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Midway Sight Stabilization - Not Working


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I had two battles in Midway today (a random battle and a co-op) where my torpedo planes did NOT benefit from sight stabilization.

Unfortunately, since this is demonstrated by the reticle, and the replay reticles are bugged...there is no way I can demonstrate this without taking a recording of my replay and uploading to youtube...which would take way more time than it is worth.

In the past, I have noted this issue with the reticle and observed that the actual drop RNG behaved correctly. I therefore believed it was a graphical issue with either my laptop or the servers.

However, during today's matches I noted that the drop RNG ALSO behaved as though I didn't have sight stabilization on the torpedo drop. No keyboard movement, no mouse movement aiming, and the reticle would not shrink.

If anyone else notes this issue, please let WG know.

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4 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I had two battles in Midway today (a random battle and a co-op) where my torpedo planes did NOT benefit from sight stabilization.

Unfortunately, since this is demonstrated by the reticle, and the replay reticles are bugged...there is no way I can demonstrate this without taking a recording of my replay and uploading to youtube...which would take way more time than it is worth.

In the past, I have noted this issue with the reticle and observed that the actual drop RNG behaved correctly. I therefore believed it was a graphical issue with either my laptop or the servers.

However, during today's matches I noted that the drop RNG ALSO behaved as though I didn't have sight stabilization on the torpedo drop. No keyboard movement, no mouse movement aiming, and the reticle would not shrink.

If anyone else notes this issue, please let WG know.

Do you have an Nvidia graphics card? They can record segments of gameplay that are quite small. Maybe you could upload it directly to the site? Not really sure if devstrike allows for that but we could try?

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6 minutes ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Do you have an Nvidia graphics card? They can record segments of gameplay that are quite small. Maybe you could upload it directly to the site? Not really sure if devstrike allows for that but we could try?

I do have Nvidia...

Do I use a specific program to capture the snippet of video?

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18 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I do have Nvidia...

Do I use a specific program to capture the snippet of video?

It should be Geforce, try pressing alt-z and it should open an overlay window.

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This problem started for me with a patch a few weeks back. I think that they did a "stealth" nerf of some CVs by lessening the effect of the sight stabilization spec. The problem is that the Midway is the lowest-performing CV in the game at its tier with only a 46.43% winrate average. If anything, the Midway needs buff.


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2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I do have Nvidia...

Do I use a specific program to capture the snippet of video?

OBS Studio is a free, open source video recording application. You don't have to upload your video to YouTube, which takes a long time. If you export it to a .MP4 file you can just upload it to Mediafire and then it can be downloaded and viewed. Directly attaching a video files here will quickly use up the limited attachment space. You could also just upload a replay to Mediafire but if the problem is specific to a certain graphics card or computer setup it wouldn't necessarily show up on a replay. The best way to get an example of what you are seeing would be to go to the Training Battle area and see if you can repeat it.




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3 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

OBS Studio is a free, open source video recording application. You don't have to upload your video to YouTube, which takes a long time. If you export it to a .MP4 file you can just upload it to Mediafire and then it can be downloaded and viewed. Directly attaching a video files here will quickly use up the limited attachment space. You could also just upload a replay to Mediafire but if the problem is specific to a certain graphics card or computer setup it wouldn't necessarily show up on a replay. The best way to get an example of what you are seeing would be to go to the Training Battle area and see if you can repeat it.




Unfortunately, the issue is not repeatable as it hasn't happened every time.

I'm not entirely certain it would recur in the training room.

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I've asked a CV-heavy streamer I know to have a look at it and see if he can duplicate the problem. 

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I was able to review the co-op attack today in replay and it looked like the replay captures the issue quite well.

Mouse aiming only and the reticle is behaving as though either no sight stabilization is being applied or the mouse inputs are being perceived as keyboard inputs.


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6 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

This problem started for me with a patch a few weeks back. I think that they did a "stealth" nerf of some CVs by lessening the effect of the sight stabilization spec. The problem is that the Midway is the lowest-performing CV in the game at its tier with only a 46.43% winrate average. If anything, the Midway needs buff.


I don't think Midway needs a buff...it has a pretty strong toolbox.

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So...something is defo off with surface ships also. Aiming has gone quite a bit haywire, even ships that are supposedly accurate have VERY weird disp and bots have become MUCH more accurate. in ops I'm  speaking off.

Either Wedgie is somehow "experimenting" with RNG or again i catched their cyclical "personalized" "fiddling around". Also got a sh*tton of Hermes, in rows, no less.  Perhaps they getting out their way, protecting newcomers?

Edited by Andrewbassg
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18 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

This problem started for me with a patch a few weeks back. I think that they did a "stealth" nerf of some CVs by lessening the effect of the sight stabilization spec. The problem is that the Midway is the lowest-performing CV in the game at its tier with only a 46.43% winrate average. If anything, the Midway needs buff.


