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Changes to test ships - Closed test 13.1


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WG, in a predicatable way, decided to nerf the ASW of the Commonwealth cruisers, their concealment, and reload. But not the T10 of course. Wiesbaden gets a lot of nerfs too.

My interest in the new line dies with every change.



Changes to test ships - Closed test 13.1

Based on testing results, we're applying changes to Commonwealth Cruisers, Victoria, Wiesbaden, Jupiter '42 and Chikuma II


II Port Jackson

  • Main battery reload time increased: 9.1 to 9.6s

III Caradoc

  • Main battery reload time increased: 8.0 to 8.5 s

Commonwelath Cruiser Red Fort, Tier V

  • Main battery reload time increased: 6.0 to 6.6 s
  • Range of the Depth Charge Airstrike decreased: 8 to 7km
  • Added Submarine Surveillance with parameters similar to Hobart
  • Torpedo protection removed

Red Fort is a clone for the testing of TIer V Delhi

VI Hobart

  • Main battery reload time increased: 6.5 to 7.5s
  • Range of the ASW airstrike decreased: 8 to 7km

Commonwealth Cruiser Uganda, Tier VII

  • Main battery reload time increased: 6.5 to 7.1 s
  • Range of the Depth Charge Airstrike decreased: 9 to 8km
  • Added Submarine Surveillance with parameters similar to Auckland
  • Removed torpedo protection

VIII Auckland

  • Main battery reload time increased: 10 to 11 s
  • Surface detectability range increased: 12.3 to 13.28km
    • All other detectability ranges adjusted accordingly

IX Encounter

  • Main battery reload time increased: 8.9 to 9.8 s
  • Surface detectability range increased: 12.3 to 12.96km
    • All other detectability ranges adjusted accordingly

VII Jupiter '42

  • Main Battery reload time increased: 4.5 to 6.5s
  • AP shell parameters changed:
    • damage increased: 1700 to 2500
    • arming threshold decreased: 20mm to 12mm

IX Victoria

  • Improved the main battery firing angles
  • Sigma parameter increased: 1.8 to 2.0
  • Switched standard and alternatives shells. Fast-moving shells are now base shells, and slow-moving but high-damage ones are alternative.
  • Alternative AP shell parameters changed:
    • Damage increased: 13800 to 14200
  • Alternative HE shell parameters changed:
    • Damage increased: 5250 to 5850
    • Fire chance increased: 30 to 40%

VIII Wiesbaden

  • Main battery reload time increased: 5 to 6s
  • Hydroacoustic Search consumable changed:
    • Ship detection range decreased: 6 to 5km
    • Torpedo detection range decreased: 4 to 3.5km
    • Action time reduced: 120 to 100s
  • Smoke generator consumable changed:
    • Action time reduced: 20 to 15s
    • Cooldown increased: 160 to 180s

Japanese Cruiser Chikuma II, Tier IX

  • Decreased the firing angle of the torpedo tubes by 1 degree as a result of a bug-fix to the model


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Quite a lot of nerfs. The increase from 4.5 to 6.5s for the main battery reload time on the Jupiter seems extreme, also the Wiesbaden changes, why would i or anyone else who has Mainz, want her now, i don't get it.

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9 hours ago, Aragathor said:



WG, in a predicatable way, decided to nerf the ASW of the Commonwealth cruisers, their concealment, and reload. But not the T10 of course. Wiesbaden gets a lot of nerfs too.

My interest in the new line dies with every change.


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Changes to test ships - Closed test 13.1

Based on testing results, we're applying changes to Commonwealth Cruisers, Victoria, Wiesbaden, Jupiter '42 and Chikuma II


II Port Jackson

  • Main battery reload time increased: 9.1 to 9.6s

III Caradoc

  • Main battery reload time increased: 8.0 to 8.5 s

Commonwelath Cruiser Red Fort, Tier V

  • Main battery reload time increased: 6.0 to 6.6 s
  • Range of the Depth Charge Airstrike decreased: 8 to 7km
  • Added Submarine Surveillance with parameters similar to Hobart
  • Torpedo protection removed

Red Fort is a clone for the testing of TIer V Delhi

VI Hobart

  • Main battery reload time increased: 6.5 to 7.5s
  • Range of the ASW airstrike decreased: 8 to 7km

Commonwealth Cruiser Uganda, Tier VII

  • Main battery reload time increased: 6.5 to 7.1 s
  • Range of the Depth Charge Airstrike decreased: 9 to 8km
  • Added Submarine Surveillance with parameters similar to Auckland
  • Removed torpedo protection

VIII Auckland

  • Main battery reload time increased: 10 to 11 s
  • Surface detectability range increased: 12.3 to 13.28km
    • All other detectability ranges adjusted accordingly

