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How good is the ZF-6


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She to be capable of either being a gunboat or torpedo boat depending on upgrades and commander.  Is she worth getting is there something i am not seeing.  Just my opinion she is a good-looking ship with some nice turrets and a good-looking hull.  Anyone who plays her, how good is she and how do you play her.  Also does the VF-6 on pc get smoke and gun reload boos as they do in legends, in advance thanks for the help.

Edited by kriegerfaust
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Well you can't get her anymore being that she was a dockyard ship. ZF-6 is perhaps my favourite destroyer, she's the ultimate assassin, combining reload booster and actual destroyer concealment. On no other destroyer do I get the same highs of complete unrepentant murder.

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3 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

She to be capable of either being a gunboat or torpedo boat depending on upgrades and commander.  Is she worth getting is there something i am not seeing.  Just my opinion she is a good-looking ship with some nice turrets and a good-looking hull.  Anyone who plays her, how good is she and how do you play her.  Also does the VF-6 on pc get smoke and gun reload boos as they do in legends, in advance thanks for the help.

The ZF-6 appeals to me because I had the satisfaction of completing her Dockyard process and because she's a competent DD.
But, mostly, I have fond attachment because of the personal success with her Dockyard grind. 
I was inspired to write about it, in the "If our commanders could talk ..." topic on the old forum.

Originally it was, "Posted June 10, 2021".  I archived it.


[Narrator] The scene is the bridge of a new ship, her paint bold and fresh, her hull festooned with the festive decorations she recieved just prior to a champagne bottle being smashed against her bow. The First Officer approaches the Captain and his wife, who, along with other wives and children of the crew, accompanies him on this first voyage of the ZF-6. 

[First Officer] Herr Kapitan, our lookouts report a number of vessels in a formation ahead of us, as well as several squadrons of planes circling above them. We are in the process of visually identifying them now. 

[Fregattenkapitan Kristian Krause] Very well, First Officer. Continue to identify the contacts. Report them aloud as they become known and update our logs accordingly.
[Radio Room Operator] ::: enters the bridge and strides to the Captain ::: Herr Kapitan, a message for us, just received and deciphered using the code-books provided at the start of this voyage.
[Radio Room Operator] ::: offers a sheet of paper ::: 

[Kristian Krause] ::: accepts the message, and reads it to himself for a few moments :::
[Sigrid Krause] ::: reads the message, while looking over her husband's shoulder ::: 

[Kristian Krause] First Officer, organize a special watch rotation amongst all the crew. It will probably last for the next couple of hours. One third of the crew will be on deck and in Parade formation every 20 minutes or so, however they are dressed, their normal duty uniforms will be fine. 

[First Officer] Kapitan? 

[Kristian Krause] Wives and children, too. I do not want anyone to miss a chance to see what is ahead of us. 

[First Officer] What is ahead of us, herr Kapitan? 

[Kristian Krause] A welcoming committee. A welcoming committee of over two hundred ships, formed in two lines. We are to sail between the lines, which stretch for many kilometers and will guide us to our new home, The Port. 

[First Officer] Heiliger Strohsack! 

[Kristian Krause] Indeed. If they're burning anything 'funny' in their fuel, this trip will become even more amazing, eh? 

[Sigrid Krause] Dahling, nothing in our Dockyard Voyage briefing mentioned unorthodox fuels. You're jesting, ja? 

[Kristian Krause] Ja, I am jesting. At least, I hope I am. 

[First Officer] Is there anything more, Kapitan?

[Kristian Krause] Ja. There is something I am asked to say over our ship's loudspeakers.

Lo, there do I see Sister Ships.
'Lo, there do I see...Their sailors, their families and mascots.
Lo, there do I see...The lines of our Fleet...Back to the beginning.
Lo, they do call to us.
They bid us take our place among them.
In the Port of the Alpha...
Where the brave...
May live......

Author's note: Inspiration was derived and adapted from words spoken in the movie "The 13th. Warrior".


Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Like the Bearn,,  The Zf-6 is just another fun boat to play for the pew pew meme...  But basically the FSherman does what the zf6 without using a consumable to do it...

