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Which play style do people want to see more Aggressive or passive ?


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I think I am too aggressive in World of Warships and I sometimes look for tips from other players every now and again. Let me know what you think.


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You were in the range of several battleships as a cruiser and by yourself to boot. They didn't have anything better to shoot at than you.

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3 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

You were in the range of several battleships as a cruiser and by yourself to boot. They didn't have anything better to shoot at than you.

What I should do is maybe hide and wait for range to improve on targets then strike with HE.

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I hope I can improve further in PetroPavlovsk its a ship that can take a beating lol.


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5 hours ago, MysticalWar said:

What I should do is maybe hide and wait for range to improve on targets then strike with HE.

What I do is to hang around with other ships so that the enemy doesn't have just me to focus fire on, or if they do focus fire on me then my allies can fire back relatively unmolested. Another alternative for a cruiser is cover and concealment. This works best for those cruisers that can lob shells over islands. A third alternative is to take priority sector and rudder shift and start maneuvering when you get a warning of incoming shells. If you can see the ships that are shooting at you, you don't even need priority sector because you can see the guns fire. I'm always zigging and zagging while playing my Massachusetts as, for a BB, it's relatively nimble at full speed with the rudder control skill. With my Des Moines, I have the old legendary propulsion upgrade and can start, stop, and reverse, which tends to throw off enemy aim. Just don't be consistent in your actions or better players will figure out what you are likely to do after a couple of missed salvos.

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6 hours ago, MysticalWar said:

I think I am too aggressive in World of Warships and I sometimes look for tips from other players every now and again. Let me know what you think.

I'd vote for a more studious form of play in a vastly more relaxed OPTEMPO. 

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It's depend on design of ship, some ship had to be aggressive, some had to be passive, some had to do balance between them, I think. 

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13 hours ago, MysticalWar said:

I think I am too aggressive in World of Warships and I sometimes look for tips from other players every now and again. Let me know what you think.


As the self proclaimed Pedro guy I'll have a deep dive into this now

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14 hours ago, MysticalWar said:

I think I am too aggressive in World of Warships and I sometimes look for tips from other players every now and again. Let me know what you think.


OK so firstly, what is your build I am getting very sus feelings from seeing your concealment..

Secondly there's no need to abandon that flank, there's so many great islands there for you. You should have G9 or even F9 if you had the time. 

Thirdly you are way way to passive in this ship, it has great concealment for what she offers and is very tanky I would be up in their face much much more and make use of that amazing AP and close range dispersion. You were kind of useless in your position just sailing around in the middle, Not really doing much for the team.

I'm no Petro god but I have improved my stats in her massively, I used to have orange stats. Around 50k avg damage and 40% wins.


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17 hours ago, MysticalWar said:

I think I am too aggressive in World of Warships and I sometimes look for tips from other players every now and again. Let me know what you think.



  • Half speed at start is good, to get youre DDs and BBs to catch up, this is the most common mistake DD captains make in games and the ydie very quick without backup.
  • I would also just like you try to find a more central position around B cap since you spawned on youre teams "weak" flank. Youre BB that went alone to the 10 line died.
  • At 7:13 , instead of pushing forward in open water I would have pushed up closer to the island at B cap at F6, that way you wouldn't be vulnerable from both sides but have one "safe" side, also possibility to go dark by reversing behind the island if necessary.
  • The push at 8:00 was unnecessary, youre team was getting 3 outa 4 caps, that is not the time to push and "Win harder", thats the time to post up at the cap closest to the enemy and pick them of one by one when they are forced to push into you to get back caps. This is also a VERY common mistake done in most games, even so that Jingles are saying "Win harder" in most of his videos. When you are winning you hold position and fortify youre position so enemys having to push into you make mistakes and die. 
  • Use more AP at broadsiding BBs, Petro AP is devastating, I saw a lot of HE usage. (Schleiffen at 8:17)
  • I would try a bit more turning/speed dodging when spotted in open water just to try and get some of the BB salvos to not do as much damage.
  • Pushing into crossfires is certain death and something very many players do (9:03). Always update yourself with info on the minimap and try to create as much 1 Vs 1 fights as possible, or even 2 Vs 1 if possible, never go willingly into a 1 Vs 3.
  • Minimap  .... Minimap .... Minimap. Its the best "cheat" (also used for blind fires and smoke fires) in the game. Minimap is King! I usually have mine at max size to be able to use aim reticle for the forementioned things, and then I put transparency at almost max so you still see the game.
  • A bit of a divider this but I rather have hydro than Def AA on Petro. Petro already has pretty good AA as base but you will face torps in every game, but you wont face CVs in every game and in those games its a wasted consumable.

