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Wasp in the wild?


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I recall seeing it in a match.  Anyone else see it?  Any info?

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4 minutes ago, SoshiSone said:

I recall seeing it in a match.  Anyone else see it?  Any info?

how sure are you it was Wasp?

Do you have a screenshot?

If it was Wasp, there should be something about the ship being added for testing in the Dev blog and I don't see it.

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Well crap.  I went back to my collection of game saves (I just let WG do the automatic roll) and Ahem!  the latest patch nuked 'em all.

I would nigh swear I saw it...but wouldn't bet my life on it either way.  I don't follow the latest news and often don't have knowledge of the latest releases or ships in test, so I thought this was just another one of those sightings.  Not to mention the US carrier line is coming and just though this was a test shp not part of the release..  When I googled and searched after the match, i was like...nothing.  So I came here to inquire.

If I'm the ONLY one that has seen this, I would tend to err on the side that II had some kind of brain fart and saw something I didn't see.  But it's so REAL in my mind.  The ship on the line up screen prior to battle.  The name next to the squadrons in flight.  An no...I'm not on meds...but I am getting old.

All said, if anyone else see's it please post here.  Otherwise, assume I blew it.  


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5 minutes ago, SoshiSone said:

Well crap.  I went back to my collection of game saves (I just let WG do the automatic roll) and Ahem!  the latest patch nuked 'em all.

I would nigh swear I saw it...but wouldn't bet my life on it either way.  I don't follow the latest news and often don't have knowledge of the latest releases or ships in test, so I thought this was just another one of those sightings.  Not to mention the US carrier line is coming and just though this was a test shp not part of the release..  When I googled and searched after the match, i was like...nothing.  So I came here to inquire.

If I'm the ONLY one that has seen this, I would tend to err on the side that II had some kind of brain fart and saw something I didn't see.  But it's so REAL in my mind.  The ship on the line up screen prior to battle.  The name next to the squadrons in flight.  An no...I'm not on meds...but I am getting old.

All said, if anyone else see's it please post here.  Otherwise, assume I blew it.  

Edit:  Now that I think about it, it's possible it was a clan tag.


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Wasp... the only premium CV that could make me open my wallet (unless WG does premium Saratoga with her 203mm guns). C'mon, Wedgie, don't be a tease...

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I think Wasp would be tier 4 or 6, not tier 8 or 10, if they plan to make us CV but I could be wrong guess. Wasp what I understand is basic of Amphibious assault ship rather than true CV, but I could be mistake. 

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Wasp was a scaled-down Yorktown to comply with the naval treaty tonnage limits. She'd be perfect as a T6, with interwar to early WWII aircraft (she was sunk in late 1942)... especially since we now have all three Yorktowns (Yorktown, Enterprise, and Hornet) as T8s. Plus, the USN still has a premium gap at T6... for CVs and cruisers, both.

5 minutes ago, Humility925 said:

Wasp what I understand is basic of Amphibious assault ship rather than true CV, but I could be mistake. 

You are thinking of the Cold War era USS Wasp, LHD-1. Before her, there was an Essex-class CV and a one-off interwar-build fleet carrier, which is the one everyone is referring to.

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6 hours ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

Wasp was a scaled-down Yorktown to comply with the naval treaty tonnage limits. She'd be perfect as a T6, with interwar to early WWII aircraft (she was sunk in late 1942)... especially since we now have all three Yorktowns (Yorktown, Enterprise, and Hornet) as T8s. Plus, the USN still has a premium gap at T6... for CVs and cruisers, both.

Yup, and I’m honestly a little annoyed that WG took the lazy route of recycling Independence into the new line rather than implementing Wasp as the tech tree tier VI. As you mentioned, Wasp was a scaled-down development of the Yorktown-class, and Essex represents the further refining and development of the Yorktowns unrestricted by treaty limits. This common design lineage would have made for a nice, consistent tech tree line, and Independence would have arguably made a better tier VI premium (and a great one to release alongside the line), especially given the parallels to the already existing Saipan (CVL, no secondaries).

But ultimately WG had the Independence model ready to go (and those are at a premium nowadays post the split with Lesta) and someone probably also figured that an eventual premium Wasp release would yield more sales. What a shame. *shrug*

6 hours ago, Humility925 said:

I think Wasp would be tier 4 or 6, not tier 8 or 10, if they plan to make us CV but I could be wrong guess. Wasp what I understand is basic of Amphibious assault ship rather than true CV, but I could be mistake. 

Wasp (CV-7) was a reduced version of the Yorktown-class constructed to fill out the remaining CV tonnage allocated to the US under the interwar treaty system (Ranger, Lexington, Saratoga, Yorktown, and Enterprise being already in service). She was a smaller design that featured numerous compromises to retain (as much as possible) certain key characteristics (mainly speed and aircraft capacity) on a smaller and lighter hull (~15k tons vs the Yorktowns’ ~20k). For example, her torpedo protection was notoriously reduced to save on weight/retain operating speed, and was a major factor that contributed to her sinking by a Japanese submarine.

Edited by Nevermore135
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On 1/21/2024 at 8:39 PM, SoshiSone said:

I recall seeing it in a match.  Anyone else see it?  Any info?

I have no evidence of a USS Wasp sighting to offer.  But, I'll remain vigilant in light of this topic.

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It could be that the name of the player driving the enemy CV has Wasp in their name...

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26 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

It could be that the name of the player driving the enemy CV has Wasp in their name...

this. there is no announcement for Wasp as of now

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