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As someone who enjoys asashio, you will enjoy kitakami even more.


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As someone who likes Asashio, I will say the biggest problem of Asashio is that you only have deep water torpedoes.

Asashio cannot easily counter cruisers and gunbot destroyers.

With Asashio, there is a big drop off in damage when the reload boosters are gone.

With Kitakami, you can amazingly change from 20km deep water torpedoes to 12km standard torpedoes that can hit cruisers, destroyers and submarines.

The advantage is clear; every two minutes, Kitakami becomes a reload boosted Asashio. After five minutes of reload, you become 2.5 Asashios.

Kitakami has a fuel smoke, so you can rush down people in desperation like a Paolo Emilio, or escape to survive another day.

You are not painfully slow like Asashio, unable to outrun destroyers.


Kitakami is insanely expensive: I spent 72K research points and 1 million coal to get it, but then again, I had nothing left to spend these resources on. I still have 800k coal after the expense. This is not for everyone. I will explain. 

Many games in Kitamaki will be average damage games. (100k)

A few will be unbelievable games, 5+ kills 300k dmg. 

It's a very similar experience to Asashio, you just need to be mindful that you have a citadel now.


If you love asashio, and are good at asashio, Kitakami is a must have.  

This is a selfish ship, and it can't really cap, push with the team or anything aggressive.

It's more of an opportunistic ship, that waits at the edges of detection and unleashes

an insane amount of 24K damage torpedoes on the broadsides of enemy ships.


Something hard to play only for those who truly love torpedo play, and who have a lot of resources lying around.


Edited by Subtle_Octavian
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I dont think you have to convince anyone that Kitakami is a great ship.

I love Asashio and are pretty great in Asashio with 2 Solo warriors in it under my belt. Unfortunately, WG has made Kitakami only available to about 5-10% of the playerbase in their insane payment model.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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16 minutes ago, Subtle_Octavian said:

This is a selfish ship, and it can't really cap, push with the team or anything aggressive.

Sounds like my Z-44 but I really enjoy the dynamic. 

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Some years ago now, on the EU forum there was this player who praised the Asashio to the sky (on this one Asashio DD thread). So many other forumites trash talked this guy for 1) the Asashio was not that dominating & 2) this fanatic Asashio lover wasn't so good playing it.

I kind of felt sorry for this Asashio groupie fan so I gave some positive responses & you know what .... that player gifted me an Asashio. :)

Edited by Aethervox
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18 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I dont think you have to convince anyone that Kitakami is a great ship.


Of course not!

Because Kitakami is a terrible ship.

Worst T10 by far.

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5 hours ago, YouSatInGum said:

Of course not!

Because Kitakami is a terrible ship.

Worst T10 by far.

I think that depends a whole lot of your skill and experience in playing IJN torp destroyers. I have full playlists of awesome games in both TRB/no smoke Yugumo and also Deep water Asashio on my channel. So, I would probably have pretty awesome games in a low detect/get outa jail crawling smoke cruiser that combines both those DDs torp output.

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On 1/21/2024 at 3:10 PM, Subtle_Octavian said:

This is a selfish ship, and it can't really cap, push with the team or anything aggressive.

So a Parasite... and then, there are those that rant about certain "toxic" ship types. 

On 1/21/2024 at 3:27 PM, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I dont think you have to convince anyone that Kitakami is a great ship.

If you enjoy Parasitic playstyles... 

At least a torp DD can do DD stuff.

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3 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

So a Parasite... and then, there are those that rant about certain "toxic" ship types. 

If you enjoy Parasitic playstyles... 

At least a torp DD can do DD stuff.

It's very much a parasite ship. And it's nice to see you again.

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2 hours ago, Subtle_Octavian said:

It's very much a parasite ship. And it's nice to see you again.

Nice to see you too mate 🙂

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6 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

So a Parasite... and then, there are those that rant about certain "toxic" ship types. 

If you enjoy Parasitic playstyles... 

At least a torp DD can do DD stuff.

It's definitely a parasite, and I've almost never seen them contribute meaningfully even in terms of getting damage and killing stuff. Someone else I know is even figuring out which ships best ruin Kitakami's fun and then getting them for when we play in its tier bracket.

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Seen a fair few Kitakami in ranked. Surprisingly it's not that bad. Not great either tho.

  • Low number of DDs means it often has best concealment on a flank.
  • Napoli spam, along with occasional Stalin and/or Salem, means hydro isn't as consistent.

But when its counters do show up, it also becomes easily neutered due to its one-trick nature. Eg. A DD, or radar.

