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T6 Ranked in a nutshell...


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Ive played very, very little Ranked the last couple years, it just feels like you are dragging awful players who are spamming the queue trying to get Steel. 

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1 hour ago, Pugilistic said:

dragging awful players who are spamming the queue trying to get Steel.

  Pretty sure that is me.

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2 hours ago, Pugilistic said:

Ive played very, very little Ranked the last couple years, it just feels like you are dragging awful players who are spamming the queue trying to get Steel. 

Yep, that's ranked.

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I am in silver, hate T6 ranked, but yesterday was in silver also weird day. 3 times in row had teams with AFK dd (on situation where is only 1 dd per team) or AFK cruiser (also same situation - when is 1 cruiser per team). Don't know what happened, but after few times - I just stop play. 

EDIT: I write this because I asummed that this 2 example from your's battle (7 base xp and 4 base xp) was also AFK?

Edited by WildWind84
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5 hours ago, Pugilistic said:

Ive played very, very little Ranked the last couple years, it just feels like you are dragging awful players who are spamming the queue trying to get Steel. 

Bronze league is where the worst players are because the better players generally move up.

Players get better at higher leagues, although it does put more pressure on you to perform.

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32 minutes ago, Verytis said:

Bronze league is where the worst players are because the better players generally move up.

It's not that easy and logical! At least not in WoW since you have to pass through Bronze as well and are getting teamed up with "little skilled" players almost all the time. Takes literally spoken days if you're not playing around the clock. 

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1 hour ago, Verytis said:

Bronze league is where the worst players are because the better players generally move up.

Players get better at higher leagues, although it does put more pressure on you to perform.

There is no difference between the Leagues in regard to player skill/quality. The only reason to advance to higher leagues is the rewards per win. There is no incentive to do better, just to spam games.

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5 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

It's not that easy and logical! At least not in WoW since you have to pass through Bronze as well and are getting teamed up with "little skilled" players almost all the time. Takes literally spoken days if you're not playing around the clock. 

Each ranked sprint lasts 2 weeks, and bronze league has 14 stars. It is not meant to be done in a few sessions.

And I advise taking it slow because playing while fatigued or frustrated does not help.


That said, it is possible to rush through bronze if you're really good. There are just a lot of misplays, and not much competition for star saving.


This is roughly how much I expect to play per bronze league sprint. But I understand I'm not the average player.


EDIT: Although I agree this is quite a significant chunk of time, if you also want to play other modes.

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50 minutes ago, Verytis said:

EDIT: Although I agree this is quite a significant chunk of time, if you also want to play other modes.

I’ve advanced to silver in the past, but I usually hang out in Bronze, get my nine wins, and am done until the next sprint. The combination of lack of steel rewards past that point and then having to deal with qualifications after ranking out is just more time/effort than it’s worth.

Only caring about wins (vs. gaining stars) also makes it a lot easier to put up with the often… questionable play, as does often being the big fish in the small pond. The previous match’s result doesn’t matter, so you can let it go just move on to the next one.

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28 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

I’ve advanced to silver in the past, but I usually hang out in Bronze, get my nine wins, and am done until the next sprint. The combination of lack of steel rewards past that point and then having to deal with qualifications after ranking out is just more time/effort than it’s worth.

Moving into Silver has some advantages, you can generate more income per cycle and being generally at higher tiers than Bronze, the regular base income per match is also higher, sinergizing better with event grinds. The extra effort of classifying is in a way compensated by the ability to double tap Bronze and Silver rewards the same week you classify. It depends too on your allocated playtime for WoWS, for me a bit more matches dedicated to Ranked was the better option, compared to the alternative (Randoms) which is usually more frustrating for solo play. 

Also, in my subjective experience, Silver used to be the sweet spot for a good playing experience... Most bad angry dudes, got stuck at Bronze (at least for the first weeks of the season) while most good angry dudes moved up to Gold, for a few weeks each season Silver Ranked was WoWS at its best, with the best balance of quality play and chill out environment. 

