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The “5% ECXP Bonus”… Has It Changed?


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You know, the “five percent extra” that goes into the ECXP pool after every battle when you’re playing a lesthan-21-point captain.

When I was grinding my Farragut captain through Ranked over the weekend, from 19 points to 20, (nearly 500,000 CXP ground  - blue boosters) my EXCP pool was skyrocketing at much more than a 5% rate.

Has WG increased the bonus generation? (Yes, it’s unlikely WG would change an aspect of the economy to increase a resource).

This wasn’t an “end of day” check with forgotten battle with 21-pointers - it was a battle-by battle examination of the ECXP total. I watched it grow by multiple thousands every battle.

I checked my battle results to see the CXP I was earning. Yes, the commander was earning the stated amount of CXP; no, I didn’t think to see if the ECXP bonus multiplier was something other than 5%.

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Base ECXP is still 5% of the CXP earned.  On a 21 point commander CXP converts 100% to ECXP.

I should update The Economics of Battle to include that equation.


I typically run a blue booster on CXP and a green or better on XP, even on Elite ships, since CXP is a function of XP.  [A relic of the past.]


Edited by iDuckman
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52 minutes ago, DoW_ said:

CXP multiplied to XP not base XP?

Looked at the linked equations. 

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25 minutes ago, iDuckman said:

Looked at the linked equations. 

The pic (for everyone’s reference) seems to show its base xp 🤷‍♂️



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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Any bonus packages equipped?

Yes, but there is no bonus package that affects the ECXP bonus muliplier. It is always 5% of the non-elite CXP your captain earns.

1 hour ago, DoW_ said:

The pic (for everyone’s reference) seems to show its base xp 🤷‍♂️



Ummm, you better read it again. The Elite Commander Experience clearly show ECXP (and the “5% bonus”) clearly derived from CXP.



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8 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

Yes, but there is no bonus package that affects the ECXP bonus muliplier. It is always 5% of the non-elite CXP your captain earns.

Ummm, you better read it again. The Elite Commander Experience clearly show ECXP (and the “5% bonus”) clearly derived from CXP.



I admit as a high school drop out, I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer…but how CXP is calculated was my first question and is the focus of my second post that you quoted, not ECXP. 


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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

What is that Z?

It’s any fixed amount of  XP/CXP/etc. you earn from a mission you completed in that battle.

Edited by Nevermore135
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4 hours ago, iDuckman said:

@Justin_SimpletonWhat are you confused about?


I was confused about your statement where 


5 hours ago, iDuckman said:

I typically run a blue booster on CXP and a green or better on XP, even on Elite ships, since CXP is a function of XP.

CXP is not a function of XP after XP modifiers.  So, the green or better boosters for ship XP does not affect CXP.  It doesn't stack. Thus my confusion.

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@iDuckman The change from "signals" to "boosters" disconnected CXP and FXP from base XP. as @Justin_Simpleton points out above. There is no longer a reason to use XP boosters when you want CXP  (or FXP). As a result I generally don't have any ship XP booster on T10 or premium ships now - and have a ShipTon of ship XP boosters now.

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I wonder if that CXP equation isn't out of date cuz I remember that ship bonuses are rolled into CXP.  While it might be my memory, I smell old fish.

Yep.  My brain is probably stuck in the past.  From the news article accompanying the changes in 0.11.6:

We've significantly increased bonuses that influence gaining Free XP and Commander XP. However, these values are no longer influenced by the bonus applied to Ship XP. The calculations are now simpler, and it will now be easier to understand how to use the system itself.

I'll double check in a bit, but the equation seems to be correct, so my advice about Ship XP boosters is pointless.


FYI, Here's the old equation:


You'll note that CXP has always been calculated from Base XP.  The change is in the modifiers applied.

Edited by iDuckman
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I suspect that the actual base calculation for CXP (which as far as I know has not had its formula publicly revealed) has probably been changed.

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8 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I suspect that the actual base calculation for CXP (which as far as I know has not had its formula publicly revealed) has probably been changed.

Nah.  The net formulas are well known.  It's the components of Base XP/Credits that aren't published, though there are hints and some informed speculation.

The Book of Alchemy aka, Base Earnings



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5 minutes ago, iDuckman said:

Nah.  The net formulas are well known.  It's the components of Base XP/Credits that aren't published, though there are hints and some informed speculation.

The Book of Alchemy aka, Base Earnings



Right...my point is that the components have been adjusted.

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2 hours ago, SureBridge said:

@iDuckman The change from "signals" to "boosters" disconnected CXP and FXP from base XP.

No, they’re all still connected to base XP. The boosters only turned Ship XP, Commander XP, and Free XP multipliers into completely separated multipliers (of Base XP).

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16 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

No, they’re all still connected to base XP. The boosters only turned Ship XP, Commander XP, and Free XP multipliers into completely separated multipliers (of Base XP).

Well summarized.


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