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Wargaming getting more picky about inactivity in battles


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Very odd I never get this message like ever some people have bad luck I guess. 4:30 into video

Edited by MysticalWar
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I got this message once a while back ago.  Typical A-B-C caps in battle.  I was in a DD and secured B first with kills and then moved to C to support and kill off a cruiser.  There was only a single red sub on the far side of the map, and there was no way I would have any impact on the game with three team members hunting it.  So, just hit 'W" and sailed in the general direction of the team.  I made it to about the far edge of the B cap, and the game ended without finding a sub.  

During this time, my DD just sailed at the same speed, and I did not need to touch the mouse or keyboard. Just observe the hunt.  The game ended in our victory, but I got an unsporting conduct message.

Lesson learned: Activity is not just moving forward - you have to have keyboard activity too.  I was a little upset because I had a very good game and learned the lesson the hard way.

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4 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

I got this message once a while back ago.  Typical A-B-C caps in battle.  I was in a DD and secured B first with kills and then moved to C to support and kill off a cruiser.  There was only a single red sub on the far side of the map, and there was no way I would have any impact on the game with three team members hunting it.  So, just hit 'W" and sailed in the general direction of the team.  I made it to about the far edge of the B cap, and the game ended without finding a sub.  

During this time, my DD just sailed at the same speed, and I did not need to touch the mouse or keyboard. Just observe the hunt.  The game ended in our victory, but I got an unsporting conduct message.

Lesson learned: Activity is not just moving forward - you have to have keyboard activity too.  I was a little upset because I had a very good game and learned the lesson the hard way.


The same thing has happened to me in co-op a few times. Now, when I have this situation in the late stages of a battle, I've learned to do something (anything) to stay active. Alter course or speed, hit a consumable, even a brief message in chat. Usually this will be enough to convince the game that I'm still active. 

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Possibly related, possibly unrelated.
During the course of the past weekend, I had a number of disconnects from the server during various battles (five, in total, I think)
When I reconnected and returned to my ship's perspective, my ship had stopped dead in the water.  Sometimes the ship had taken damage from red-team ordnance.

Sure, it's annoying to be disconnected.  I figure that the interet was having one or more issues on those days.
But what might be relevant is how the game is processing a player's ship.
In the past, a player's ship would continue with the last "state of navigation" while disconnected.  If one was sailing full-speed in a straight line, then that continued while disconnected.  Same for a turn or whatever.  It was possible to return to the game and find that one's ship had collided with an island.
Now it seems that one's ship shuts down and ceases movement upon disconnect.

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8 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Possibly related, possibly unrelated.
During the course of the past weekend, I had a number of disconnects from the server during various battles (five, in total, I think)
When I reconnected and returned to my ship's perspective, my ship had stopped dead in the water.  Sometimes the ship had taken damage from red-team ordnance.

Sure, it's annoying to be disconnected.  I figure that the interet was having one or more issues on those days.
But what might be relevant is how the game is processing a player's ship.
In the past, a player's ship would continue with the last "state of navigation" while disconnected.  If one was sailing full-speed in a straight line, then that continued while disconnected.  Same for a turn or whatever.  It was possible to return to the game and find that one's ship had collided with an island.
Now it seems that one's ship shuts down and ceases movement upon disconnect.


I've seen a number of different things over the years:


1) My ship will continue in a straight line, firing secondaries & AA.


2) My ship will turn circles and cut speed, eventually coming to a complete stop.


3) My ship will veer off course and run aground, or hit the border and stop.


4) Different variations on all of the above.


i can't find any consistent behavior in these situations. Maybe it's random, or maybe it depends the battle type. Heck, maybe the developers experiment with very small changes in the code (just to see what happens).      

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I've been seeing pink players in almost every match lately. Since there is no longer team damage in WOWS, why bother? Why bother even "warning" players when their ordinance hits a teammate? Nobody cares anymore other than the pink player and the team being annoyed at a teammate who "gets in the way" of ordinance that was "aimed" at the enemy. Removal of team damage was a terrible idea, IMHO.

I guess if a pink player is pink because they are consistently torpedoing teammates with non-damaging torpedoes then it's the teammates' faults for not staying out of the way and the color is not a "cone of shame" but a warning to the team to be careful, you noobs, because every pink player's torpedo you soak up is one less that might have sunk an enemy. It's your fault that the team lost! Watch where your torpedo ships are and stay out of their way!

If being pink is because of intentional or unintentional AFKs, then what can the other players do about it? Should we all chant "Shame Shame Shame" at of the pink players we see?


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One issue of this system is it is automated and the game cannot tell if your PC crashed or if you just left the battle from what I understand of it.

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1 hour ago, HogHammer said:

I got this message once a while back ago. Activity is not just moving forward - you have to have keyboard activity too.  I was a little upset because I had a very good game and learned the lesson the hard way.

I did a test on this. At the first of the match I just started my Massachusetts going and let it drive straight toward the enemy base and shoot its secondaries at whatever it might find in range. Then, I went and did other things. When I came back to the game, my ship had sunk three of the enemy with its secondaries and had assisted in capping the enemy base. I also received an "unsportsmanlike conduct" message for not firing my main battery guns.

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19 minutes ago, MysticalWar said:

One issue of this system is it is automated and the game cannot tell if your PC crashed or if you just left the battle from what I understand of it.

Automated systems are good, don't you know? They serve their purpose without actual people having to spend hours doing mundane reviews. I mean what can go wrong? It's not like Hickock45, a firearms-oriented YouTube channel that had been active for a decade, had eight million subscribers, and was generating hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for YouTube in ad revenue, could be automatically deleted overnight once because a new algorithm detected a video in which he was, OMG! shooting a gun.


