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13.1 Free Progression Line


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Summary for 13.1: 5-week patch, need 500 points to complete.  75 points for each extra level.
Free line has only 1 port, same 1200 steel and 12000 coal as 4-week patch but got 10 Journey to West Premium boxes as final reward.
Can get 975 points for playing (35 days * 25 points + 5 weeks * 20 points).

WG will need to throw in 50 more points to make it possible to get 7 extra levels.

So while less free resources per week, the 10% drop premium boxes will definitely bring ships to lucky ones.


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2 hours ago, o4x4 said:

Summary for 13.1: 5-week patch, need 500 points to complete.  75 points for each extra level.
Free line has only 1 port, same 1200 steel and 12000 coal as 4-week patch but got 10 Journey to West Premium boxes as final reward.
Can get 975 points for playing (35 days * 25 points + 5 weeks * 20 points).

WG will need to throw in 50 more points to make it possible to get 7 extra levels.

So while less free resources per week, the 10% drop premium boxes will definitely bring ships to lucky ones.


The premium boxes have decent rewards at least so if there is indeed 10 that basic Free line does not seem that horrible. As I am on EU I can not see the rewards yet.

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I have zero interest in loot crate gambling.

I'm not going to be grinding the battle pass.

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I think it is still possible to get 2 port slots this patch.

  1. Sell Rahmat before collecting the boat from BP.
  2. Make sure there is no vacant slot (buy T1 to fill in the port, if running out of T1, buy T2 etc)
  3. Collect the Rahmat from BP, the system will give you a port slot to place the boat as there is no vacant slot available.
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First world problem I know .... That said , how about some stuff for people who have been here so long we have all the ships and 80+ port slots ( that we can't sell ) laying around?

Last Patch they actually offered a PITTANCE of FXP if you had all the ships and one dropped.  Like 15K even for a T-9 🤔 Talk about a 100% reason to ignore events.

I don't play just for the " freebies" But who likes to see a mission with no real prize at the end?

Yes , we may be few but we ARE here.

That is all



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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I have zero interest in loot crate gambling.

I'm not going to be grinding the battle pass.

It's not gambling if you don't put any money in, but go ahead - cut off your nose to spite your face.

I'll collect my ten free containers from gameplay I was going to put in anyway and see what comes out of them. 

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4 minutes ago, ReDiR20 said:

What's the price of premium BP this time?

I see nothing in the BP this time making it worth spending any money. I will not spend a dime this time around. 

Edited by 3LUE
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3 minutes ago, ReDiR20 said:

What's the price of premium BP this time?

3000 dubs. You get 500,000 credits plus a special flag and a symbol for buying. I guess those are supposed to be really valuable. Remember the days when you used to get 5 million credits?

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47 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

First world problem I know .... That said , how about some stuff for people who have been here so long we have all the ships and 80+ port slots ( that we can't sell ) laying around?

I was wondering if that was occurring where you still get port slots though there are no ships for them. So, yes, it is occurring.

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42 minutes ago, 3LUE said:

I see nothing in the BP this time making it worth spending any money. I will not spend a dime this time around. 


41 minutes ago, palestreamer said:

3000 dubs. You get 500,000 credits plus a special flag and a symbol for buying. I guess those are supposed to be really valuable. Remember the days when you used to get 5 million credits?

Yep, the new BP is garbage. I think WG is trying to see how far they can push us before we stop spending money. I will also not be spending any on this BP. 

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Rare permacamos, T8 bonus package, 35k coal worth commander and Hsieyang (or compensation) are far from bad rewards. Actually very good IMO.

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16 minutes ago, ReDiR20 said:

Rare permacamos, T8 bonus package, 35k coal worth commander and Hsieyang (or compensation) are far from bad rewards. Actually very good IMO.

This is one of "those" moments when Free is pretty darn good.   No, for the record, I am not spending this time.  And, free is pretty good this time.

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15 minutes ago, ReDiR20 said:

Rare permacamos, T8 bonus package, 35k coal worth commander and Hsieyang (or compensation) are far from bad rewards. Actually very good IMO.

