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The New T7 Brawl (2 BB & 4 Cruiser) ... What is the point?


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Most likely BBs will just wreck the cruisers for good...

What's WG's mind thinking about this?

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There are a number of cruisers that are good against BB's and weak against other ship classes - the PA cruiser line springs to mind (although the "chump" at T7 is one of the worst IMO). I expect we will see a lot of torpedo cruisers and high-DPM fire starters, and a number of the CA's will do reasonably well without the worry of DD's.

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6 hours ago, erichappy123 said:

Most likely BBs will just wreck the cruisers for good...

What's WG's mind thinking about this?

In a world without DDs, Cruisers control vision and thus have the initiative. There's a lot of things you can do when you have vision control over an engagement. 

Also, at T7 there are some very strong CAs that can go toe-to-toe against BBs of the same tier, for example Myoko and Yorck have great survivability. Other Cruisers can make good use of smoke (RN, PA)... you just need to understand how to play to your ship's strenght.

Oh, I forgot another practical advantage... you'll probably insta-queue matches on Cruisers while BBs will very likely have to wait some time to enter matches.

Edited by ArIskandir
Memory lapse on Cruiser names
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Alright. Thanks for commenting! I definitely will try to spun up some myoko and see how things goes.

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4 minutes ago, erichappy123 said:

Alright. Thanks for commenting! I definitely will try to spun up some myoko and see how things goes.

Just be careful when unmasking your full broadside, the temptation to get you full 10 guns on target is strong and a savvy BB captain will be waiting for that moment. If you stay well angled, you'll be fairly resistant to 380mm and even 406mm will bounce off your thicker plates. 

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50 minutes ago, erichappy123 said:

.....What is the point?









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1 hour ago, BlueMax1916 said:

It's made for Weimar 😁

I was just gonna say.....

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I challenge you and offer this:



EU Prime Time 😉

Took Ashitaka and imediately switched back to Weimar.

Edited by BlueMax1916
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Playing Maya and smashing BBs. If you’re dying in cruises, stop showing broadside.  

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When I see que's like this it really makes me wonder why they cap the number of BB's per game. That could be 200+ people firing away at each other happy as can be instead of waiting.

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14 minutes ago, mashed68 said:

When I see que's like this it really makes me wonder why they cap the number of BB's per game. That could be 200+ people firing away at each other happy as can be instead of waiting.

Coz crusers at T7 have very  limited survavibility. Letting moar bbabbies in wouldn't maintain, even the illusion of balance.

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5 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

Schors have great survivability

No just no Shchors doesn't have good survivability at all.

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31 minutes ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

No just no Shchors doesn't have good survivability at all.

Sorry memory lapse, I meant the German T7 CA, Yorck... The Shchors is the Russian CL that gets citadelled if sneezed on. It's been at least a couple years since I played T7.

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1 hour ago, Type_93 said:

Playing Maya

This was my immediate thought...

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3 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

Coz crusers at T7 have very  limited survavibility. Letting moar bbabbies in wouldn't maintain, even the illusion of balance.

don't need armor when you have plot armor overpen armor 😆


Edited by pepe_trueno
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Indianapolis is doing well in brawls for me.

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28 minutes ago, pepe_trueno said:

don't need armor when you have plot armor overpen armor 😆


Ah yes Explosive NonReactive Armor 53EB5C0D-3B99-4A7E-8E10-0AD06C0F515D.gif

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*All* my brawls had 2 battleships and 4 cruisers in both teams. This is no coincidence, particularly since  there are always more battleships in queue than cruisers. So, the answer to the question is that the participants are guinea pigs in an experiment WG is conducting.

Edited by Sambo_Cigars
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Mmmm… might be time to shake down the T7 Italian cruiser that was I picked up in the Kitakami progression. (I stopped there - no Kitakami or Defence.)

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13 hours ago, Sambo_Cigars said:


*All* my brawls had 2 battleships and 4 cruisers in both teams. This is no coincidence, particularly since  there are always more battleships in queue than cruisers.


Of course it’s not a coincidence. 2 BBs and 4 cruisers per team is guaranteed per the rules of the current brawl.


Edited by Nevermore135
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18 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

Coz crusers at T7 have very  limited survavibility. Letting moar bbabbies in wouldn't maintain, even the illusion of balance.

When there are so many BB's in que, there could be multiple ALL BB games. And we'd be fine with that. 

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