriers...  Let me explain with an example:  last night we had a carrier driver whom, and I am assuming since he/she/they/them/those did not want to communicate, simply had no idea how to play an OP and really messed up "how the operations flows".  Got frustrated and went AFK....???  No one was happy.  That is my point.   We have a Carrier Driver that plays with our 7 man division most nights...!  He knows how to work "with team mates" - not by and for himself...... 

You see, planes cause the battlespace mechanics to alter from their "routines without planes"...  Once those planes disturb the flow, in some of the scenarios, game play gets a might wonky...  We have a Carrier Driver that plays in our OPs division and he's really "figured out" how not to collapse the battlespace algorithm....

Remember, Carrier do not have to wait to start fighting....!   What you do influences everything else....

All I can suggest is "know how OPS work and communicate with your mates and work with them and all will be well........

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Quoting the inmortal words of The Sex Pistols... Never mind the bollocks!  

Just play whatever you want... those that don't like it have 2 problems to solve... 

Edited by ArIskandir
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If you really want to work on your CV or sub skills I would head over to the training room.  It is very useful and, most of the time, an afterthought for many players.

I use the training room more now than I did when I first started playing.  I strongly encourage you to give it a try.


Above is just an example where I set up the Midway against all flavors of U.S. ships.  It can be done!

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8 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Let them hate all day long. What ship type you play is your own choice, and no one else's business. 

the issue being that i suffer from sever depression, all the "hate" will just add onto it


4 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

If you really want to work on your CV or sub skills I would head over to the training room.  It is very useful and, most of the time, an afterthought for many players.

I use the training room more now than I did when I first started playing.  I strongly encourage you to give it a try.


Above is just an example where I set up the Midway against all flavors of U.S. ships.  It can be done!

oh i always was planning to, im no igit that takes a carrier first game into randoms 😉 ill train first

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i want to buy the Hornet tier 8 premium on my birthday (April 2nd) so i dont even plan to get in a carrier till then, maybe watch videos first

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5 minutes ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

oh i always was planning to, im no igit that takes a carrier first game into randoms 😉 ill train first

Operations are great for CV training, sadly there's no replacement for PvP when learning Subs. 

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4 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Operations are great for CV training, sadly there's no replacement for PvP when learning Subs. 

ill worry about subs another day, i have some exp with the VI sub in pvp but i suck and rather be a team player then a crappy skilled sub player 😉

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8 minutes ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

the issue being that i suffer from sever depression, all the "hate" will just add onto it

I respectfully suggest finding another game. 

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6 minutes ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

i want to buy the Hornet tier 8 premium on my birthday (April 2nd) so i dont even plan to get in a carrier till then, maybe watch videos first

Does your clan play ops in a Division?  That seems to really help....

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Just now, Frostbow said:

I respectfully suggest finding another game. 

ive already took several breaks from Wows and plan to again next month till my birthday when i buy the Hornet, i HAVE turned battle chat off anyway so

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1 minute ago, Asym said:

Does your clan play ops in a Division?  That seems to really help....

tho im in a clan, im mostly alone intill im invited and 100% its randoms only so im stuck soloing in OPS

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1 minute ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

tho im in a clan, im mostly alone intill im invited and 100% its randoms only so im stuck soloing in OPS

Maybe, finding a clan that has a balance between PVP and PVE might be less stressful?  Our clan is one of those split clans that plays Clan Battles at the same others are in a five to seven player OPS division.  Best of both worlds.    We're always looking for new players.......

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4 minutes ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

ive already took several breaks from Wows and plan to again next month till my birthday when i buy the Hornet, i HAVE turned battle chat off anyway so

and besides, why should i quit, thats exactly what *they* want!