No she doesn't need a buff, it's just because she's one of the older CVs in-game. None of the CVs actually really need buffs if anything they all need nerfs so lets not go there please.

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2 minutes ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

No she doesn't need a buff, it's just because she's one of the older CVs in-game. None of the CVs actually really need buffs if anything they all need nerfs so lets not go there please.

The Midway has been subject to power creep and isn't performing to the same level as other CVs. I play it a lot because I'm comfortable with it but my average in it is the server average too, while most people playing other CVs have 50% win rates in them.

However, this is about sight stabilization and my CVs sights do seem "squirrelly" since that patch. Either they nerfed Sight Stabilization for the Midway or there is a bug associated with it. It seems like a random bug as things will be normal and then all of a sudden my dive bomber reticle will skew off to one side.

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15 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

However, this is about sight stabilization and my CVs sights do seem "squirrelly" since that patch. Either they nerfed Sight Stabilization for the Midway or there is a bug associated with it. It seems like a random bug as things will be normal and then all of a sudden my dive bomber reticle will skew off to one side.


It seems more like a bug to me as the reticle either works correctly or doesn't.

I really hope the cynic in me is wrong, because another possibility is WG 'randomizing' ship performance as a frustration mechanic...

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I amassed about six co-op battles all showing the same reticle behavior and have submitted them as a ticket to WG support.

As Mr. Incredible would say, "...I would not expect someone to get back to you quickly to resolve the matter..."

We shall see what they say.

If anyone else also has reticle issues, please raise the word out to CCs and other content creators.

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27 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Every single one of these attacks is mouse aiming only or just no inputs at all...and the reticle barely shrinks.

Something is DEFINITELY wrong.

Yes. The more I play, the more evident it is. Defo mouse related. The more accurate the ship's guns, the more evident it is. Irian is very accurate, even among cruisers and yet many shots are like BB dispersion.Smile_amazed.gif.28479b334f88f3e0b24d84b Kept  manually relocking and still off.

it seems like the server is reacting waay to slow, even on EU where I have like 20-35 ms lag....

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7 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

it seems like the server is reacting waay to slow, even on EU where I have like 20-35 ms lag....

Which, by itself, is a phenomena which can affect the quality of the player's perception of the game's "performance" and "smoothness".

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WG support claim that the reticle behavior is correct...despite it being slower than before.

I guess it's now time to get out a stopwatch and the training room...


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26 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

WG support

WG support once told me that there was nothing wrong with a patch bug that caused tier VIII CVs to crash the game and it must be my system that was the issue. Then, the WG tech had me install some "analytical software" which contained a rootkit Bitcoin miner. I wasn't the only one to catch Wargaming doing this. It was, of course, their patch that was causing the crash issue, which they corrected with a hotfix).


Most of the other discussions about this were lost when the forums were closed. That's handy, isn't it?

I enjoy playing this game but don't trust WG as far as I can throw them. Just as a precaution, I periodically run Malware Bytes' rootkit scan on my system.



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32 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

WG support once told me that there was nothing wrong with a patch bug that caused tier VIII CVs to crash the game and it must be my system that was the issue. Then, the WG tech had me install some "analytical software" which contained a rootkit Bitcoin miner. I wasn't the only one to catch Wargaming doing this. It was, of course, their patch that was causing the crash issue, which they corrected with a hotfix).


Most of the other discussions about this were lost when the forums were closed. That's handy, isn't it?

I enjoy playing this game but don't trust WG as far as I can throw them. Just as a precaution, I periodically run Malware Bytes' rootkit scan on my system.



Yes, I fully expected WG support to deny the issue.

Now, if it is an issue, and I share it with someone like Flamu, they have only themselves to blame.

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Confirmed in training room that torpedo sight stabilizes in 5.3 seconds, as it should.

Tried to do the same in a co-op fight, but the replay reticles were bugged after the first drop. Will need to make sure my first drop is non-adjusted next time...

...or, actually do live testing in an actual match...which will be taxing.

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Ok, confirmed in co-op battle that...without adjustments, the sight stabilization is working as intended.

I am observing that the impact of mouse aiming is not always the same on the reticle. Not sure if this is RNG, or just issues with my mouse setup, or potentially some shenanigans by WG when attacking certain targets.

But, I can confirm that the reticle is shrinking in the time quoted...as long as there is no mouse input at all for aiming.

The moment you start aiming with the mouse though...impact on reticle shrinking is all over the place.

I'm not sure this is a bug though, as WG never published exactly the impact of mouse adjustments on reticle shrinking.

For examples of what I am seeing...sometimes the mouse adjustment only slows or stops the shrinkage, sometimes the same mouse adjustment causes the reticle to expand again. It's not uniform.

However, I do not know if it is supposed to be uniform, or if this is something like the health of AA guns, and can be randomly assigned.


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14 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

as long as there is no mouse input at all for aiming.

This shouldn't be a surprise; mouse input always widens the reticle.

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