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PSA. RB x2 reset is upon us!!


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Already regrinding all of the IJN, save for CV and SUB.  Plus regrinding German BC, PA cruisers, and Spanish cruisers.  Yeah, I'm on a cruiser kick.  Leaning toward USN DD next, not sure though.  That line was the most fun I've had in this game, but it was long ago.  I've collected all the T10 RB ships, plus a few T9.  I hope this mode does not go away.  It's funny- I hated the idea of this RB and regrinding when it first started, now it's my primary mode of play.  8 of the 9 ships in my primary carousel are regrinds, and account for most of my gaming here.  Who else is doing it like this?

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8 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

Already active on NA, tomorrow on EU.

Excellent. I had meant to look that up; now I won't have to. Many thanks.

According to several Google searches, that puts the last chance for a trigger-pull on the next reset on or near Anzac Day (April 25). Half a million FXP to get before then if I want to do two resets in quick succession before and after. 

20 minutes ago, meatgrindr said:

8 of the 9 ships in my primary carousel are regrinds, and account for most of my gaming here.  Who else is doing it like this?

Not me! I've reground the IJN gunboats one and a half times, but I got tired of that and trying to do it quickly in Randoms caused my winrate to suffer. It's only... what, 680,000 XP? 8000 a day; doable even in co-op. But I have a lot of IRL interruptions coming up in the next three to six months and several lines I want to finish for the first time, never mind regrinding any!

I can see how it could work out for some people, though; especially since grinds for higher tiers are invariably going to stick a hundred thousand or more Commander XP on each captain with every pass, whereas FXP-ing it does not. If I can get my agenda for this year finished early, I might set aside a Research Bureau season where I do nothing but keep track of how much it costs to regrind a line when I'm actually playing the ships and getting some of the credits back in post-battle earnings. 

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I was hoping to have my USN DDs done again by the reset, so I could send them on another trip through the RP printer, but life got in the way so I'm still on Benson. Might do Des Moines again, instead; that would be kinda poetic, since the DM UU is next up on my shopping list (my current regrind is going towards Halland's).

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Excellent. I had meant to look that up; now I won't have to. Many thanks.

According to several Google searches, that puts the last chance for a trigger-pull on the next reset on or near Anzac Day (April 25). Half a million FXP to get before then if I want to do two resets in quick succession before and after. 

Not me! I've reground the IJN gunboats one and a half times, but I got tired of that and trying to do it quickly in Randoms caused my winrate to suffer. It's only... what, 680,000 XP? 8000 a day; doable even in co-op. But I have a lot of IRL interruptions coming up in the next three to six months and several lines I want to finish for the first time, never mind regrinding any!

I can see how it could work out for some people, though; especially since grinds for higher tiers are invariably going to stick a hundred thousand or more Commander XP on each captain with every pass, whereas FXP-ing it does not. If I can get my agenda for this year finished early, I might set aside a Research Bureau season where I do nothing but keep track of how much it costs to regrind a line when I'm actually playing the ships and getting some of the credits back in post-battle earnings. 

     Well, I've completed all tech tree lines, minus the T11's (not so interested, yet), and still working on the recent USN CV line.  I've played a few other ships this weekend trying to help my clan with naval battles (because damage not BXP), plus....I am in no hurry.  My ultimate goal is to have all my grinds and regrinds done by next anniversary/Christmas, which I should do easily, plus more, barring unforeseen IRL stuff.  I'm really hoping some new ships come up in the RB, there are 4 T9's left there for me that I think I can get by next year, lol.  I find it fun, like a constant grind in the background among all the current grinds of missions going on, all the while playing the lines I had the most fun with.  


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8 hours ago, meatgrindr said:

Well, I've completed all tech tree lines,

Oh sure, if I'd done that my incentive to regrind some of them would be much higher (especially since I have Star Kitakaze and don't have to feel the lack of the original when it's in reset). 


8 hours ago, meatgrindr said:

minus the T11's

The superships are, like, a massive grind of ONE XP from the T10s and you don't lose them in the reset. But they also gobble credits like Jabba at a buffet, which is the big disincentive for me; they're simply not sufficiently more powerful to differentiate them from the T10s, and I don't fear them in battle enough to want one for myself. Not to mention that they soak up a high-points captain who has to be retrained to them, so you'd better have a bunch of premiums in that nation for him to drive while he's paying the service costs for his Super Beast. Like a modern-day Maybach limousine, it's nice but it's not for me. 

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Hi all,

21 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

Already active on NA, tomorrow on EU.

3 more months of waiting for me... I wait for x4... so only twice a year I reset a line...


Leo "Apollo11"

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6 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

3 more months of waiting for me... I wait for x4... so only twice a year I reset a line...


Does it actually work like that? I mean that reset multipliers accumulate without you leveling back up (e.g. using FXP) and re-resetting the line?

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18 minutes ago, tangofan said:

Does it actually work like that? I mean that reset multipliers accumulate without you leveling back up (e.g. using FXP) and re-resetting the line?

You have to research the tier X before you can reset the line again. You stack multipliers by using free XP to get back the tier X, followed by a reset. If one has a lot of FXP floating around, it allows you to save time and credits by only needing to buy/play the ships once. Each normal reset adds a x1 bonus, and each “first reset” every three months adds a x2 bonus. I think @Leo_Apollo11 meant to say that he only plays the line and collects the RP twice a year with a x4 bonus, but resets the line every 3 months to get that x4 bonus.

Edited by Nevermore135
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Hi all,

13 hours ago, tangofan said:

Does it actually work like that? I mean that reset multipliers accumulate without you leveling back up (e.g. using FXP) and re-resetting the line?


13 hours ago, Nevermore135 said:

You have to research the tier X before you can reset the line again. You stack multipliers by using free XP to get back the tier X, followed by a reset. If one has a lot of FXP floating around, it allows you to save time and credits by only needing to buy/play the ships once. Each normal reset adds a x1 bonus, and each “first reset” every three months adds a x2 bonus. I think @Leo_Apollo11 meant to say that he only plays the line and collects the RP twice a year with a x4 bonus, but resets the line every 3 months to get that x4 bonus.

Yep - that is what I do - I reset the line on the last day of x2 and FreeXP it next day to apply new x2 for combined x4 which I then normally play and grind - this can be done twice a  year...


Leo "Apollo11"

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