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Those Anti-CV, CVs are a Mess!


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All this guy had to do was to chase my planes around and drop interceptors and I could hardly get a shot off. Conversely, my fighters were useless against his planes. It hearkened me back to the bad old days of the "pay-to-win" RTS CVs and strafing. Of course, seeing that clan name, it's now apparent that this was a unicum player too. That clan doesn't allow ordinary Joes to join.


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37 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

All this guy had to do was to chase my planes around and drop interceptors and I could hardly get a shot off. Conversely, my fighters were useless against his planes. It hearkened me back to the bad old days of the "pay-to-win" RTS CVs and strafing. Of course, seeing that clan name, it's now apparent that this was a unicum player too. That clan doesn't allow ordinary Joes to join.


What CV were you playing?

You need to bait his fighters and if you are in the radius, IMMEDIATELY recall. The hope is that your planes reach altitude BEFORE his fighters finish their attacks timer. If that happens, they are then stuck on the board until the timer runs out.

He has only two squadrons, so he can't just place squadrons all over the place.

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29 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

What CV were you playing?

You need to bait his fighters and if you are in the radius, IMMEDIATELY recall. The hope is that your planes reach altitude BEFORE his fighters finish their attacks timer. If that happens, they are then stuck on the board until the timer runs out.

He has only two squadrons, so he can't just place squadrons all over the place.

Thanks for the hints. I'll try the recall thing. I was in the Ryujo, which I've done fairly well with in the past. I played a match after that and, sure enough, a Bearn showed up again. This time, I made sure to stay well away from his planes and fighter drops. We won that match.

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Bearn do had lot of fighter plane but this game isn't design to rule over sky but a sea, your job is avoid fighter plane and forced on help team to soft target so team can sink that ship easier and quicker, as long as there is not many red ship together (AA, not good for your plane.) Let him chase you (because it's time waste, he don't get good reward by spent time chase your plane) , it's not going well for him, all you got to do is force on spotting and damage ship, not his plane, even you might want to attack couple time on ship but can't due fighter, only attack one time, so be it. Just forced on spotting and damage ship to make your team easier to sink sooner and faster, while other red CV waste his time, because CV do not make good credit at end of every battle like DD, CA, BB very well, CV had to play damage part just like every other ship, forced on damage ship even it's one time attack, then withdraw after you speedly attack before fighter plane get you but prefer avoid and go round it if you had to. 

You don't gain much by worried about his fighter plane, you gain lot by avoid, flee, or hurry attack on red ship where team need help to take out sooner and better. Don't seek to rule sky, you don't get good reward at end of battle by doing that. Forced on rule over sea, help teammate to sink ship faster when right target (meaning red ship spread out, not together to had stronger effect of AA). 

Use aircraft to rule over sea, not sky due system reward, but I'm not saying don't use fighter, of course if it happen on your way to damage on red ship, but there is red plane coming to your teammate nearly by your plane, then drop fighter on your teammate so your team don't get mad at you for not helping, I think. 

Edited by Humility925
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5 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

All this guy had to do was to chase my planes around and drop interceptors and I could hardly get a shot off. Conversely, my fighters were useless against his planes.

I know, how cool is that!? most fun I've ever had in a CV!!!  ... few things feel better in WoWS than shutting down and zeroing the enemy CV. It's Karma...


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6 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

What CV were you playing?

You need to bait his fighters and if you are in the radius, IMMEDIATELY recall. The hope is that your planes reach altitude BEFORE his fighters finish their attacks timer. If that happens, they are then stuck on the board until the timer runs out.

He has only two squadrons, so he can't just place squadrons all over the place.


As soon as the Bearn drops interceptors, just recall your strike package to base.  Also, if they are true interceptors (vice fighters), a fighter drop of your own won't negate it.  interceptors and fighters are mutually immune to each other.

Also pay attention to whether the drop was from skip bomber squadron or dive bomber.  They can only deploy one at a time each.  So if a skip bomber dropped and you recalled to base, and your next package runs up against another skip bomber, they can't drop on you while the other drop is in play.


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7 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

All this guy had to do was to chase my planes around and drop interceptors and I could hardly get a shot off. Conversely, my fighters were useless against his planes. It hearkened me back to the bad old days of the "pay-to-win" RTS CVs and strafing. Of course, seeing that clan name, it's now apparent that this was a unicum player too. That clan doesn't allow ordinary Joes to join.


This was a loss from a couple of nights ago, because my team melted, but the Enemy Enterprise player was so pissed he was throwing Call of Duty level Toxicity at me in chat. I was LMAO! 

Even in a loss, seeing the enemy CV on the winning team with less BXP than you is blissfull!

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7 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

[...] the bad old days of the "pay-to-win" RTS CVs and strafing.[...]


those "cv's".... been >1< in regard to strafing ^^.... oh yah, the goold ol' days *sigh *....

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There's a significant cooldown for the fighter. He can't drop them everywhere. 

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For me, using Bearn to counter the enemy CV is a sideline to killing DDs. 

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17 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

back to the bad old days of the "pay-to-win" RTS CVs


As to the introduction of 'anti-CV CVs', as you term them, with some fighter ability(ies), well, all I'll say, as an opinion, is it at all surprising that WG has managed to 'bend, fold & mutilate', even this additional form of reworked CVs?

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