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10 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

If you enjoy Parasitic playstyles... 

At least a torp DD can do DD stuff.

Doesn't "Parasitic playstyles" include almost half the ships in the game? 

Long range firespammer like Hinden, Conde etc etc, All Subs, all CVs, all the 10-line damage farming full HP BBs? Conqueror and Thunderer? People who play hybrids like CVs etc etc etc

At least Kita can steal caps absent enemy DD in the mid and late game, and can also defend itself with torp soup if an enemy cruiser or BB is trying to contest.

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4 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Doesn't "Parasitic playstyles" include almost half the ships in the game? 

Long range firespammer like Hinden, Conde etc etc, All Subs, all CVs, all the 10-line damage farming full HP BBs? Conqueror and Thunderer? People who play hybrids like CVs etc etc etc

At least Kita can steal caps absent enemy DD in the mid and late game, and can also defend itself with torp soup if an enemy cruiser or BB is trying to contest.

Long range firespamming is indeed another parasitic playstyle (for consistency I do loathe Lighthouse builds). But that's not all there is FR and GE CAs, those are actually very flexible ships and can take on different roles depending on the situation. A similar case with Thunderer/Conqueror, their Concealment is quite good and AP is murderous, long range HE spamming is but one of a set of possible roles, not the ONLY possible role. 

CVs require meatshields, but they can be more symbiotic than parasitic. They can provide spotting and support in return, they also have the potential to be the ultimate team players (Bearn as example). 

Subs can provide spotting, Cap control, area denial and support. A Sub spearheading an attack is a powerful team asset. 

Being Parasitic is mostly a player thing, a player decision to go for a selfish playstyle, not an intrinsic characteristic of most ships. But in the case of Kitakami, I don't see anything else... The thing is so one dimensional that there's really nothing else for it to do. I guess it can play the Caps if there's no DDs, Subs, CVs, Radar...  in that case anything can play the Caps, lol.

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9 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Long range firespamming is indeed another parasitic playstyle (for consistency I do loathe Lighthouse builds). But that's not all there is FR and GE CAs, those are actually very flexible ships and can take on different roles depending on the situation. A similar case with Thunderer/Conqueror, their Concealment is quite good and AP is murderous, long range HE spamming is but one of a set of possible roles, not the ONLY possible role. 

CVs require meatshields, but they can be more symbiotic than parasitic. They can provide spotting and support in return, they also have the potential to be the ultimate team players (Bearn as example). 

Subs can provide spotting, Cap control, area denial and support. A Sub spearheading an attack is a powerful team asset. 

Regarding this I agree that have some potential, problem is I hardly see any of these ships living up to that potential. A CV thats is actually helping his team and supporting capping DD etc etc instead of just egotistical damage farming with some random spotting, by accident when he performs his strikes. I hardly see any CV wasting his time flying around missing out on damage to spot a flanking DD that is harassing the BBs .... undless he is threating the CV itself.

Even tho Thunder and Qonq has great devastating potential you rarely see them leaving the 9-10 line.

Subs usually just spot when they need a target, then they dive to safety.


9 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Being Parasitic is mostly a player thing, a player decision to go for a selfish playstyle, not an intrinsic characteristic of most ships. But in the case of Kitakami, I don't see anything else... The thing is so one dimensional that there's really nothing else for it to do. I guess it can play the Caps if there's no DDs, Subs, CVs, Radar...  in that case anything can play the Caps, lol.

I dont understand how you differentiate between any other DD in the game and Kita? Sure, its NOT a DD but its detection range is closer to DDs then most cruisers and it has a more devastating dev strike power then 2-3 DDs combined. A Kita could pretty much fill the DD role in most matches, just not perhaps go Leroy Jenkins into the cap at start. But he can stay close to the enemy and spot and spam torp soup (like many DDs).

So I dont really understand where the "Parasitic playstyle" comes from. I 1000 times rather face a Kitakami on the enemy team than a sub or a CV. 






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2 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Regarding this I agree that have some potential, problem is I hardly see any of these ships living up to that potential. A CV thats is actually helping his team and supporting capping DD etc etc instead of just egotistical damage farming with some random spotting, by accident when he performs his strikes. I hardly see any CV wasting his time flying around missing out on damage to spot a flanking DD that is harassing the BBs .... undless he is threating the CV itself.

Even tho Thunder and Qonq has great devastating potential you rarely see them leaving the 9-10 line.

Subs usually just spot when they need a target, then they dive to safety.