Edited by Snargfargle
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8 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:
1 hour ago, HogHammer said:

I got this message once a while back ago. Activity is not just moving forward - you have to have keyboard activity too.  I was a little upset because I had a very good game and learned the lesson the hard way.

I did a test on this. At the first of the match I just started my Massachusetts going and let it drive straight toward the enemy base and shoot its secondaries at whatever it might find in range. Then, I went and did other things. When I came back to the game, my ship had sunk three of the enemy with its secondaries and had assisted in capping the enemy base. I also received an "unsportsmanlike conduct" message for not firing my main battery guns.

I imagine that someone will eventually (if not already has done so) figure out how to write a "bot script" that can pass the activity tests and perform decently enough to compare with a slightly below average human player.

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As unrewarding as non santa season play is, especially in co-op, WG might want to be more careful about this kind of crap. 

WG is responsible for their own programming... blaming anything on RNG (as they like to do) or their activity monitor changes none of it.  They've gone so proudly deep into automated gameplay via auto AA, auto secondaries, CV auto-anti sub attacks etc. that penalizing customers for what they've programmed into the game is just ridiculous... but... WG.

It's a game... either it's fun, engaging and rewarding or it's not... ultimately each of us decides - one at a time.


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1 minute ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I imagine that someone will eventually (if not already has done so) figure out how to write a "bot script" that can pass the activity tests and perform decently enough to compare with a slightly below average human player.

LOL, I've seen speculation that WG is doing this themselves to boost "active player" counts... Perhaps (adding some tin to the foil) this is just a coverup for the number of bot green players they've added to the game...

There are some "players" that do the WG bot things...

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7 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

Automated systems are good, don't you know? They serve their purpose without actual people having to spend hours doing mundane reviews. I mean what can go wrong? It's not like Hickock45, a firearms-oriented YouTube channel that had been active for a decade, had eight million subscribers, and was generating hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for YouTube in ad revenue, could be automatically deleted one night once because a new algorithm detected a video in which he was, OMG! shooting a gun.


Hickock45 is a great channel 😄

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1 hour ago, HogHammer said:

I got this message once a while back ago.  Typical A-B-C caps in battle.  I was in a DD and secured B first with kills and then moved to C to support and kill off a cruiser.  There was only a single red sub on the far side of the map, and there was no way I would have any impact on the game with three team members hunting it.  So, just hit 'W" and sailed in the general direction of the team.  I made it to about the far edge of the B cap, and the game ended without finding a sub.  

During this time, my DD just sailed at the same speed, and I did not need to touch the mouse or keyboard. Just observe the hunt.  The game ended in our victory, but I got an unsporting conduct message.

There's another thread about this issue in co op, sounds like WG is screwing up again.


1 hour ago, HogHammer said:

Lesson learned: Activity is not just moving forward - you have to have keyboard activity too.  I was a little upset because I had a very good game and learned the lesson the hard way.

Activity is whatever I decide to do while I'm playing. If there's no targets, all I can do is pick a direction and hope for the best. I'm not gonna dance for their brain dead inactivity bot. Not my fault we don't have devs anymore.

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28 minutes ago, MysticalWar said:

One issue of this system is it is automated and the game cannot tell if your PC crashed or if you just left the battle from what I understand of it.

The main issue with the system is how lazily it is designed and implemented.

WG could build a better system, but choose not to because it would cost too much.

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1 minute ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

WG could build a better system, but choose not to because it would cost too much.

Let's not rule out that they might actually be too stupid to make a competent inactivity bot.

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18 minutes ago, Arcus_Aesopi said:

LOL, I've seen speculation that WG is doing this themselves to boost "active player" counts... Perhaps (adding some tin to the foil) this is just a coverup for the number of bot green players they've added to the game...

There are some "players" that do the WG bot things...

Curiouser & curiouser.

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I delayed any activity with my Strasbourg for a full five minutes before touching the keyboard and engaging in a fierce battle.  I got an unsporting conduct warning but didn't turn pink.  I guess I can't sit and wait for late battle decisive activity.  As intended?

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44 minutes ago, Arcus_Aesopi said:

LOL, I've seen speculation that WG is doing this themselves to boost "active player" counts... Perhaps (adding some tin to the foil) this is just a coverup for the number of bot green players they've added to the game...

There are some "players" that do the WG bot things...

You can put away the tinfoil hat now. 

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42 minutes ago, SolitudeFreak said:

Let's not rule out that they might actually be too stupid to make a competent inactivity bot.

Ah... that gave me an idea. What about an inactivity bot in the shape of a mysterious sub that, after a set period of some minutes, begins to circle the afk ship like a shark ready to strike...

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58 minutes ago, SolitudeFreak said:

Let's not rule out that they might actually be too stupid to make a competent inactivity bot.

Getting competent staff is a financial investment.

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Yay... a positive for being hyperactive... I don't get punished for inactivity 🙂


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It’s a loss of resources for ONE match. You guys act like you’re going lose a million credits and 15k free Xp!  You did something for the system to flag you as inactive. Just deal with it and move on for freaks sake. Half the time I think half of you are looking for anything to bit.,,  er cry about. You know who you are. 

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3 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

You guys act like you’re going lose a million credits and 15k free Xp!

Some of them quite possibly are. Red Credit and FXP boosters are capable of some really impressive things, even on a relatively mediocre game.

1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Getting competent staff is a financial investment.

Weegee just put a brand new tank game into Closed Alpha, in case you haven't been watching. They've got a lot of balls in the air at the moment. 

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Ah... that gave me an idea. What about an inactivity bot in the shape of a mysterious sub that, after a set period of some minutes, begins to circle the afk ship like a shark ready to strike...

Bonus points if the Jaws theme plays.

Either that or a couple of Italian frogmen come motoring up to the ship and start laying mines on the hull. 

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