Other than this, I love aggression and pride myself in being a very aggressive player, but aggressive with smarts. And usually that results in very great YouTube worthy games. I think a lot of frustration and toxicity in this game comes from players being Way to passive. BBs sitting at full HP on 10 line etc etc etc. So never be that guy.


My 50 cents.....

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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19 hours ago, MysticalWar said:

I think I am too aggressive in World of Warships and I sometimes look for tips from other players every now and again. Let me know what you think.


I prefer aggressive play.
At the 2 min & 43 second time-stamp, I found myself wishing you had traveled up the 9 & 10 line at full throttle.
Instead you sailed in a liesurely manner towards the center of the map along the G & H rows.
I stopped watching at that point.

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38 minutes ago, MysticalWar said:

I also have my first attempt in the Petro


What is your captain and upgrade build

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45 minutes ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

What is your captain and upgrade build


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7 minutes ago, MysticalWar said:


Hmmm... What's the point for all the consumable build? You are missing the most relevant: Superintendent. The extra heal is priceless. I'm seeing at least 3 wasted points in there that could be better employed on AR or Superintendent.

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Don't show broadside to a battleship while detected, and especially don't fire pointless HE salvos at random ships when undetected and broadside to battleships. 

Concealment build is a must, it's a big reason why this ship is good. 

Other than that, can't be too aggressive when you have what appears to be a 30% winrate shimakaze randomly abandoning flank. 

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10 hours ago, MysticalWar said:

I also have my first attempt in the Petro



  • You starting out by going for the Bow tanking position at A. Normally this is totally fine/standard Patro MO, but since there is a Nakhimov in play I would never .... ever try and sit bow tanking, because a Naki can nail you're broadside over and over again with 15 000 salvos without problem and Naki being Naki he wont even loose planes to even Petros strong AA because he hits from outside AA bubble. Subs in play also negates this playstyle. Subs LOVE bow tanking radar cruisers! !
  • But it seemed like you realized that and then made a turn to kite, problem here was you did it kind of late and was spotted. You were lucky that the St.Vincent salvo only did 13 000 damage, it could have been multiple cits and if another BB reacted as well it could been the death.
  • Same as previous post. At 4:50, open water gunning with a St.Vincent in play, then you REALLY need to rudder/speed duke ... which you learned when you got double citted by him at 5:16. You were sailing in straight line for Way too long. You also (when looking at the minimap) have a Preussen at you're broadside.
  • 6:23 Switch to AP! Vincent has almost no superstructure so it gets saturated fast, at that angle you could get massive damage volleys with AP instead.
  • 7:58 Again, a very risky turn considering the Vincent is unspotted....... another citadel eaten. Again switching to AP here you could maybe get citadel on Vincent or at least saturating his bow and stern with thousands of damage.
  • 9:32, still shooting HE, guessing you're looking for fires, but Vincent has same zombie heal as Conqueror so he just heals back ALL that fire damages so really no point in trying, also AP would give you way more damage here.
  • 10:00 Vincent gone, you push in hard into A and this is perfect move. You can with help from you're DD and radar put pressure on their DD and maybe kill it and you can bow tank a Buffalo and go past him and blast him outa the water. It didn't work out because worst timed Buffalo radar but still a good play.

So summary. Overall good playstyle (moving kiting) because Naki, but some questionable sailing in straight line and also 2 devastating gamer turns in front of a Vincent, you got lucky 2 times. 

9 hours ago, MysticalWar said:


Modules - Same as me

Consumables - I would take hydro over Def AA. Petro AA is quite good base and you always face torps, you dont always face CVs.

Captain skills -

I would drop fire skill in first column, Petro isn't a firespammer.

Last stand is wasted, Petro doesn't need it, this is good for fragile light cruisers like Jinan, Smolensk and Colbert.

I would probably also drop both consumables' skills.


Skills like Adrenaline Rush (3 points) is almost mandatory on ALL Ships and classes, its one of those skill that gives you most "Bang for the Buck". The more HP you lose the Deadlier you get!

This is my build:


I used to have the upgraded radar as well but since I dont play Petro that often I moved it to another ship I play more.


For you I would Really recommend you take the "Incoming fire" skill at 1 point since then the spotted icon will turn red every time a Vincent or another BB is shooting you're broadside and usually you then have time to hit the brakes and turn, can save you're life many times during a game and it costs 1 point! ! !

Also Superintendent gives you extra heal and radar whic hcould have been a game changer in this game since you were out of radars when that DD was spamming you.