IX Encounter

  • Main battery reload time increased: 8.9 to 9.8 s
  • Surface detectability range increased: 12.3 to 12.96km
    • All other detectability ranges adjusted accordingly

VII Jupiter '42

  • Main Battery reload time increased: 4.5 to 6.5s
  • AP shell parameters changed:
    • damage increased: 1700 to 2500
    • arming threshold decreased: 20mm to 12mm

IX Victoria

  • Improved the main battery firing angles
  • Sigma parameter increased: 1.8 to 2.0
  • Switched standard and alternatives shells. Fast-moving shells are now base shells, and slow-moving but high-damage ones are alternative.
  • Alternative AP shell parameters changed:
    • Damage increased: 13800 to 14200
  • Alternative HE shell parameters changed:
    • Damage increased: 5250 to 5850
    • Fire chance increased: 30 to 40%

VIII Wiesbaden

  • Main battery reload time increased: 5 to 6s
  • Hydroacoustic Search consumable changed:
    • Ship detection range decreased: 6 to 5km
    • Torpedo detection range decreased: 4 to 3.5km
    • Action time reduced: 120 to 100s
  • Smoke generator consumable changed:
    • Action time reduced: 20 to 15s
    • Cooldown increased: 160 to 180s

Japanese Cruiser Chikuma II, Tier IX

  • Decreased the firing angle of the torpedo tubes by 1 degree as a result of a bug-fix to the model


Got to make the tier 10 overpowered to drive sales.

Don't worry, they will nerf her after the early access money has rolled in.

Bait and switch...its the WG way.

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On 2/6/2024 at 10:39 PM, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Got to make the tier 10 overpowered to drive sales.

Don't worry, they will nerf her after the early access money has rolled in.

Bait and switch...its the WG way.

not sure what is worst WG that keeps using bait and switch tactics or the players that keep falling for it over and over.

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On 2/7/2024 at 1:39 AM, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

WG, in a predicatable way, decided to nerf the ASW of the Commonwealth cruisers, their concealment, and reload. But not the T10 of course. Wiesbaden gets a lot of nerfs too.

Well... it was rather obvious that the Commonwealth ships (many of which are British derived designs) were significantly better than their British equivalents (Leander, Hobart, for example). So nerfs were incoming, sooner or later. As for cynicism, I think WG would be more guilty of that if they'd released new versions of ships whose old editions were being nerfed (Leander, Hobart). 

Confused by the Jupiter reload nerf, though. That's a really slow reload compared to Jervis / Haida (5s), Huron (4.2s) - a lot of utility sacrificed for some (slightly) more hard hitting torpedoes. 

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Nerfing concealment on the lower tiers is perhaps one of the most scummy ways to go about it.

It gives the engagement initiative to the T10, which has both superior firepower and survivability.


12 hours ago, invicta2012 said:

Confused by the Jupiter reload nerf, though. That's a really slow reload compared to Jervis / Haida (5s), Huron (4.2s) - a lot of utility sacrificed for some (slightly) more hard hitting torpedoes. 

Jupiter didn't get nerfed.

The shell dmg increase compensates for longer reload, resulting in increased alpha. Not a very necessary change, but AP-only ships do benefit a lot from increased alpha. But it's still jarring how the exact same gun have so many versions with different characteristics.

Combined with the shortened arming thershold, it is a definite buff.

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11 hours ago, Verytis said:

Jupiter didn't get nerfed.

The shell dmg increase compensates for longer reload, resulting in increased alpha. Not a very necessary change, but AP-only ships do benefit a lot from increased alpha. But it's still jarring how the exact same gun have so many versions with different characteristics.

Combined with the shortened arming thershold, it is a definite buff.

True, but AP is a bit of a disadvantage in DD vs DD combat. You may be able to hammer an enemy's broadside but they'll have given you a good walloping with their HE before you get the chance to respond. Experience with German AP DDs suggests this is a situational buff, if anything. 

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12 hours ago, invicta2012 said:

True, but AP is a bit of a disadvantage in DD vs DD combat. You may be able to hammer an enemy's broadside but they'll have given you a good walloping with their HE before you get the chance to respond. Experience with German AP DDs suggests this is a situational buff, if anything. 

The fact that AP is situational, is why increased alpha is useful. You want to drop some big hits on them before they can respond.

This means that your biggest advantage often comes from the initial engagement, but lose effectiveness as the target reacts.


Who gets to respond first usually depends on concealment. You could argue Jupiter doesn't have enough of it, but that is a separate issue.

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2 hours ago, Verytis said:

The fact that AP is situational, is why increased alpha is useful.

This is why I took the 420mm guns on FDG rather than the 406mm.

Theoretical DPM is not ACTUAL DPM.

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