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that awkward moment when


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you check the profile summary to see how is your new ship doing just to find this 


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Lot's of people like to poo poo the dockyard ships and while some have been pretty bad quite a few have been good. Different does not always mean bad but a lot of people just look at what is wrong with a ship not what it does well or what is good. That can be a mistake sometimes.

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On 2/12/2024 at 8:50 PM, clammboy said:

Lot's of people like to poo poo the dockyard ships and while some have been pretty bad quite a few have been good. Different does not always mean bad but a lot of people just look at what is wrong with a ship not what it does well or what is good. That can be a mistake sometimes.

michelangelo is a nice meme ship but on practice the armor scheme does not support the intended role

Above waterline citadel and no turtleback makes showing side a death sentence, on any normal ships one can go around this things but michelangelo is forced to show side if you want to use your guns. The whole reason why i have more secondary kills than main gun kills is because i rather sit there and let the secondary guns finish the target than try to bring the main guns and get dev struck.

25mm bow does not help either.




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