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Losing more faith in WG every day..


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I just watched a stream where Ahskance happened to be on one of the teams. Players were saying hello to him, and he ignored everyone. He is supposed to be one of the people from WG you can talk to, yet he acted like a snob and ignored everyone. Is this where WG is headed, where even the people who represent them act like their players do not exist?

Needless to say, after he was sunk early, there were a few choice words said by players watching the stream.

Edited by USMC2145
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I did not always agree with Ahskance's take on things, but I never really witnessed him acting negatively towards his viewers.

Although I did not witness the stream you talk about, could it be that he was just not 'in the zone' that day? We all have those moments where we aren't in sync with what we're doing. <O

Edited by WaveRider
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Don't worry, if he's actually playing the game he has no say in matters of game development. 

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31 minutes ago, USMC2145 said:

Players were saying hello to him, and he ignored everyone.

33 minutes ago, USMC2145 said:

He is supposed to be one of the people from WG you can talk to, yet he acted like a snob and ignored everyone.

34 minutes ago, USMC2145 said:

Needless to say, after he was sunk early, there were a few choice words said by players watching the stream.



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I can say that, when I am playing a match, I am not looking at chat except occasionally because I am too busy running my ship and evaluating what the opposition is doing.  Managing a stream adds another layer to things you need to be doing at the same time and being someone recognized that people know may be streaming in every game you play adds an additional incentive to ignore chat and enjoy the game when you can play it.


People thinking there is an obligation to chat when chat is abused so often that most people just turn a blind eye to it is a bit of entitlement.  You can say 'Hi' in chat, but no one is required to reply to you.


Edited by Jakob Knight
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Everyone has bad games. Sounds to me like he was distracted while playing. Real life happens while you play. As much as some players like to throw mud at anything WG related, he may have had chat disabled rather than be abused verbally be some pin head player blaming him for things in game he has no control over.  

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3 hours ago, USMC2145 said:

I just watched a stream where Ahskance happened to be on one of the teams. Players were saying hello to him, and he ignored everyone. He is supposed to be one of the people from WG you can talk to, yet he acted like a snob and ignored everyone. Is this where WG is headed, where even the people who represent them act like their players do not exist?

Maybe he was chat banned? 🤔

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3 hours ago, USMC2145 said:

I just watched a stream where Ahskance happened to be on one of the teams. Players were saying hello to him, and he ignored everyone. He is supposed to be one of the people from WG you can talk to, yet he acted like a snob and ignored everyone. Is this where WG is headed, where even the people who represent them act like their players do not exist?

Needless to say, after he was sunk early, there were a few choice words said by players watching the stream.

Two things:

1) If he's playing on his own stream and not a WG stream, he's not obliged to do his job. He's off the clock. Femennenly had to make this point constantly on her own personal streams.

2) Ahskance is, by his own admission, autistic. This is common knowledge; he's mentioned it many times. If he's wrapped up in what he's doing, he might not even be perceiving the chat.

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15 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

he's not obliged to do his job. He's off the clock.

Nope. That is not the issue. This is:

4 hours ago, USMC2145 said:

Players were saying hello to him, and he ignored everyone.

It is not about whether one was doing his job or not when he was streaming. It was about taking time to recognize the customers of the Company he is working for, even for just a second or two.

He did not. 


4 hours ago, USMC2145 said:

Needless to say, after he was sunk early, there were a few choice words said by players watching the stream.

I can only imagine what those choice—and probably well deserved—words were. 

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4 hours ago, USMC2145 said:

I just watched a stream where Ahskance happened to be on one of the teams. Players were saying hello to him, and he ignored everyone. He is supposed to be one of the people from WG you can talk to, yet he acted like a snob and ignored everyone. Is this where WG is headed, where even the people who represent them act like their players do not exist?

Needless to say, after he was sunk early, there were a few choice words said by players watching the stream.

By Ahskance own statement (iiirc)on a stream, he either disables chat or ignores it while playing.

Being a WG representative always puts him on the spotlight, some people makes very rude comments and engaging in chat is usually a loss-loss proposition, chances are something taken out of context will come to bite him in the back. 

Back in the early days, he did engage in chat (I personally crossed paths with him sometimes). I can't help but think we, the players, thought him not engaging in chat was the smart play.

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While I'm happy to put the boot into WG when they deserve it, is this such an occasion?

I didn't see the stream (not really my thing most of the time), but if the chap in question was trying to play the game, wouldn't his efforts have been severely hampered if he was trying to type in chat the whole time? I know that I struggle to maintain a chat conversation and play even semi-competently at the same time.

Personally, I more or less ignore chat entirely if I'm trying to play properly...

Edited by Verblonde
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14 minutes ago, Frostbow said:
4 hours ago, USMC2145 said:

Players were saying hello to him, and he ignored everyone.

It is not about whether one was doing his job or not when he was streaming. It was about taking time to recognize the customers of the Company he is working for, even for just a second or two.

He did not. 

Where exactly were those mgs appearing, in battle chat or somewhere else?  I usually never look at chat mgs since the majority is unrelated to the battle.  Besides, it's on the other side of the screen from what's important, the mini-map.   

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57 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Nope. That is not the issue. This is:

It is not about whether one was doing his job or not when he was streaming. It was about taking time to recognize the customers of the Company he is working for, even for just a second or two.

He did not. 