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6 hours ago, Took said:

Like the Bearn,,  The Zf-6 is just another fun boat to play for the pew pew meme...  But basically the FSherman does what the zf6 without using a consumable to do it...

ZF-6 has usable torpedoes, is faster and has better concealment on top of making more credits due to being a tier 9 premium while Sherman is a tier 10 special ship.

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13 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

Well you can't get her anymore being that she was a dockyard ship. ZF-6 is perhaps my favourite destroyer, she's the ultimate assassin, combining reload booster and actual destroyer concealment. On no other destroyer do I get the same highs of complete unrepentant murder.

Dunno about ultimate assassin but it's a pretty good knife fighter.  You just have to remember that at T9 there are other DDs that can outgun you like Fries, Mog, and Kita.

It's has great conceal at 5.8 so you get first shot...and with that you can go for the MBRB w/AP combo.  While you do get improved angles, you do NOT get short fuses.  This means even if you get the jump on a good player they may know to either fight flat broadside or completely angle.  Actually a 40 or 45% angle is ideal for ZF6 since the 128's will mostly overpen on 90° non armored dds. 

ZF also gets better than average ballistics so it's decent farmer but is hampered by German crap smokes so it can't really farm Fries or Sherman style. 

Torps are also short for T9 at 8km but hit hard so it has decent torp dpm.....   bit ZF-6 is also a slow dd so thrust and run stealth torp maneuvers like Mogador can do are pretty dangerous at that radar infested tier.  You're a gunboat first.

Also, no hydro  so you have to play careful if there's things like Z46,Z35, etc. in the game.

But like most gunboat DDs..... I think it's a fun ship and more challenging to play than average...

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12 minutes ago, YouSatInGum said:

You just have to remember that at T9 there are other DDs that can outgun you like Fries, Mog, and Kita.

Z-46 also out guns her ironically. She roughly matches Z-46 when MBRB is active. Not to mention her HE is so bad compared to the ships you mentioned that even with MBRB active, ZF-6 wont even secure a kill. You have to be using AP on a cruiser or BB(or one of the thick DDs like the German 15cm DDs) to make the MBRB get the most mileage.

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  • kriegerfaust changed the title to How good is the ZF-6
12 hours ago, YouSatInGum said:

This means even if you get the jump on a good player they may know to either fight flat broadside or completely angle.  Actually a 40 or 45% angle is ideal for ZF6 since the 128's will mostly overpen on 90° non armored dds. 

Sure, though this is where the concealment comes in to play, you hopefully get to start shooting when they don't yet see you, or perhaps instead of you approaching them from direct broadside they run into you .

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Really solid DD. Helped me to rank out a few times even when I was quite new player. 

In randoms it loses some of the appeal, because the torps are only 8 km and has no heal for more risky playstyle at close ranges.

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I quite like the ZF6 as my go to DD in a T9 ranked, good concealment and the MBRB means it shreds angled DDs very quickly, but as mentioned the normal fuses means it will overpen on flat broadside DDs. Hence she favors meeting enemy DD that are sailing into them, usually those DDs will turn to whip out the guns/turn to disengage, that's the timing where one needs to accurately place their AP salvoes, ZF6 can shave at least half HP off them on those narrow window, or even outright killing them if they stay angled. She's the DD that I am still confident picking a fight when having a lower HP than the opponent DD simply due to how fast she shreds them. 8 French torpedoes are also good enough to blanket the cap and heavily damage whoever eats it. 

Her issue? If the enemy DD isn't that dumb and knows how to deal with a ZF6, they will reverse near the cap and run away showing the aft when ZF6 activates her mbrb, as long as you forced the ZF6 to waste her boost (by smoking up/go into cover) or force ZF6 to shoot HE during DD engagements, she will suffer until her next boost is ready. 20150 HP, no heal (if no Gunther) and ok-ish agility means a 1v1 fight with enemy DD is either you dead or HP being chunked considerably, so need to be cautious when using her for cap fighting, but if you have support, you can win while preserving HP, if the enemy DD is the one having radar backup/plane spotting then you will feel the pain, just like most DDs. 

As long as you don't waste the mbrb and time it well, she is a good DD.

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