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26 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Also, in my subjective experience, Silver used to be the sweet spot for a good playing experience... Most bad angry dudes, got stuck at Bronze (at least for the first weeks of the season) while most good angry dudes moved up to Gold, for a few weeks each season Silver Ranked was WoWS at its best, with the best balance of quality play and chill out environment. 

For the most part, Bronze nowadays is fairly chill. Silver, on the other hand…

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20 hours ago, Nevermore135 said:

I’ve advanced to silver in the past, but I usually hang out in Bronze, get my nine wins, and am done until the next sprint. The combination of lack of steel rewards past that point and then having to deal with qualifications after ranking out is just more time/effort than it’s worth.

Only caring about wins (vs. gaining stars) also makes it a lot easier to put up with the often… questionable play, as does often being the big fish in the small pond. The previous match’s result doesn’t matter, so you can let it go just move on to the next one.

Yes, I forgot to mention this. I've occasionally stayed in bronze/silver when I just want fast clears and no headaches.

Just because you have the ability to move up a league, doesn't mean you have to. One might prefer a specific tier, or an easier time.


One can also delay pushing up, if they're not sure whether they're ready. Because you can't drop back down during a season.

I'm in gold atm and I'd consider dropping down if I could because new CB season is starting.

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On 2/12/2024 at 3:53 AM, Verytis said:

Bronze league is where the worst players are because the better players generally move up.

Players get better at higher leagues, although it does put more pressure on you to perform.

This skill level you face does improve a bit on average as you move up... but of course MM can hand you trash at any time. 

I can carry T6 easier than silver but that's part because of ships and part because skill level increases a bit.  That said, T6 on these big maps is not that fun to me.  When it's T7 I have a ball with Fli-lanta but at T6 Farragut is the best cruiser which shows the sad state of T6 cruisers. 

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start of the ranked battle

a BB tells DD where to go what to do

a DD get offended by that beacouse nobody will tell him what to do and where to go. 

A DD goes afk and chats whole game about that.

Amazing players.


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3 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

start of the ranked battle

a BB tells DD where to go what to do

a DD get offended by that beacouse nobody will tell him what to do and where to go. 

A DD goes afk and chats whole game about that.

Amazing players.


Definitely based on a true story.


But also same story at any tier, mode, or level.

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22 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

…The extra effort of classifying is in a way compensated by the ability to double tap Bronze and Silver rewards the same week you classify. … 

It’s great when you can qualify with enough time to do that. Unfortunately, I got over the top into Silver at 11:30 pm last Tuesday night. With work the next day, there was no time to plunder Silver league for Steel in that Sprint.

Still better than having to revert back to Bronze R10.

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
“Then/than” No need to annoy @Crucis
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3 hours ago, YouSatInGum said:

I can carry T6 easier than silver but that's part because of ships and part because skill level increases a bit.  That said, T6 on these big maps is not that fun to me.  When it's T7 I have a ball with Fli-lanta but at T6 Farragut is the best cruiser which shows the sad state of T6 cruisers. 

I’ve been playing exclusively battleships (Warspite and Bayern) so far this season, in part because most tier VI cruisers are merely snacks for battleships and also because so many BB players are too used to playing high tier and don’t understand how overmatch works at mid tiers. It’s amazing how many players will sit bow-in (especially Dunkerque captains) and/or aim for your angled belt vs. your 26mm extremities with 15-16” guns.

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I do well in ranked [average XP is 1800], but between my limited play time and the fact you can't win em all, I'm always stuck in bronze. At least when it was tier 7 I didn't have to deal with cv's and subs so it was still worth it, but sitting at tier 6 sucks. 