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Just now, Asym said:

Maybe, finding a clan that has a balance between PVP and PVE might be less stressful?  Our clan is one of those split clans that plays Clan Battles at the same others are in a five to seven player OPS division.  Best of both worlds.    We're always looking for new players.......

ive looked for days its hard lot of clans mostly PVE have been inactive for a while

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1 hour ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

so we all know carriers and subs get all the hate right? my whole issue is that, i want to try something new like carriers and subs, but once i do that, everyone will go on a hate train for just wanting to have fun, like is it so hard for once in your life to try subs/cvs and without all the hate and scrutiny????


mind you i only want to try CVs out in ops, sadly subs only have coop and randoms and i dont play coop


a few streamers got a point, you cant say crap about CVs/subs unless you played them, saying subs are "OP" because one shotgunned you or CVs (what ever they say about them), i agree with the streamers, the hate is misguided and uncalled for...

So some randos on the internet are unhappy with you.

Who cares?

Most of those people are folks who you don't want giving you advice...

....and their impact on your life is limited to being a jerk in chat on a game. Not at all important.

If you want to learn CV play, first play the heck out of the tier 4 CVs. That will teach you how to use the planes for attacks...then move on to tier 6 and training rooms.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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28 minutes ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

ill worry about subs another day, i have some exp with the VI sub in pvp but i suck and rather be a team player then a crappy skilled sub player 😉

learning to play torpedo focused DDs is a good parallel to Submarines, you can learn the ropes of stealth play on DDs (you get somewhat less hate) and then transition to Subs more easily. 

25 minutes ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

and besides, why should i quit, thats exactly what *they* want!

That's the spirit... channel your inner Rage and tell them... "F#ck you I won't do what you tell me!"


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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

So some randos on the internet are unhappy with you.

Who cares?

that part no, but being harassed every damn game? even to the point of telling the enemy where im at or running into me ya it happens, i rather not get trolled like that, been being trolled for 3-4 years trying to find online friends with no luck....

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my first ever pvp game in the Cachalot some guy ran into my torps the entire game so i couldent get a kill, this stuff happens but it shouldent...

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1 minute ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

that part no, but being harassed every damn game? even to the point of telling the enemy where im at or running into me ya it happens, i rather not get trolled like that, been being trolled for 3-4 years trying to find online friends with no luck....

If that is happening in game, go to the WG support internet page and submit a ticket for chat abuse or the trolling behavior.

WG is obligated to deal with that, and they will do so if you report it in a ticket. Don't bother with the karma report button...that does nothing.

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5 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

If that is happening in game, go to the WG support internet page and submit a ticket for chat abuse or the trolling behavior.

WG is obligated to deal with that, and they will do so if you report it in a ticket. Don't bother with the karma report button...that does nothing.

oh! nice, and ya karma system is pointless i dont even care if i get to 0 lol

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46 minutes ago, GoGo_Gadget_Secondaries said:

the issue being that i suffer from sever depression, all the "hate" will just add onto it


oh i always was planning to, im no igit that takes a carrier first game into randoms 😉 ill train first

My suggestion is to use this game as a tool to help you manage your depression.  If the 'hate' is an actual trigger, this would be a great place to work on your management in a controlled environment.  The hate you get in game here is nothing compared to what you get in the 'real' world.  You want 'hate', just read the daily political news.  

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Just now, Captain_Rawhide said:

My suggestion is to use this game as a tool to help you manage your depression.  If the 'hate' is an actual trigger, this would be a great place to work on your management in a controlled environment.  The hate you get in game here is nothing compared to what you get in the 'real' world.  You want 'hate', just read the daily political news.  

i hear that, i am a shut in ngl but thats cuz im disabled, hate isent really the trigger these days, loneliness is, having almost no friends to speak of for ever 6 years its hard, the hate is just icing on the cake.

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Even getting a plephera of cv's during the Christmas and cv event I still refuse to play them. Equally so for subs. Nothing worse than a two sub and cv match, even in coop. I'll keep the cv's as port queens and extra snowflakes. Even got the Malta this Christmas and she can rust in port for all I care.

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