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Weekend Spree - 19-21 January 2024

Ensign Cthulhu

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Finished this week's dockyard mission by choosing a third damage mission to bypass the commander XP requirement. That will still need to be dealt with, because there's a dockyard token (1750 dubs discount) attached to it, but this way I get to spread it out over two weeks at an acceptable daily rate. At present I'm well on track to finish it in this fashion, but if I have any doubts I'll stick some blue boosters on and go into randoms next weekend (I was on call this week and I don't like using blues or reds if I might get called away). 

Derped around in PTS to finish up.

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The good news: Tied my PB with a seven-kill battle in a random.🤣

The bad news: it was eleven bots per side.🤨

T3, Wickes. Doing a regrind for the RB. Green boosters made it the only battle I needed to grind to the Clemson.

A lucky kill shot by a green bot kept me from an eighth kill.

Got to within 100 doubloons of affording Hornet. Tomorrow’s daily login bonus gets me across the line.

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
Correction due to research
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2 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

The good news: Got my first seven-kill battle in a random.🤣

The bad news: it was eleven bots per side.🤨

Just curious: did you sink the one enemy human player? &, did you win?

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Let's see.  Everyone is sick (grand children share).  Finished the current Dockyard segment for steel.  We play Operations in the evenings.  I played my one Ranked match and of course, it was a stomp....  Reloaded and did some research on another Caliber I've been asked to comment on and then, optimize for Plains critters in Africa.  The last time that came up, I took an modernized 1895 mold and cast gas-checked lead bullets for the 375 Ruger.  Worked great.

Game wise?  BORED.  Played more Fallout 4 and other games than W0WS.  Was supposed to be on a Walkabout this week and everyone is ill....sigh.

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30 minutes ago, Asym said:

Reloaded and did some research on another Caliber I've been asked to comment on and then, optimize for Plains critters in Africa.  The last time that came up, I took an modernized 1895 mold and cast gas-checked lead bullets for the 375 Ruger.  Worked great.

I seriously though of going into gunsmithing at one time. I had a great uncle who was a gunsmith, among other things. One of my aunt's sisters was married to the sheriff and he'd bring my uncle all of the old shot-out guns he'd confiscated from criminals after they were no longer needed for evidence. My uncle would then sleeve in new rifling and then keep them as plinkers for us kids to shoot when we visited. He had firearms in all sorts of weird old calibers, like .218 bee, .22 hornet, .25-20, and 9mm shotgun. I inherited an SMLE from him but ran out of surplus ammo for it and haven't shot it in years. I wish it was original but it's one of those Santa Fe Arms "jungle carbine" conversions.

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Finished off the BB CXP requirement using around thirty blue boosters.  I actually installed upgrades and Lutgens(21) on the Z-44 that's been sitting in my port for over a year.  It seems to work for me so far.  I'm a third of the way through torpedo dmg and DD CXP. 

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21 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

I actually installed upgrades and Lutgens(21) on the Z-44 that's been sitting in my port for over a year.  It seems to work for me so far.

Z-44 doesn't get much love from the critics but I find it to be a good and fun ship once you figure out how to play her. Good for you.

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8 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

Got to within 100 doubloons of affording Hornet. Tomorrow’s daily login bonus gets me across the line.

Excellent! Everyone I've seen play her on stream seemed to really enjoy her.

(I got her for a 24 hour rental and for some reason she did not make a good first impression, but that's far removed from the general consensus.)

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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8 minutes ago, thornzero said:

Z-44 doesn't get much love from the critics but I find it to be a good and fun ship once you figure out how to play her. Good for you.

Hmm, I haven't noticed the critics yet.  In fact I haven't seen any videos of her being played.  I was just shocked to see it in my port. Since I'm up to tier 8 in DD playing and it's a German DD and I have a 21pt cmdr well, why not play her.  Keep in mind, this ship is still in her honeymoon phase. 

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26 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

Hmm, I haven't noticed the critics yet.

The reviews are bad. Some CC former CC have nothing good to say about her other than appreciating when she is on the red team.

She cannot really contest caps nor afford to get focused. But her guns are still sort of useful in the late game. The torpedo spam at 65 seconds is quite fun though.

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7 hours ago, Aethervox said:

Just curious: did you sink the one enemy human player? &, did you win?

Win, yes. Unfortunately, all my kills were bots. The red humanoid and I spawned at diagonally opposite corners of the map. Never saw him; he met a fairly early end. I had figured it would come down to head-to-head between he & I, but it didn't materialize.






Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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1 minute ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

The red humanoid and I spawned at diagonally opposite corners of the map. Never saw him; he met a fairly early end.

That's unusual. Typically the humans are the last, or at least AMONG the last, left alive.

I recently had a one-human-per-side 10-kill game in the Smith against a human enemy in a V-25 (my eleven green bots got ONE between them). Unfortunately, getting those kills wore me down to the point where he was able to one-shot me on sight to clinch the win, but it was well deserved on his part. 

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2 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

I seriously though of going into gunsmithing at one time. I had a great uncle who was a gunsmith, among other things. One of my aunt's sisters was married to the sheriff and he'd bring my uncle all of the old shot-out guns he'd confiscated from criminals after they were no longer needed for evidence. My uncle would then sleeve in new rifling and then keep them as plinkers for us kids to shoot when we visited. He had firearms in all sorts of weird old calibers, like .218 bee, .22 hornet, .25-20, and 9mm shotgun. I inherited an SMLE from him but ran out of surplus ammo for it and haven't shot it in years. I wish it was original but it's one of those Santa Fe Arms "jungle carbine" conversions.

A few months ago I sold-off the Lee-Enfield rifle (.303 British) portion of my collection.  I still have the ammo.

