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Low Tiers Are Fun!


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T2, 3 and 4 have been so much fun lately. So many close games, not decided until the final minutes. So many more experienced players showing up. No blowouts, pretty good MM, and if you play well you have quite a lot of agency in the game's outcome. It's nice to enjoy the game again. It's big fun to see a purple clan division up to get "easy division star points" get their collective a**es handed to them by the low tier denizens!

Edited by Kalishnikat
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1 hour ago, Kalishnikat said:

T2, 3 and 4 have been so much fun lately.

It's not all 'fun' Kalishnikat, although, I agree that there is, often, more enjoyable play there since we don't see horrid reworked CVs nor Flubs.

I was about to make a comment on 'terminal decline' for WoWS & post about the same then I see your post (lol).

Yes, low tiers are fun, especially, if there are more real players than Bots. Of course, when there are few real players the winners are the side that sinks the real players first.

I guess we ought to division up, eh? LOL.

You have an EU account? I can play both Iwaki Alpha & Arkansas Beta there 🙂.

There are other good ships to play, as well, such as my V-25 or Emden (I call it my 'Machine gun Kelly') amongst others , such as the Clemson :).

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I admit, it's somehow salutary to go back to lower tiers where the game is less stereotyped and where some ships can be very funny to play (Yubari, my love ♥)

On the other hand, most of the times, I have the painful feeling to be more of a predator than a player.

It's not really fair for rookies, trying to learn the game, to be facing players with thousands of battles, who know the maps, who know the tricks and (more important) the values of their ships (camo, range, detectability, aso...) and know how to use them.

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1 hour ago, Silence_CN said:

I admit, it's somehow salutary to go back to lower tiers where the game is less stereotyped and where some ships can be very funny to play (Yubari, my love ♥)

On the other hand, most of the times, I have the painful feeling to be more of a predator than a player.

It's not really fair for rookies, trying to learn the game, to be facing players with thousands of battles, who know the maps, who know the tricks and (more important) the values of their ships (camo, range, detectability, aso...) and know how to use them.

On the Asian server where I mostly play, there are relatively few rookies in Tier 2 to Tier 4 randoms - mostly many hundreds if not many thousands of games under their belts. Depending on time of day, there can be one to about seven human players on each side. I don't mind quite a few bots, as I play a lot of co-op anyway.

Perhaps you don't need to feel guilty if you find quite a few rookies there at times. Rather that you are gracing the rookie players with your presence and experience from which they can learn. Analogous to a free lesson!

Of course, it isn't always easy even in these early tiers. The 'bot rolls' one way or the other can be fierce and then there are the lower tier specialists to contend with. These specialists have thousands of games in their Clemsons, Konig Alberts, v-25s, etc. with staggering win rates.

Edited by Bumblegoose
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Maybe I should use again my NA account : it has few battles. I'd be forced to play low tiers again...  😛

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I play low tiers at times when I have reset a line for RB points and I want to relive those low tier ships for a few games, on premium w green boosters it is only a few games per ship. It depends on the line but when I reset the two German BB lines recently I started from T1, Nassau and Kaiser I have played before but Von der Tann and Moltke was handed over in EA so I did not need to play them (or any ship below T7) and it is quite fun in limited numbers I am back on T5 now so I will soon left the Solomon map and Archipelago but it is with long intervals fun to see the old early ships and maps again. If low tiers have counted for daily missions I proably would have played some ships now and then a little more like Nikolai, St Louis, with steampunk camo ofc (Charleston) some of the Destroyers.

After some resets on the German Battleships I may turn to the German DDs with their fwd tubes at low tiers so I will probably play them at least one reset.  

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On ASIA, I often have to play low tiers for NB, because I only mostly have very low tier ships. On EU, I do it less regularly, but sometimes just for the fun of it. Currently, the best of the remaining maps we have are typically found on those lower and low to mid tiers. Higher tier maps are gawdawful crap for the most part.

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18 hours ago, Silence_CN said:

I admit, it's somehow salutary to go back to lower tiers where the game is less stereotyped and where some ships can be very funny to play (Yubari, my love ♥)

On the other hand, most of the times, I have the painful feeling to be more of a predator than a player.

It's not really fair for rookies, trying to learn the game, to be facing players with thousands of battles, who know the maps, who know the tricks and (more important) the values of their ships (camo, range, detectability, aso...) and know how to use them.

I see just as many rookies at tier 10 as low tier.

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23 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I see just as many rookies at tier 10 as low tier.

People move up so fast there are more clueless players at T7 then at T4 these days. 

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I enjoy sailing my low-tier ships during my Naval Battles "attempts" whenever feasible.
It gives my low-tier ships a legitimate purpose.