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World of Warships' ranked mode is hilariously bad and I refuse to partake in it until they actually make the mode competitive instead of a quasi mission chain where you are guaranteed to progress with enough games played


Some basic features like

1) A shift to an actual competitive ranking system instead of this spam games to rank out

2) Banning non obtainable ships (like in most WoWs tournaments, with the exception of duplicates of obtainable ships)

3) Standard tiers, preferably Tier 10 instead of jumping around every season.

Would make this mode a lot more interesting to me instead of being Randoms with quadriplegic 40%ers. 


I realize trying to make the tier exclusively tier 10 might be controversial, but tier 10 is the standard for competitive World of Warships play, and many players such as myself cannot afford to keep every previous ship in the tech tree and with a high level commander. Other tiers also generally have more disproportionally strong and weak ships at their tier, with many of the strong ships being paywalled. Not exactly what I would call competitive. Take our current tier 6 season, a tech tree CV is going to get their game completely ruined against a Bearn, and I literally have 0 reason to play any battleship over something as ridiculous as Repulse or Warspite. 

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5 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

World of Warships' ranked mode is hilariously bad and I refuse to partake in it until they actually make the mode competitive instead of a quasi mission chain where you are guaranteed to progress with enough games played

You seem to have a conflict in expectations... Ranked is not intended to be competitive, where are you getting that fantasy from?

Ranked is just Solo oriented small scale Randoms... and with increased rewards on top!!!   For what it is, it's quite good... more rewards, more individual agency, more balanced environment (same tier). It loses some variability but that's why it is structured in a seasonal format with variable tier restrictions. If you want competitive play, there's Tournaments/CBs for you to scratch that itch. Ranked is solo-mode Randoms, don't ask apples from a peach tree. 

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45 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

You seem to have a conflict in expectations... Ranked is not intended to be competitive, where are you getting that fantasy from?

Ranked is just Solo oriented small scale Randoms... and with increased rewards on top!!!   For what it is, it's quite good... more rewards, more individual agency, more balanced environment (same tier). It loses some variability but that's why it is structured in a seasonal format with variable tier restrictions. If you want competitive play, there's Tournaments/CBs for you to scratch that itch. Ranked is solo-mode Randoms, don't ask apples from a peach tree. 

Is that not exactly what I mentioned? A ranked mode is supposed to be competitive, like in every game that has one. Why would they call it ranked if they didn't intend for it to be a competitive mode???

Play an actually competitive game like R6, CS2, Overwatch, etc and their ranked modes are far more serious and typically have further rulesets to make the game more competitive. To call it ranked only to give us this farce of a mode while maintaining the pretense of a competitive format (the appearence of ranks, no divisions allowed) is ridiculous. Either rename the mode or rework the mode to be accurate to its name. 

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48 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

You seem to have a conflict in expectations... Ranked is not intended to be competitive, where are you getting that fantasy from?

Ranked is just Solo oriented small scale Randoms... and with increased rewards on top!!!   For what it is, it's quite good... more rewards, more individual agency, more balanced environment (same tier). It loses some variability but that's why it is structured in a seasonal format with variable tier restrictions. If you want competitive play, there's Tournaments/CBs for you to scratch that itch. Ranked is solo-mode Randoms, don't ask apples from a peach tree. 

Boy, have you missed the target on ^^^^ this....  PVP is the "competitive mode" and that includes "all of the PVP modes of play...."   It's been that way since I've been playing this game.  Ranked, Brawls, Randoms and any other modes that are PVP are "competitive..."   PVE isn't.

BTW, since I have played all of the normal PVP modes (except KOTS), they are all Toxic as all get-out, mostly seriously unbalanced stomps and the reason many of us want nothing to do with them...  Why are they toxic?  Because, competitive games do that.....     No toxicity usually are PVE....  Fun vs. competition....

Notice, COOP, ASB's and OP's are where most of us older adults play and have civil, adult conversations and help each other !  BECAUSE, we aren't competitive....

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On 2/12/2024 at 1:16 PM, YouSatInGum said:


Tier 6 ranked is horrible tbh

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