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Legendary Gouden Leeuw Triple Div Highlights


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Saw a PQ video where he landed all 4 perma fires on a Devestation. Myself I landed 3 on a Jean Bart.

Imho this is the most OP Legendary Mod out there, totally worth the cost if you enjoy playing the Golden Lion. This mod changes Golden to almost en entirely new ship. I went from having pretty meeh 80-120 K damage games to more like 150-200 K games with the new mod.

I already seen more and more Leg Mod Golden in the Lobby and it will be very hard for a radarcruiser or tanky BB to try and tank near a cap when a Golden sits close behind an island. Unfortunately this will force players to play more and more passive in the back (like very many other recent changes). The ability to just sit there behind an island and just wait out DCP usage and then drop 3 strikes on a stationary target and then rinse and repeat.


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A bit hypocritical of these players to complain about CVs and then play something as oppressive as that (how do you even deplane a GL?) with such glee...

Never mind the divisioning. Must've been sooo much fun to be in one of those Yamatos...

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I was in a match with one of those yesterday. They are hard to strike with a CV because of their defensive AA. We eventually won the battle but I used up a lot of my planes trying to get the GL to move out from behind its rock so that my team could take it out.

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I have seen A LOT of Gouden Leeuw's in Randoms in the past week.  I knew something was afoot.  I noticed Flamuu had a new YT video about the ship, but didn't watch it.  This was obviously the topic, as I see above several other content creators have also posted videos.

The word is out, I suppose.

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1 hour ago, tocqueville8 said:

A bit hypocritical of these players to complain about CVs and then play something as oppressive as that (how do you even deplane a GL?) with such glee...

Never mind the divisioning. Must've been sooo much fun to be in one of those Yamatos...

I get you're point, that said its a massive difference between Golden and a CV, first of all Golden only has 13 km striking difference. But of course all these 3-man Meme Divs are toxic regardless of strong ships they use (Napoli, Smolensk, Schleiffen etc).

You can never de-plane a Golden but you can still get you're squadron nuked. Me for example have followed PQs AA build in my Golden since it has somewhat decent AA and that helps a lot to protect yourself against enemy CVs when having to sit by islands close to caps to get you're airstrikes of. You will definitely NOT be the main focus for the enemy carrier.

And in a match yesterday I faced off against another Leg Mod Golden that sat in my mirrored position on the same cap. He tried to drop me the few times I got spotted but due to my full AA build and Def AA hes squadrons died before he could drop me, me on the other hand focused on other targets not that close to him and got a lot of damage delt.

So even thos Golden never runs out of planes you dont really wanna strike targets close to one another with overlapping AA or ships with really strong AA suits.

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1 hour ago, Snargfargle said:

I was in a match with one of those yesterday. They are hard to strike with a CV because of their defensive AA. We eventually won the battle but I used up a lot of my planes trying to get the GL to move out from behind its rock so that my team could take it out.

I almost de-planed a T8 CV in one of my matches in Golden, think I got something over 80-90 plane kills. He went for me first in the match and I nuked his squadron before he could strike, but then for some strange reason he just continued to try and strike me with no success, then he put fighters over me to keep me spotted and they died in seconds. I guess he was quite in-experienced in playing CVs.

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9 minutes ago, xamdam said:

Do they even try to test... err, balance this stuff anymore?


The live servers are their testing for balancing.

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12 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


The live servers are their testing for balancing.

Or sales promotion bonanza... You can bet thousands of people are seeing these streams / vids and pouring their "resources" into getting the latest gimmick.


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43 minutes ago, xamdam said:

Do they even try to test... err, balance this stuff anymore?

Nope! Stopped doing this long time ago. As far as I know they dont even listen to their Supertesters feedback (according to old posts in old forum). 

33 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


The live servers are their testing for balancing.

This! and sometimes after a year or so they implement a small nerf after long time of "testing" in the live server. But I dont think this will be nerfed because it will be balanced by the playerbase. A lot of players will probably struggle with the long lead time at a weird angle of the drops. But good players will .......





This was just ONE drop. 28 K damage in the initial drop and then all the tick damage from 4 permafires..... Guess what will happen after his DCP runs out? He still has 2 more drops to use and the one he just used to get 28 K is back and ready again in 30-ish seconds.


Thats said, this will mostly happen to French and British BBs like Devestation, Thunderer and Conqueror etc.

But if you see a 3-man Golden div in the enemy team ... be aware.


Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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220 K damage with 130 K being Airstrikes and fire damage. This mod have boosted this ship sooooo much!








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10 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

But if you see a 3-man Golden div in the enemy team ... be aware.

That's the thing: not only can you stack airstrikes, you can also stack GLs.

Short of subs, these ships have little to fear from going nose-in for the nearest island and delivering airstrikes all over the place: they still have hydro to mitigate incoming torps, AA to mitigate CV and fellow GLs, and the guns are respectable. Who's going to dislodge them from near the cap? I know one can dodge the strikes, but that pretty much means staying in the open, which isn't exactly great strategically: now you're far from the caps and exposed to gunfire. Where's the cover then?

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12 hours ago, tocqueville8 said:

That's the thing: not only can you stack airstrikes, you can also stack GLs.

Short of subs, these ships have little to fear from going nose-in for the nearest island and delivering airstrikes all over the place: they still have hydro to mitigate incoming torps, AA to mitigate CV and fellow GLs, and the guns are respectable. Who's going to dislodge them from near the cap? I know one can dodge the strikes, but that pretty much means staying in the open, which isn't exactly great strategically: now you're far from the caps and exposed to gunfire. Where's the cover then?

Yup, a 3 man GL div is pretty much like a Super CV on crack but in a very restricted space. They can pretty much nuke any cruiser or BB in the game with 9 stacked bomb drops.

They have ONE great counter (same as most others....) ....... SUBS! ! Where they have Zero counterplay. So, every game I play I always go to the opposite flank to where our Sub has spawned, because I dont want to have to deal with that one.

I think there might be ONE CV that can harrass a 3-man GL Div and that is ......... drumroll .... the Russian! ! Naki could probably ignore the AA and drop from outside and get massive hits or at least force the div out in the open. Any other CV in the game I would say probably is useless against 3 GLs with priority sector and Def AA active (hence why I also built my GL for Max AA skills (only ship in the game....)).

Its like you say, sometimes you dont even use the airstrikes to get hits, but instead to un-stuck an island camping BB or radarcruiser, and then you have 2 more you can drop while the rest of the team is shooting him. 

They are also good at dropping on smoking up DDs etc. Its not that massive hits like you get with Tromp Airstrike but a few hits can kill a low HP Shima etc.


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