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USS Wisconsin is coming!


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As announced in the 13.1 Release Notes, Wisconsin - the third Iowa-class battleship in the game - will be distributed to testers at Tier X. 

AFAIK, the main difference with Big Whiskey is that she has extensive flag accommodations.  Obviously we won't be able to talk about the game version until she's released, but we can discuss what makes her historically unique.


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Really hope she's a coal ship. It'd be lovely if she were a coal ship.

Now we're just missing New Jersey (the weeb skin doesn't count). Shame, that. Hope that, when she finally arrives, she's in her "Black Dragon" guise.

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1 hour ago, iDuckman said:

Obviously we won't be able to talk about the game version until she's released

I mean, the super testers can't but we most certainly can theorycraft and analyze her all we want. Unless the rules on Devstrike changed so that we can't discuss content in testing anymore.

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4 minutes ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

Really hope she's a coal ship. It'd be lovely if she were a coal ship.

Now we're just missing New Jersey (the weeb skin doesn't count). Shame, that. Hope that, when she finally arrives, she's in her "Black Dragon" guise.

4th of July release almost guaranteed and she will be $200 dollar bundle or purchasable at the end of an event chain(where she will be even more money). Then maybe coal six months down the line.

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10 minutes ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

Really hope she's a coal ship. It'd be lovely if she were a coal ship.

Now we're just missing New Jersey (the weeb skin doesn't count). Shame, that. Hope that, when she finally arrives, she's in her "Black Dragon" guise.

Coal ship? are you new with WG?

Its gonna be random bundles 274 bundles, every bundle 3k doublons.

Yeah that sounds more realistic.

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Hi all,


4 hours ago, iDuckman said:

As announced in the 13.1 Release Notes, Wisconsin - the third Iowa-class battleship in the game - will be distributed to testers at Tier X. 

AFAIK, the main difference with Big Whiskey is that she has extensive flag accommodations.  Obviously we won't be able to talk about the game version until she's released, but we can discuss what makes her historically unique.


But Iowa and Missouri are both Tier IX... so Wisconsin will be Tier X ?

What will make her jump the tier?


Leo "Apollo11"

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15 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,


But Iowa and Missouri are both Tier IX... so Wisconsin will be Tier X ?

What will make her jump the tier?


Leo "Apollo11"

Probably something gimmicky based like Air attack sqadrons, radar, homing torps or funny button

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19 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,


But Iowa and Missouri are both Tier IX... so Wisconsin will be Tier X ?

What will make her jump the tier?


Leo "Apollo11"

Oh no


(jk probably not lols, please don't Wargaming)

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Hi all,


1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Probably something gimmicky based like Air attack sqadrons, radar, homing torps or funny button


1 hour ago, Sailor_Moon said:

Oh no


(jk probably not lols, please don't Wargaming)

Oh boy...


Leo "Apollo11"

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2 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,


But Iowa and Missouri are both Tier IX... so Wisconsin will be Tier X ?

What will make her jump the tier?


Leo "Apollo11"


The initial stats are here:  https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/506


Basically, she gets Combat Instructions and Defensive Fire consumable.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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5 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

Basically, she gets Combat Instructions and Defensive Fire consumable.

…and 2.0 sigma + battlecruiser dispersion.

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Wisconsin will probably be a July 4 release in some form, as I believe she is the only US ship in development at the moment. The centerpiece of the July 4 event is also usually a historical ship (Enterprise, Massachusetts, California, San Diego, and West Virginia have all been July 4 releases), another point in her favor.

A dockyard release would be… questionable. I’d like to think the minds at WG realize that rolling out such a famous and anticipated ship like Wisconsin as a limited release would not go over well, especially after what happened with MO. She will probably be a FOMO limited time release that will later return in the Armory. Given that RI was released in the same way earlier this year, my bets would be on RI returning for coal and WI for steel.

Edited by Nevermore135
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4 hours ago, o4x4 said:

Could be dockyard ship.

This is what I'm thinking...

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9 hours ago, iDuckman said:

AFAIK, the main difference with Big Whiskey is that she has extensive flag accommodations. 

If you were going to design her for WOWS, how do you think you might reflect this in gameplay?

(Open question for all, just in case Duckman knows things about this that he's not allowed to talk about.)

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21 hours ago, iDuckman said:

As announced in the 13.1 Release Notes, Wisconsin - the third Iowa-class battleship in the game - will be distributed to testers at Tier X. 

AFAIK, the main difference with Big Whiskey is that she has extensive flag accommodations.  Obviously we won't be able to talk about the game version until she's released, but we can discuss what makes her historically unique.


Thanks for sharing the news.

I'm looking forward to all the Iowa Class Battleships being in the game, someday.

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20 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

But Iowa and Missouri are both Tier IX... so Wisconsin will be Tier X ?

What will make her jump the tier?

No idea.  I haven't looked at her yet.  And even if I knew I couldn't tell you.  Wait for an announcement.  Even the tier might change.


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15 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

If you were going to design her for WOWS, how do you think you might reflect this in gameplay?

Without inside knowledge, I can't think of a way unless they introduce a new mechanic.


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On 2/8/2024 at 8:18 AM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

If you were going to design her for WOWS, how do you think you might reflect this in gameplay?

(Open question for all, just in case Duckman knows things about this that he's not allowed to talk about.)

If I were in charge, if I were to split the Iowa class ships into tiers, I'd enhance the little things that would make them "more effective..."   Radar (longer, further) - Secondary Range, then Accuracy - Speed is a given - built in gun stabilization - and, an AA increase that is "user aimable" (as we had long before...)

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On 2/8/2024 at 7:59 PM, Nevermore135 said:

…and 2.0 sigma + battlecruiser dispersion.

Also new, refined model (based on that of Illinois), modified citadel module (completely submerged also like that of Illinois) and improved ballistics (similiar to German and British 16.5-incher guns).

Basically a new ship sharing not that much (even the model is different) with her historical sisters.

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If the release ends up beeing in the latest WG T10 fashion of endless random bundles costing upwards of 300€ for the buyout and the ship usually ending up in the last 10 or so percent of the chain well I ll pass unless its the first one

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5 minutes ago, Yedwy said:

well I ll pass unless its the first one

Yes. This.

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