If you are saying him not being required to do his job when off the clock isn't an issue and then turn around and hold both he and his company at fault for not doing what you perceived as his job for the company when off the clock, do you not agree this is a contradictory double standard?



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i would tend to focus on ensign cthulhu's second point...



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50 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

If you are saying him not being required to do his job when off the clock isn't an issue and then turn around and hold both he and his company at fault for not doing what you perceived as his job for the company when off the clock, do you not agree this is a contradictory double standard?

A little bit of decency, you know, like responding to a fellow player's greetings, goes a long, long way. 

16 minutes ago, derf said:

i would tend to focus on ensign cthulhu's second point...

Anyone can claim he is autistic. Unless proven by a competent professional, I would not believe such claims. 

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I don’t have any particular affection for Ahskance, ok? But:

If I was in a battle with a “high recognition” player, and particularly if said player were on my team, I would want that player to focus on winning the battle. I tend to leave them alone, and do not begrudge them not answering other players.

Most ship types afford players some relaxed time even after the starting gun. CV players have to be more engaged from the beginning.

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16 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

A little bit of decency, you know, like responding to a fellow player's greetings,

Frosty, most likely he had the chat disabled (or maybe simply ignored it). He has many reasons for that, sometimes he's streaming and people tend to say nasty NSFW things so he disables chat to prevent that "filtering" into the stream. Other times he's busy testing stuff so also chat gets disabled/ignored in order to focus on completing the job at hand. 

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I have more than once not noticed people talking to me until the game slowed down or I was killed.  DD life is tough enough , trying to chat at the same time sometimes is just not possible.

Just sayin'

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42 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Frosty, most likely he had the chat disabled (or maybe simply ignored it). He has many reasons for that, sometimes he's streaming and people tend to say nasty NSFW things so he disables chat to prevent that "filtering" into the stream. Other times he's busy testing stuff so also chat gets disabled/ignored in order to focus on completing the job at hand. 


11 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

I have more than once not noticed people talking to me until the game slowed down or I was killed.  DD life is tough enough , trying to chat at the same time sometimes is just not possible.

Just sayin'

It's hilarious when someone makes comments because I am not chatting..........  I have chat enabled but I am handicapped in that I simply can't type and play one handed....

It's even funnier when you get negative Karma because many of us "can't reply...."  LOL...

And, some players simply turn off chat....and, play in silence.

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7 hours ago, USMC2145 said:


I cannot say what I want to say about this person or I will get sanctioned. He, being an employee of WG, is part of the PROBLEM.

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Maybe he just got tired of responding to all the swifties..  i mean Ahskieses all the time.

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8 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Two things:

1) If he's playing on his own stream and not a WG stream, he's not obliged to do his job. He's off the clock. Femennenly had to make this point constantly on her own personal streams.

2) Ahskance is, by his own admission, autistic. This is common knowledge; he's mentioned it many times. If he's wrapped up in what he's doing, he might not even be perceiving the chat.


8 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

By Ahskance own statement (iiirc)on a stream, he either disables chat or ignores it while playing.

Being a WG representative always puts him on the spotlight, some people makes very rude comments and engaging in chat is usually a loss-loss proposition, chances are something taken out of context will come to bite him in the back. 

Back in the early days, he did engage in chat (I personally crossed paths with him sometimes). I can't help but think we, the players, thought him not engaging in chat was the smart play.


8 hours ago, Frostbow said:

Nope. That is not the issue. This is:

It is not about whether one was doing his job or not when he was streaming. It was about taking time to recognize the customers of the Company he is working for, even for just a second or two.

He did not. 


I can only imagine what those choice—and probably well deserved—words were. 

Let me make this straight. Ahskance was not the one streaming or teamed with the person streaming. Ahskance just happened to be in the stream on the other team and had nothing to do with the streamer. If you are going to wear the clan tag (WG) than you should act like you are a representative of WG. I you can't act like a good representative of WG than maybe you should not be a representative for WG...period! 

Is this not part of what this forum is about is to bring out things like this that were covered up in the other forum? 

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9 minutes ago, USMC2145 said:



Let me make this straight. Ahskance was not the one streaming or teamed with the person streaming. Ahskance just happened to be in the stream on the other team and had nothing to do with the streamer. If you are going to wear the clan tag (WG) than you should act like you are a representative of WG. I you can't act like a good representative of WG than maybe you should not be a representative for WG...period! 

Is this not part of what this forum is about is to bring out things like this that were covered up in the other forum? 

I have to agree with USMC on this one. If you are going to wear the clan tag while playing that says you are part of WG, then you are on the clock and should be a good representative for WG. If you don't want to be bothered, then don't wear the WG tag; it is that simple.

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6 minutes ago, USMC2145 said:

Is this not part of what this forum is about is to bring out things like this that were covered up in the other forum? 

Bro, nobody is questioning you for bringing that up... folks are offering some possible explanations and I'm telling you as a fact Ahskance sometimes disables chat. 

8 minutes ago, USMC2145 said:

If you are going to wear the clan tag (WG) than you should act like you are a representative of WG. I you can't act like a good representative of WG than maybe you should not be a representative for WG...period! 

At the end of the day, the WG tags comes with the job... if he is not required to always engage in chat or even required to NOT ENGAGE in chat as a part of his job (for a specific task, like testing something), who do you think takes prescedence... his employer or you (as a player)?    

It may not be evident, but his job at WG goes beyond just being a friendly face and chat to people, they commonly have a lot of "paperwork"/non PR work to do. 

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