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Brisbane will become available for coal ...


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Sitting on 600k of coal for god knows how long as all the coal ships have been previously acquired. Brisbane as a coal ship makes me happy.😄

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After months of SOON(TM), it's actually almost here! 

While I have enough to get her AND the Agir AND the Carnot and have a clean sweep, I'm going to hold off. IIRC Halford has been promised for coal and I want enough in reserve to be able to get her when she comes out for keeps. So it'll be Brisbane at once, maybe Agir, and Carnot can wait for another day. Probably one long in the future. 

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She's a minotaur with radar, HE and AP shells, 4X5 13,5 km torpedoes, and no smoke. Kills everything in co op in 5 minutes.

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5 hours ago, BCGrog said:

Is it really that good?

What are it's best traits?

The Commander that pairs well with the ship.  🏴‍☠️

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I wonder if there will be many in Randoms?

The ones I have come across in Randoms have been easily deleted with less impact than Minotaur.

It seems better suited to Ranked.

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She's a great ship if you like light cruisers. When built for torps you can get some pretty high damage games as well.

In ranked, I've used it almost solely and had a lot of success - the 12km radar is 'overtuned' perhaps but useful nonetheless.

Prepare to be deleted though against overmatch every so often!

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9 hours ago, majmac said:

I wonder if there will be many in Randoms?

The ones I have come across in Randoms have been easily deleted with less impact than Minotaur.

It seems better suited to Ranked.

Light cruisers in Random need to be handled very carefully, a tad fragile, but in skilled hands they are ridiculous.

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10 hours ago, majmac said:

The ones I have come across in Randoms have been easily deleted with less impact than Minotaur.

If playing Radar Minotaur in a particular environment is not in your skill-set, you will probably not do well with Brisbane under the same circumstances.

One thing having Brisbane will do - I can finally fit the Minotaur's Unique Upgrade and leave it there, because it's counterproductive when Mino is playing with radar. Brisbane will be my Radar Mino henceforth, because she can't be anything else.

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As all above, I have almost 2 million in coal and this ship was one I actually wanted.   Because, I feel the HMAS is under populated.  We have dozens of Asian and other Nationalities and  I am happy to see this one !

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Grabbed it as soon as it appeared in armoury.

I used my tokens from the event to get Matilda Kelly and I've been waiting a LONG arsed time for this ship to become available.

Every week in the official stream I'd be "BRISBANE WHEN ?" and every time it was "soon TM".

Last week Sera replied with "soon, VERY soon" so it was fairly obvious it was being released this patch and finally Matilda is at the helm 💪

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I didn't expect her before years. Yesterday at 10:01  she was mine!!! Mouhahahahaha

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5 hours ago, Latouche_Treville said:

I woudn't play her in randoms, she needs a high skill player to shine.

That's true for most T10 light cruisers.

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5 hours ago, Latouche_Treville said:

I woudn't play her in randoms, she needs a high skill player to shine.

Just got her, love playing the ship in randoms but the teams just are utter garbage every time i take her out

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I need to save-up about 30k more coal.  
Oh well.  Off to the figurative mines we go.

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