As for the matchmaking?  I'm not feeling guilty about it.
Those new players in "protected matchmaking" cannot be matched with me (if I understand the "How it works" of matchmaking correctly).
Thus, anyone I'm in a battle with is "fair game".  🙂 

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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1 hour ago, Kalishnikat said:

People move up so fast there are more clueless players at T7 then at T4 these days. 

Tiers with most rookies are tiers 5-7, in my experience.

The protected matchmaking means tiers 2-4 don't have as many rookies playing us as you would expect.

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1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I enjoy sailing my low-tier ships during my Naval Battles "attempts" whenever feasible.


Me too...

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at the start or end of each week of a campaign or i have finished one campaign before the next i love to try low rank the ships are more varied and less worried about meta design i really love the Nassau and other ships of her ilk, things can be fun people are more apt to get in close and brawl it can be a lot of fun.

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My biggest issues is that low tier can't keep up within reasonable filling goal and some mission need fill by higher tier, credit and XP in low tier is horror, is why most player play in high tier rather than low tier due reward. 

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7 minutes ago, Humility925 said:

My biggest issues is that low tier can't keep up within reasonable filling goal and some mission need fill by higher tier, credit and XP in low tier is horror, is why most player play in high tier rather than low tier due reward. 

Agreed. It's a shame that WoWs destroyed the low tier economy in their quest to get new people playing high tiers in the hope that they would spend more money. Oh well.

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31 minutes ago, Humility925 said:

My biggest issues is that low tier can't keep up within reasonable filling goal and some mission need fill by higher tier, credit and XP in low tier is horror, is why most player play in high tier rather than low tier due reward. 

Time to get off the WG grind hamster wheel and have fun...

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1 hour ago, Humility925 said:

My biggest issues is that low tier can't keep up within reasonable filling goal and some mission need fill by higher tier, credit and XP in low tier is horror, is why most player play in high tier rather than low tier due reward. 

Understandable sentiment.

1 hour ago, Gillhunter said:

Agreed. It's a shame that WoWs destroyed the low tier economy in their quest to get new people playing high tiers in the hope that they would spend more money. Oh well.

Also an understandable sentiment.

1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Time to get off the WG grind hamster wheel and have fun...

Aye.  There are times when one should just satisfy their need for fun instead of worrying about "the grind".  🙂 

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16 hours ago, Kalishnikat said:

People move up so fast

 In the first year of WoWS, there was a part of the player base that raced to the top tier as fast as they could (took them a few weeks or months). then when they got to T10 these clowns whined on the forum how there weren't enough players to play against. 

15 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I enjoy sailing my low-tier ships during my Naval Battles "attempts" whenever feasible.

Yes, you can do this with T4s & sometimes with T3s or even a T2, perhaps. Easier, in some cases, than using higher tiers.

4 hours ago, Gillhunter said:

WoWs destroyed the low tier economy in their quest to get new people playing high tiers in the hope that they would spend more money.

Everyone should know, by now, that WG only cares about how much money it can suck (queue the vacuum sound) out of the players - period/full stop

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44 minutes ago, Aethervox said:
16 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I enjoy sailing my low-tier ships during my Naval Battles "attempts" whenever feasible.

Yes, you can do this with T4s & sometimes with T3s or even a T2, perhaps. Easier, in some cases, than using higher tiers.

I agree. 
In the past, I've sailed Tier-2 ships to fulfill Naval Battles criteria for damage or gun hits or BaseXP when feasible.
Enclosed is the youtube video that @Lord_Zath created from a replay that I sent-in.  Granted, it's a Tier-3 ship instead of a Tier-2 ship.

Derpin' Around - Wickes Tier 3 American DD New Dawn World of Warships


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With all the blow outs in the higher tier randoms perhaps I should give these lower tiers a try again.

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Back in the day when theLaalaa used to be the Terror of Tier 1, with a Black Swan (still with AP then) that had four million XP on it with no flags/camos ever used, T1 was as nasty, dangerous and campy as T10 was ever supposed to be. One of the Flams, I think it might have been Flambass, went down there in a div and got chewed up and spat out. 

On 1/20/2024 at 9:27 PM, Wolfswetpaws said:

Those new players in "protected matchmaking" cannot be matched with me (if I understand the "How it works" of matchmaking correctly).
Thus, anyone I'm in a battle with is "fair game".

The protection comes off after 200 battles (it used to be 50), so someone on their 201st battle - still nowhere near enough to learn much - and grinding lines in lower tiers could potentially be up against someone else with their 20,001st.

WG wants players who can persist through the learning curve and bounce back from adversity, and I see no problem with that.

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4 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:


Which T1 (or which player) is that? Please explain.  I would agree there are players (Sea Scum) who only play T1s who have thousands of battles there.

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On 1/20/2024 at 9:33 AM, Silence_CN said:

Maybe I should use again my NA account

I did it... And I still feel like a sealclubber. 😁




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The "rewards" they give are seldom worth the grind and you can play the game just fine without any of their "prizes".

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