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Weekend Spree - 26 to 28 January 2024

Ensign Cthulhu

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Finished the Michelangelo Dockyard and the Battle Pass. Spent the $ on both, but what tipped the balance on the Battle Pass was the Tier 8, Yorktown-coded econ bonus, which to buy separately is worth all but 200 of the dubs it cost me. Without that, I would have left well enough alone and I would be planning my Independence - Yorktown grind right now instead of Yorktown - Midway. Streamed on Saturday - had a lot of fun in low tiers on the PTS. Took it relatively easy on Sunday. Crunched the numbers to plan for the ships I want to grind to Tier 10 this year, and the numbers per day are pretty low, which is good, because I plan to make it a pretty light year until Anniversary hits and the prize-farming season begins. 

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Finished the dockyard missions on Thursday, so I was able to spend a lot more time on the PTS this weekend.

IRL managed to get a long list of household chores done.  Other than that, a pretty quiet weekend.

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I bought the dockyard out a while back and finished the steel part Friday.  Glad that is over.  Played OPs in the evenings and some COOP for the BP during the days...  Participated in Naval Battles.

And, watched some football and walked.   Too miserable to shoot.  And, today, the Sun is out for the first time in almost a week !  Time to take a long walk and try to figure out what weapons project I should be working on.   Match this weekend and TBH, I haven't even looked to see what the heck we are shooting !  I hate this time of the year.

WOWS wise........I'm kind of acting as if this game is "retired....."   My close friends and I are hinting about a move out to play a newer or more local game. We'll see what happens.

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Reached stage 20 of the U.S. Carriers event battle-pass progression.

I'm currently at phase 18 of the Michelangelo dockyard event.

Participated in Naval Battles.
I earned 18 "stars".  My opponent's Clan earned 22 "stars".  They won, fair & square.  
Even so, I received 1,150 units of oil in the process.

Saw the Baltimore Ravens and the Kansas City Chiefs football game out of the corner of my eye (my Wife was watching it) while I was viewing @Lord_Zath's Twitch stream.

Was fortunate to sail in @Ensign Cthulhu's division as a part of his Twitch stream.

Performed a "check & repair" after being disconnected at the end of three battles in a row.  That seemed to have solved the issue.

Have read about two-thirds of the book "Ever After" by Kim Harrison, so far.

My Wife and I watched the last two episodes of the "Monarch" television series.

Found a couple of series on Netflix.
Onmyoji  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22264252/
3Below: Tales of Arcadia  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7736544/

I didn't watch much beyond the beginning of the second episode of 3Below.  But, I'm several episodes into the series Onmyoji.  

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My weekend were grinding out the last 180 K elite XP on my S:t Vincent to get the captain to 21.

Otherwise at T6/7 on my German BB regrind in normal pace.

The new postprogression nerf (80-90%) is hitting hard on my inspiration to play extra hard , but I naturally plays what I feel and normally the three containers (37 K).


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1 hour ago, Gnirf said:

The new postprogression nerf

My feelings on this are mixed. On the one hand, yes, the prizes are watered down. On the other hand, claiming the entire progression including the end prize is much easier than it used to be and is fully accessible to casual play.

It also no longer depends on winning battles (which is good if your teams keep throwing, or if you are a beginner who is struggling), and the stages proceed concurrently - if you were to get 2000 base XP in the first battle of the day, you would max out the two 10-point daily tasks and grab one of the 2000-point daily repeaters at once, instead of having to do one stage at a time and largely waste the BXP from a really big battle early in the day. 

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I finished the “carrier event” grind, with no great enthusiasm for the final stage. Getting 7.5M credits compensation for the two camos was nice, but I was more enthused about the steel in the previous stage.

I happened to have the time to grind the BP steel this time around, but overall I don’t like this formulation of the “battle pass” , with all the steel pushed out to near the end. I recognize this month didn’t have the most onerous of grinds, but in the pre-BP days, even infrequent players could get some amount of steel on any day they showed up.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

My feelings on this are mixed. On the one hand, yes, the prizes are watered down. On the other hand, claiming the entire progression including the end prize is much easier than it used to be and is fully accessible to casual play.

It also no longer depends on winning battles (which is good if your teams keep throwing, or if you are a beginner who is struggling), and the stages proceed concurrently - if you were to get 2000 base XP in the first battle of the day, you would max out the two 10-point daily tasks and grab one of the 2000-point daily repeaters at once, instead of having to do one stage at a time and largely waste the BXP from a really big battle early in the day. 

That is correct but with premium pass earlier you maybe got 20 stages or so in postprogression and that meant for example 20x3 Blue boosters + lots of coal and other containers. And 1 stage was 10 points which even if you had to win you could do them in coop. Now you get most (20 points with ease) but the last 5 are far more work than before and 50 points are needed for 20 tokens and a box. Those 20 tokens will not be anyway near even the Yorktown camo unless you buy lots of bundles at a steep prize.

But for the casual player the first 20 stages should be easier than before but once you have insured those 20 stages, for me the postprogression becomes irrelevant in how much I play , I get what i can naturally but the 3 containers are the important thing. On Saturday and Sunday I get the 5 1 point stages as I play more then normally but will not feel the urge to do it if there are good football options - it is pre-season fights now in Sweden and those I follow with interest. 

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In other news, we had a snowstorm recently in my local area.  Today I fired-up my snowblower to clear the driveway and other areas around the house.
... discovered that one of the "shear bolts", for one of the two augers of the snowblower, had broken. 
Probably happened at the tail-end of my last snowblowing session.
Well, with one working auger, I was able to adjust my snowblowing paths of travel and take smaller "bites" and "slices" out of the snow.
There were still a few places where I had to force the snow to get 'plowed' instead of blown.  But I kept those to a minimum.
And in some places I simply had to use a shovel.

So, now I have to research and shop for some replacement auger shear-bolts/pins.  And order some extras, as spare parts for future use.

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3 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

In other news, we had a snowstorm recently in my local area.  Today I fired-up my snowblower to clear the driveway and other areas around the house.
... discovered that one of the "shear bolts", for one of the two augers of the snowblower, had broken. 
Probably happened at the tail-end of my last snowblowing session.
Well, with one working auger, I was able to adjust my snowblowing paths of travel and take smaller "bites" and "slices" out of the snow.
There were still a few places where I had to force the snow to get 'plowed' instead of blown.  But I kept those to a minimum.
And in some places I simply had to use a shovel.

So, now I have to research and shop for some replacement auger shear-bolts/pins.  And order some extras, as spare parts for future use.

A good old-fashioned exercise...

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7 hours ago, Gnirf said:

A good old-fashioned exercise...


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15 hours ago, Gnirf said:

I get what i can naturally but the 3 containers are the important thing.

Yes. I used to call 6000 base XP and 37,000 ship XP (getting all three containers) as "a standard day of play" for determining how reasonable (or not) an event was, or calculating how quickly it was possible to do the Yamamoto and Halsey campaigns. With the base XP for the battle pass/daily chains/call it what you will changing so much, I think the 37,000 XP remains the only yardstick that hasn't changed (as far as I can remember) in the whole time I've been playing the game. 

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