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Bayern is almost OP in ranked.


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This ship just smashes everything. I'd buy a premium version of it asap if they released one. Reduce main battery range, up the secondarys range and BAM nothing could stop her. 

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Are you kidding? I had lost like 8 to 10 in row in ranked battle with bayern ship, it's not overpower, this ship is design for brawl, more or less, meaning they do handle it much better and more damage at close range but not do well in long range and it's less damage in long range vs other BB. 

Edited by Humility925
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Bayern is pretty solid in Ranked. Her biggest disadvantage in Randoms is her mediocre AP shells, which outside of damage per shell are pretty lackluster. When facing off against only other tier VIs at closer ranges, however, the shells have more than enough penetration and are able to overmatch the bows and sterns of anything you will face.

Just don’t run a secondary build. Run a tank build with ASM1 and leverage your 15” guns and survivability.

IMO, she’s just behind Warspite as one of the best BB picks for this season of Ranked.

Edited by Nevermore135
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Single tier ranked makes for ships that aren't OP in randoms suddenly become OP because they are never bottom tier.

It's why I love to play CV in any even tier ranked...you are even more powerful than usual.

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Bayern's alright, though I've always crushed her with Fusou in Ranked, going all the way back to when we used to have the old-school Ranked seasons where you only got to enjoy T6 ships for a limited amount of time. I never saved a captain for Bayern since the awful WW1 shells put me off - when I want a similar experience I just run Mutsu since I got her in a crate.

Though I might consider picking her over Warspite nowadays since Warspite is such a soft target compared to Bayern.

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Bayern is a good and solid ship, but for Ranked both Mackensen or particuarly premium "Prinz Eitel Friedrich" (PEF) are much better suited. PEF also has a powerful AA - suite, which most of the CV try to avoid. 

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Sure, why not. Any battleship that overmatch other battleships is probably ok.

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7 hours ago, Nevermore135 said:

Bayern is pretty solid in Ranked. Her biggest disadvantage in Randoms is her mediocre AP shells, which outside of damage per shell are pretty lackluster.

Everyone complains about Bayerns AP shells, yet they always work great for me. One of my favorite ships in the game uses the same guns at tier 7 and no problems there either. 

As for Mackensen or friedrich, I hate those things. Defflinger is cool, Prinz Heinrich is amazing, but mackensen just doesn't do it for me. 

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