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Potential Essex Build


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Now that I have Independence...I need to be working on my target captain skills to be working towards...this means looking at Essex and figuring out what I want to have and build into for it.

Looking at the ships and planes, I think my plan is to roll into the support function heavily...and go basically back to AS build as much as possible since the damage output of the tactical squadrons might not be that strong and the other potential builds (secondary, torpedo focused) don't seem to be what I want to do or that interesting.

Here is my thoughts on the build...

Trying to maximize the number of heals and fighters...


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I only use the 1p skill for the improved radius on the fighters - they are good enough already.

For my personal taste, your build is missing "Proximity Fuze" and "Pyrotechnician".
I would also not pick the secondary and consumable modules, but rather something like torp speed and plane regen.

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9 minutes ago, __Helmut_Kohl__ said:

I only use the 1p skill for the improved radius on the fighters - they are good enough already.

For my personal taste, your build is missing "Proximity Fuze" and "Pyrotechnician".
I would also not pick the secondary and consumable modules, but rather something like torp speed and plane regen.

Taking proximity fuse means leaning into the damage output of the torpedo bombers...but I already have a CV that does that better on Hakuryu.

Pyrotechnician is the same issue, where that just goes to creating another boring farming CV. Not a unique gaming experience.

I fully acknowledge this is a rejection based on what I want to play...vs objectively best in terms of win-rate.

Without the consumable module, you only get four smokes total and a very limited number of fighters. Since I want to lean more into fighters, that really restricts my flexibility to only have three or four sets per squadron.

Torp speed has drawbacks, as the arming distance is now greater. I find that I personally ENJOY having the secondary module on there to deal with subs.

You have good advice though for the thread. Can you put together and share your build for the best damage output build?...as I think that's what you are gravitating towards.

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If you just want to play it for the fighters, I would consider Interceptors, as they give you an even larger radius, which makes it easier to trap people in it.


The downside is of course, that you cannot leave your fighters as spotter for the smokes that you provide to DDs etc.

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