I dont understand how you differentiate between any other DD in the game and Kita? Sure, its NOT a DD but its detection range is closer to DDs then most cruisers and it has a more devastating dev strike power then 2-3 DDs combined. A Kita could pretty much fill the DD role in most matches, just not perhaps go Leroy Jenkins into the cap at start. But he can stay close to the enemy and spot and spam torp soup (like many DDs).

So I dont really understand where the "Parasitic playstyle" comes from. I 1000 times rather face a Kitakami on the enemy team than a sub or a CV. 






I want to clarify I don't have and never played a Kitakami, I'm going by the numbers while you have the first hand experience playing the thing. So I may be wrong... 

What I see on paper is a torpedo boat with awful concealment, no secondary utility nor AA/DPM to survive an encounter against anything in her tier bracket and worst of all: a citadel. There are so many things that can counter Kitakami... Sure, in a perfect setup she can do some nasty work and I bet she is great at smacking noobz, but the same can be said about most ships with specific asymmetries. 

Btw, I would also rather prefer facing Kitakami than, CVs or Subs... She's much easier to counter.

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4 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I dont understand how you differentiate between any other DD in the game and Kita? Sure, its NOT a DD but its detection range is closer to DDs then most cruisers and it has a more devastating dev strike power then 2-3 DDs combined.

The difference is Kitakami has a citadel, and it's very very easy to hit since she's just a Kuma hull. I've seen them get ruined by just a DD spotting them and then using AP a bunch of times - unless you do the stereotypical Shima-main playstyle and just never go into danger you're courting death even more closely than most DDs do.

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6 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

I want to clarify I don't have and never played a Kitakami, I'm going by the numbers while you have the first hand experience playing the thing. So I may be wrong... 

What I see on paper is a torpedo boat with awful concealment, no secondary utility nor AA/DPM to survive an encounter against anything in her tier bracket and worst of all: a citadel. There are so many things that can counter Kitakami... Sure, in a perfect setup she can do some nasty work and I bet she is great at smacking noobz, but the same can be said about most ships with specific asymmetries. 

Btw, I would also rather prefer facing Kitakami than, CVs or Subs... She's much easier to counter.

I dont have her either but I can see in battles what she can do with a competent captain.

She doesn't really have to have DPM or AA ur other utility, shes a doomsday weapon, she floods section of the map with high speed regular torps and 20 km DW torps, enough to make even the most competent BB player to bail. She stays behind the DD and if plane spotted or hard spotted she can always bail with high speed crawling smoke.

She is ... if youre not only seeing her torps.

2 hours ago, MnemonScarlet said:

The difference is Kitakami has a citadel, and it's very very easy to hit since she's just a Kuma hull. I've seen them get ruined by just a DD spotting them and then using AP a bunch of times - unless you do the stereotypical Shima-main playstyle and just never go into danger you're courting death even more closely than most DDs do.

Shes not supposed to be first line, but shes really strong second line ship where she can land devastating salvos on clumped up BBs. I would play her like a torp DD but just some km behind my friendly DD. She has the conceal that borders on Gun boat DDs but if they spot her she can smoke up while they have to try and chase her while doing torpedo beats.

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On 1/21/2024 at 2:27 PM, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I dont think you have to convince anyone that Kitakami is a great ship.


Its a crap ship with absurd costs. Who wants to just sail around launching torps and thats it? Seems as boring as sitting behind an island not moving, spamming HE. 

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10 hours ago, mashed68 said:


Its a crap ship with absurd costs. Who wants to just sail around launching torps and thats it? Seems as boring as sitting behind an island not moving, spamming HE. 


And pretty much everyone that grinded the Shimakaze line. Shima was my first T10 in 2015, and I can understand how some would fall asleep playing torp DDs like yugumo, Shima, Asashio etc etc but for me I always tried to think of this game like a game of chess and when it comes to torp DDs ALL comes down to youre positioning on the chessboard and being able to anticipate your opponent's movements (predicting torp strikes) to get devastating strikes in on the enemy which often results in you winning the match for youre team.

And when it comes to Kitakami its almost like combining 2 Hallands (torp wise) and then strap 1 Asashio on both sides as well.

I definitely dont think Kita is a ship for everyone, but for someone that grinded and perfected Shima back in 2015 ....

and then went on and perfected the playstyle of torp reload booster Yugumo and Asashio ........ well ..... for that guy this would be like giving him a "God Weapon".


There is plenty of videos on Youtube showing what some experienced torp destroyer players can make outa Kami.

Jäger is also a "just sail around launching torps" kinda ship, but he doesn't get a "get outa spotting jail crawling smoke" like Kita does and a lot of players excel quite good in that as well.

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