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Apologies to all: I did some looking back in the archives, and I have matched seven kills before:

Did it twice on the same day, last July: once in Clemson, once in Giulio Cesare.

I have amended my first post to eliminate the errant claim.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Excellent! Everyone I've seen play her on stream seemed to really enjoy her.

(I got her for a 24 hour rental and for some reason she did not make a good first impression, but that's far removed from the general consensus.)

Got my hands on her just now, after waiting out this morning’s update.

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Just now, Utt_Bugglier said:

Got my hands on her just now, after waiting out this morning’s update.

Cool. Let me know what you think. (I think my pessimism is unfounded and that it's one of those ships I just don't click with, like how I watch Ahskance constantly do things in German carriers that leave the other side screaming for mercy but I simply can't make them work.)

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This past weekend I viewed Twitch streams of @Ensign Cthulhu and @Lord_Zath and was fortunate enough to be in divisions with both of them.  🙂 

participated in Naval Battles and scored 16 stars with my 14 attempts.

I worked part of the weekend.  A fair percentage of my Uber Driver trips have been for people who are somehow connected to political campaigns or news coverage of the New Hampshire Primary Election, lately.  It's nice.

I've begun reading the book that I requested from my local library, "Ever After" by Kim Harrison.
It's interesting to see the subtle ways that the author has gradually improved their writing, when compared with the first book in this series.
The proof-readers have improved, too, and fewer spelling mistakes have gotten through the printing & publication process.

I began watching the television series "Moon Knight", while my Wife was attending a meeting of her volunteer group.
Last night, I watched the movie "The Sea Beast" on Netflix, and enjoyed it.

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2 hours ago, thornzero said:

Z-44 doesn't get much love from the critics but I find it to be a good and fun ship once you figure out how to play her. Good for you.

I welcomed the Z-44 to my Port as a ship for Commander Johannes Mecklayne.  I think the Z-44 is competent, but not over-powered.

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7 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Cool. Let me know what you think. (I think my pessimism is unfounded and that it's one of those ships I just don't click with, like how I watch Ahskance constantly do things in German carriers that leave the other side screaming for mercy but I simply can't make them work.)

I will, but don’t expect my impression to mean much - my forays into carriers are casual. I keep saying I’ll get serious about carrier play, but it never seems to happen.

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23 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

A few months ago I sold-off the Lee-Enfield rifle (.303 British) portion of my collection.  I still have the ammo.

It looks like Midway has .303s for $33 a box. I think the last time I bought a box it was like $5 so that shows you how long ago it was. All I ever did with that rifle was go coyote hunting back when I was in high school. It was likely overkill for coyotes but it worked. Back then, the Air Force was using coyote fur to line its cold-weather parka hoods and you could get $100 for a good winter pelt. Now, I think they bring $10 a pelt, if you can even find buyer.

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1 minute ago, Snargfargle said:

It looks like Midway has .303s for $33 a box. I think the last time I bought a box it was like $5 so that shows you how long ago it was. All I ever did with that rifle was go coyote hunting back when I was in high school. It was likely overkill for coyotes but it worked. Back then, the Air Force was using coyote fur to line its cold-weather parka hoods and you could get $100 for a good winter pelt. Now, I think they bring $10 a pelt, if you can even find buyer.

The "fur trade" has been affected by advances in textiles and by social pressures to reduce the fur used in clothing, in my understanding.
The cartridge has been versatile & popular, worldwide, alongside .30-06 and 7.92/8mmMauser.  I've no complaints.
My first impression, from my first shot of .303 British was "Sweet!".

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34 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Cool. Let me know what you think. (I think my pessimism is unfounded and that it's one of those ships I just don't click with, like how I watch Ahskance constantly do things in German carriers that leave the other side screaming for mercy but I simply can't make them work.)

Once a player figures out how to utililze the German CV's A.P. bombs, red-team BB's will be begging for mercy.  😉 
It takes practice, which also overlaps with Japanese CV's A.P. bombs.  But, I feel it is a worthwhile endeavor.

And since the rocket-plane nerf (introduction of the firing delay), I've been improving my ability to hit DD's with torpedoes and H.E. Bombs.

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18 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

My first impression, from my first shot of .303 British was "Sweet!".

I've also got a sporterized Arisaka 7.7 mm that I inherited from my grandpa. Grandpa used to take us shooting with it when we were kids. It lost its WWII-vintage scope somewhere along the way and is not worth mounting a new one. My cousin had a mint original pre-war Arisaka without the chrysanthemum stamped out that I would have liked to have inherited when he died but my aunt's step-grandaughter from her second marriage stole it and sold it for drug money. That girl was a real winner.

Edited by Snargfargle
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6 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

I've also got a sporterized Arisaka 7.7 mm that I inherited from my grandpa. Grandpa used to take us shooting with it when we were kids. It lost its WWII-vintage scope somewhere along the way and is not worth mounting a new one. My cousin had a mint original pre-war Arisaka without the chrysanthemum stamped out that I would have liked to have inherited when he died but my aunt's step-grandaughter from her second marriage stole it and sold it for drug money. That girl was a real winner.

Glad you had some good memories.
Lamentable that the un-defaced rifle was lost to skullduggery behavior.  Hope that rifle found a good home, though.

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15 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Glad you had some good memories.
Lamentable that the un-defaced rifle was lost to skullduggery behavior.  Hope that rifle found a good home, though.

When I was in the Army I liked to look at the manufacturer's stamps of the .45s we carried because they were built during WWII by so many different companies. Mine was made by Ithaca. My warrant officer's, however, was made by the Singer Sewing Machine Company. I always though that was funny but didn't realize until years later what a collector's item it was. I don't know what the Army did with all of the old 1911A1s but Singer only made about 500 of them and one in good condition can sell for $30,000.


Edited by Snargfargle
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