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Meet one of YouTube's top fast food reviewers


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That is ReviewBrah, one of my favorite Youtubers. I haven't eaten fast food since George Bush's first term, but watching his reviews always makes me smile. That deadpan delivery just kills me. He is weird but he is my kind of weird. 

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26 minutes ago, MysticalWar said:

This guy is kind a cool and has a 1940's look.

I once told someone that "If you have a suit that fits well, you'll look forward to occasions to wear it".

I think his look is well defined and is working for him.  Of course I'm a fan of the 1940's look, too.  So there's that.
Plus I'm impressed he eats some foods with a serious risk of spilling sauce or ingredients on his clothing and doesn't seem to even need a napkin.  🙂 

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In a sea of nobodies he sticks out. His suits are a trademark, a thing he owns to the hilt. And he has some really nice suits too.

Anyone can buy a fast food combo meal, but only he can do it while wearing a 1930s suit and speaking like an old time radio announcer.


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8 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I once told someone that "If you have a suit that fits well, you'll look forward to occasions to wear it".

I think his look is well defined and is working for him.  Of course I'm a fan of the 1940's look, too.  So there's that.
Plus I'm impressed he eats some foods with a serious risk of spilling sauce or ingredients on his clothing and doesn't seem to even need a napkin.  🙂 

It takes a true professional suit wearer to not spill on your clothes I find that interesting. 

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41 minutes ago, Taylor3006 said:

That is ReviewBrah, one of my favorite Youtubers. I haven't eaten fast food since George Bush's first term, but watching his reviews always makes me smile. That deadpan delivery just kills me. He is weird but he is my kind of weird. 

Why do people call me ReviewBrah lol 😅

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I've been watching his videos for years. He used to have really bad teeth, which is somewhat ironic for a food reviewer. I don't eat at fast food restaurants much anymore. Mainly, it's because I'd have to drive 50 miles to find one. There's a local "greasy spoon" at the other end of the county that's been in business since the '30s. I get a burger there occasionally that's much better than anything you will find in a national chain. It's all made to order so I call in an order and it's then ready by the time I make the 20-mile drive. The last time I was in Dodge City I picked up a burger, fries, and a coke at McDonald's. Not only was the food "meh," they also charged me $18 for it! Three years ago I could get the same meal for $5.

True fast food story: In Portland, Oregon most of the fast food workers don't speak English. If you go to a McDonald's, Wendy's, or KFC there, you need to know how to count to ten in Spanish and just order a "cinco" or an "uno" meal. If you try to order in English, well good luck. The last time I went through the KFC drive thru I ordered chicken strips. The guy at the kiosk said 'No shrimps! Polo!" I said "Not shrimp, chicken strips" but he just said "No shrimps! No shrimps!" again. Finally, I ordered by number in Spanish and got a "Si.". He gave me the wrong meal but it was food. That's the last time I ate at a KFC though because it wasn't very good food. I remember going to KFC as a kid in the early 60s and the chicken was every bit as good then as what my grandma made. Once, coming home after teaching a night class, I ordered at McDonald's and was surprised to hear English spoken. I mentioned this to the guy at the kiosk and he laughed and said that he was taking orders from a call center in South Dakota and then relaying them back to the local Portland McDonald's in Spanish.

Edited by Snargfargle
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4 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

I've been watching his videos for years. He used to have really bad teeth, which is somewhat ironic for a food reviewer. I don't eat at fast food restaurants much anymore. Mainly, it's because I'd have to drive 50 miles to find one. There's a local "greasy spoon" at the other end of the county that's been in business since the '30s. I get a burger there occasionally that's much better than anything you will find in a national chain. It's all made to order so I call in an order and it's then ready by the time I make the 20-mile drive. The last time I was in Dodge City I picked up a burger, fries, and a coke at McDonald's. Not only was the food "meh," they also charged me $18 for it! Three years ago I could get the same meal for $5.

True fast food story: In Portland, Oregon most of the fast food workers don't speak English. If you go to a McDonald's, Wendy's, or KFC there, you need to know how to count to ten in Spanish and just order a "cinco" or an "uno" meal. If you try to order in English, well good luck. The last time I went through the KFC drive thru I ordered chicken strips. The guy at the kiosk said 'No shrimps! Polo!" I said "Not shrimp, chicken strips" but he just said "No shrimps! No shrimps!" again. Finally, I ordered by number in Spanish and got a "Si.". He gave me the wrong meal but it was food. That's the last time I ate at a KFC though because it wasn't very good food. I remember going to KFC as a kid in the early 60s and the chicken was every bit as good then as what my grandma made. Once, coming home after teaching a night class, I ordered at McDonald's and was surprised to hear English spoken. I mentioned this to the guy at the kiosk and he laughed and said that he was taking orders from a call center in South Dakota and then relaying them back to the local Portland McDonald's in Spanish.

When the fast food places started hiring the angry middle aged and those who struggled with English, I bailed on eating out. Never minded when they had college/high school kids or the retired but the people working there now I wouldn't trust to pour me a glass of water. Besides, the older I get the more I enjoy cooking.  Last month I got really excited because I found a cast iron wok and immediately bought it.....  My wife threatened to beat me with it because I used it to cook everything and wouldn't shut up about it for a couple of weeks... 

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33 minutes ago, Taylor3006 said:

When the fast food places started hiring the angry middle aged and those who struggled with English

I don't mind immigrants not speaking English per se, it's just that a restaurant needs to at least have an English speaker taking orders in an area where 90% of the population doesn't speak anything but English. Or, you can set your business up so that it doesn't matter. When I was teaching in the Portland Metro I ate at a Chinese food place a lot because it was close to where I lived and dirt cheap -- $6.50 for an all-you-could-eat buffet. The salad bar was "meh" as to freshness but anything that was deep fried came out of the kitchen fresh every five minutes and was a lot better than you'd expect for the price. You could see into the kitchen and watch them cooking it too. That place was run by an extended Chinese family who didn't speak a lick of English but since it was a buffet and it had a fixed price it really didn't matter -- you just came in, paid, and then got down to the business of eating.

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True food story:

When I was going to college my cousin was there too. At the time, my aunt and uncle were running the family business and had a well-known business law firm on retainer for the company. That law firm also worked for businesses much larger and politically powerful than ours. Once, they invited my aunt and uncle to dine with them at the Kansas City Club and my uncle called over and invited my cousin and me to tag along. When we got there the concierge wouldn't let me and my cousin in, however, because we weren't dressed "appropriately." I said "Fine, we'll just go eat at a taco place or somewhere and meet you afterwards." However, the club manager came up, gave us a couple of jackets to wear, and invited us in. She privately told me that she was a farm girl from western Kansas and thought the club was a bit too hoity-toity for its own good. My aunt, who was a bit too hoity-toity herself at times, sat down at a table and snapped her fingers trying to get a waitress to come and serve her. I told her that she wasn't going to get served individually as it was a self-serve buffet that night. Said "Well, buffet or not, the are going to serve me."  I said "Aunt ___, they are not serving two state governors and a US senator, why should you expect that they are going to serve you?"

Edited by Snargfargle
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