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Weekend Spree, 2 to 4 February 2024

Ensign Cthulhu

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Streamed on Saturday, derped on Sunday. Among other things, there was work to be done around the house. Much cat furniture was affixed to the walls for our fluffy little terrors to run up and down. They will probably ignore all of this and sleep curled up in (or on top of) the boxes it came in. There is a box in the hall at the top of the stairs in which some of the kids' Christmas presents arrived, but it is still there because the cats made it THEIR BOX, and from it they survey all that goes on around them. 

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Well, I am down to a few COOP's for a PVP oriented Naval Battles and Ops at night.  In the news three of the winners of that XP competition were sub drivers I've read.

And now, I know for a fact why I don't play very much anymore.  Once our OP's crew decides this is getting more than boring (and, they are close) it will be time to retire this game and play FT somewhere else, in a game that cares.

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Juggled the assignments of my Hololive Commanders among various compatible premium ships, in an effort to complete the Hololive event mission tasks while utilizing all of the Hololive Commanders already in my Fleet. 
While some of my non-Hololive ships and captains helped, here & there, the bulk of the grinding was done by Hololive Commanders sailing their usual 'botes or via the issuance of "borrow your boat"* orders for temporary assignments to premium ships. 
I'm happy to say "Mission Accomplished".
The final reward for completing the missions was a choice of welcoming either Fubuki Shirakami or Moona Hoshinova (each equipped with 6 skill points).
As I already have two Fubuki Shirakami Commanders (who arrived during the first Hololive collaboration event), I decided to welcome Moona Hoshinova (the 2nd.).
This means I currently have one of every available Hololive Commander, and some "twins", in my Port.

At various times, over the weekend, I viewed Twitch streams, including those of @Ensign Cthulhu and @Lord_Zath.
I was also fortunate to sail in divisions with them during their live-streaming.
Good sessions.  🙂 

I also participated in Naval Battles, earning 17 "stars" with 14 "attempts".

I worked my Uber job for several hours, on Saturday.

*A practice I started, months ago, inspired by a scene in the movie "Battleship". 
Often an opportunity to foster training & learning experiences among personnel, I feel it has been worthwhile, enjoyable and popular within my Fleet. 
Permanently assigned Captains play the role of "host" and temporarily assigned Captains play the role of "guest", in a cooperative endeavor to sail the ship in pursuit of missions or simply to gain some experience.
While not as wild as an "alien invasion", it's a nice "change of pace", from their usual routines and seen as more of a social occasion and get to know one another better opportunity.  🙂 


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The weekend was horrible and good. Saturday I played my Gneisenau and the T7 Battlecruiser in my German regrind and could not hit anything and had horrible wr, Sunday was the opposite. The only consistent was Izmail which I had 5-1 W/L in bronze ranked but it is one of my favourite ships (Kuznetzov posted there all the time). I do notice that I after my eye surgery slightly over a year ago I seem to have slighly worse hit rate but if so you at least what the cause is - nothing that I can do anything about even though I have upped my screen to 27" a while ago. 

My T7 German BC have Man Sec but that means I have not FP yet because I want the extra repair. Might be a stupid choice but I try to get Man Sec from T7. It will be a couple of regrinds so thats the next chosen skill.  

Edited by Gnirf
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2 hours ago, Gnirf said:

My T7 German BC have Man Sec but that means I have not FP yet because I want the extra repair. Might be a stupid choice but I try to get Man Sec from T7. It will be a couple of regrinds so thats the next chosen skill.  

We all have to make our own decisions on which is the best skill to get first, and live with the resulting compromises. Provided you're willing to do that, your choice is not necessarily "wrong". 

Alas, we don't all have tens of millions of ECXP to throw at captains like the veteran unicum streamers do! So we do what we can, and play-through regrind (as opposed to FXP-ing it) does have the benefit of promoting captains, especially at higher tiers where the (re)grind is longer. But there are some ships I just don't want to do without and cannot bring myself to reset, and Schlieffen is one of those. Plus I absolutely hated Derfflinger and still cannot make it do well, and I felt very good when I got the T6 in early access and didn't have to grind all the way through the "Derp-flinger". 

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19 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

We all have to make our own decisions on which is the best skill to get first, and live with the resulting compromises. Provided you're willing to do that, your choice is not necessarily "wrong". 

Alas, we don't all have tens of millions of ECXP to throw at captains like the veteran unicum streamers do! So we do what we can, and play-through regrind (as opposed to FXP-ing it) does have the benefit of promoting captains, especially at higher tiers where the (re)grind is longer. But there are some ships I just don't want to do without and cannot bring myself to reset, and Schlieffen is one of those. Plus I absolutely hated Derfflinger and still cannot make it do well, and I felt very good when I got the T6 in early access and didn't have to grind all the way through the "Derp-flinger". 

I have planned to do maybe 3 resets on the German BCs and 2 on the Battleships as I am counting on having 18 or better at T7 and up then. For me 18 is the new 19, but if I come long enough into 19 the project might be to take that captain to 21. My prio is to get the T10 to 21 and 8 and 9 at least 14 on new lines and then if project regrind reach that particular line depending on my personal sweetspot 18 from t7 or 8 (3x4 p skills on BBs). Other shiptypes have other numbers. Lower down the lines all old BB lines (not German BCs and Italian BBs) have 14 from T5. So I want to prio more good captains than a few maxed out. The Superships take a huge toll on elite xp as the endgoal there is 21 (DD;CA;BB) despite I hardly play them.  CVs and SS captains have to make do with 10p but they are lower than low on priority list.

I have one captain assigned to all ships do rarely move them although there are a few exceptions. I am on my third König after two have been played to max points.

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2 minutes ago, Gnirf said:

So I want to prio more good captains than a few maxed out.

Not a bad strategy, especially if you're planning multiple regrinds. 

I chose to ensure that every nation had at least one 21 pointer and now that this is done, my long term priority now is to make all the specials (Sansonetti, Swirski, Kuznetsov etc.) into 21 pointers. Again, your strategy is right for you.

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