Camos are no rewards period. T8 bonus is a shadow of its former self since they did the economy rework. 35K Coal would be ok if it didn't come already spent on a commander.

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20 minutes ago, ReDiR20 said:

Rare permacamos, T8 bonus package, 35k coal worth commander and Hsieyang (or compensation) are far from bad rewards. Actually very good IMO.

Rare perm camos...meh, T8 package...meh, 35k in coal I do not need it...meh, Hsieysang....meh. BP has slowly become worse and worse. This time around it is for the most part garbage and not worth spending cash. 

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I could use some T8 packages or similar.  Those cost real money.


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9 minutes ago, iDuckman said:

I could use some T8 packages or similar.  Those cost real money.


I was debating it for that depending on what the other items were, then looked at the actual progression and just...meh? With 10 of 20 slots filled with cosmetic items there just isn't much there I actually would spend my limited funds on. It might be "worth" 3000 doubloons don't get me wrong, I just don't feel excited spending it that way this time.

Edited by Darlith
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The Rahmat cruiser is the reward for reaching level 10, but I already have one.  Is there a compensation for a duplicate?

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3 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

It's not gambling if you don't put any money in, but go ahead - cut off your nose to spite your face.

I'll collect my ten free containers from gameplay I was going to put in anyway and see what comes out of them. 

Loot crates are gambling if you have to put value in...and since they aren't handed out for free but have to be earned...

The rest of your post seems to just be you trying to make yourself feel better for your own choices...so Ill ignore the snark.

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2 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

The Rahmat cruiser is the reward for reaching level 10, but I already have one.  Is there a compensation for a duplicate?

You receive credit compensation for the ships and old Pan-Asian cruiser early access camos.

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2 hours ago, iDuckman said:

I could use some T8 packages or similar.  Those cost real money.


Funnily enough, I’ve accumulated more tier VIII packages than I know what to do with, since WG hands them out like candy.

That tier VI bonus in the free path, on the other hand…

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2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Loot crates are gambling if you have to put value in...and since they aren't handed out for free but have to be earned...

The rest of your post seems to just be you trying to make yourself feel better for your own choices...so Ill ignore the snark.

The only one trying to make themselves feel better about their choices here is you. My gameplay is motivated by my grinds; the crates will be a bonus.

Are you going to call me a liar? Please do so up front.

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7 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Loot crates are gambling if you have to put value in...and since they aren't handed out for free but have to be earned...

The rest of your post seems to just be you trying to make yourself feel better for your own choices...so Ill ignore the snark.

Sometimes you go too far in your assesments. My take on this if you play as you normally wants to do they are free. If you play extra hours that you rather spent on other activities your take makes sense. I like to play warships it is the only game I play - but if I play more than I "want" it is not free. 

The latest BP - the first 20 stages are free for me - I play that much but the post progression they were not prioritized at all. I got most of the days maybe 2 of the 1 p mission (more on weekends).

If you feel that every game is not free on WOWS I would not play at all, if there is other things I would rather do. That is my take.  

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1 hour ago, Gnirf said:

Sometimes you go too far in your assesments. My take on this if you play as you normally wants to do they are free. If you play extra hours that you rather spent on other activities your take makes sense. I like to play warships it is the only game I play - but if I play more than I "want" it is not free. 

The latest BP - the first 20 stages are free for me - I play that much but the post progression they were not prioritized at all. I got most of the days maybe 2 of the 1 p mission (more on weekends).

If you feel that every game is not free on WOWS I would not play at all, if there is other things I would rather do. That is my take.  

the statement was that the boxes are not gambling if you don't put money in it ... that is only true when they are handed out without any effor spent. after all time = money in this world. so if you have to put in some time to acquire them then you have wasted money ...


also since they are a random drop change type of item, that is still a game of chance, no matter the output as you cannot evaluate upfront if the effort required will be worth it or not.

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6 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

The only one trying to make themselves feel better about their choices here is you. My gameplay is motivated by my grinds; the crates will be a bonus.

Are you going to call me a liar? Please do so up front.

does not change the fact that those crates are still a game of chance ... even if handed out for "free"

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