Gun feeder to be able to devastate broadsiding cruisers when you happen to have HE loaded.

RPF/Radio location - You have 12.4 km conceal and a 12 km radar, and also being a tanky cruiser that often lives to the late game. Then you become a great DD hunter/killer if there is a DD left alive. Also good for those cap/bow tanking games to see if a enemy DD is flanking around you to get torps of.


Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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11 hours ago, MysticalWar said:


Ok so, get rid of the fire chance, last stand and the 1p consumable skill. You shouldn't be firing HE in Petro unless you're shooting a DD. AP 90% of the time. AR is mandatory on every ship and you also 100% want SI, GF and TGG. Also on cruisers unless they have 60s fire duration I think it's a better idea to run prop mod, it'll let you dodge shells much easier. Also with the playstyle Petro has you want hydro, because of how close up you can get and should be getting. Here is the build you should run instead. 


This 100% is the best build for Petro no doubt about it, everything else would be a downgrade if I'm being honest. If you want to improve use this build.

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6 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

RPF/Radio location - You have 12.4 km conceal and a 12 km radar, and also being a tanky cruiser that often lives to the late game. Then you become a great DD hunter/killer if there is a DD left alive. Also good for those cap/bow tanking games to see if a enemy DD is flanking around you to get torps of.

RPF is not that great on Petro, sure it lets you get the most out of your 15ish second radar. Having the constant DPM upgrade from TGG allows you to pump out so much more damage. Petro excells in close range encounters and now if you boost that reload more you'll have insane damage output when positioned properly.

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I'd like to see more aggressive play (which I do too much of), however, the game meta has almost (if not) always favoured  passive (sniping type) play.

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18 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

RPF is not that great on Petro, sure it lets you get the most out of your 15ish second radar. Having the constant DPM upgrade from TGG allows you to pump out so much more damage. Petro excells in close range encounters and now if you boost that reload more you'll have insane damage output when positioned properly.

Imho Petro usually sooner or later .... or all game end up somewhere near a cap in a bow tanking position, which usually means you only can use 2/3 of youre firepower anyways. For me ... since Petro often ends up in a bit of a stationary position I for one love to know if a DD is flanking around to my broadside to dev strike me, then I can reverse and turn around the island so my pow points towards RPF so i midigate any torp hits.

But its all down to taste. I also run RPF on my Annapolis because that ships excels at hunting/killing DDs.

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43 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

But its all down to taste. I also run RPF on my Annapolis because that ships excels at hunting/killing DDs.

Yeah, tho kinda depends on mode. For ranked,  I would take it. Also building into extending the  radar duration could be a bit questionable. Personally I would use something else her radar is too short for anything else than recce purposes. One could even give up on Gun Feeder, coz Ap 90% of time.

Also recommend getting the Znamensky brothers.



For 35k coal is a no brainer. Greese  the Gears complements well the reload upgrade. Also is a good idea to mount the ramming and also the sec flags. I;ve got quite a few Close Quarters with her 🙂 

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2 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Imho Petro usually sooner or later .... or all game end up somewhere near a cap in a bow tanking position, which usually means you only can use 2/3 of youre firepower anyways.

That's why you need to buff the reload of the guns you have available.


2 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

For me ... since Petro often ends up in a bit of a stationary position I for one love to know if a DD is flanking around to my broadside to dev strike me, then I can reverse and turn around the island so my pow points towards RPF so i midigate any torp hits.

That's why you have both hydro and radar to help with that

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1 hour ago, Andrewbassg said:

Yeah, tho kinda depends on mode. For ranked,  I would take it. Also building into extending the  radar duration could be a bit questionable.

She can get around 21s radar when built properly. If my math is correct that's 3 salvos at most optimal. Definitely worth it.

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14 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

That's why you have both hydro and radar to help with that

Hydro is pretty meaningless for stationary bow tanking cruisers with all the supersonic torps in the game at the moment, hell even if a stationary Kleber had 6 km hydro I dont think he could accelerate quickly enough to dodge Halland/Jeager torps.

And Radar is only useful to spot DDs during 20-ish seconds every 2-3-ish minutes. During the rest of the 2-3 minutes a Jeager can sit 6 km away from you and blast you're broadside, but if you have RPF and youre fighting an enemy cruisers 10 km away from you and RPF is pointing another way it is time to react.

For me the biggest "broken/OP/Unbalanced" thing in this game which most often decides matches is information .... Information is Key! Hence the reason why CV planespotting. radars thru islands, hydro, black magic sub hydro and ordinary information updating on the minimap is so key to win. And for me RPF, in combination with information on the minimap is a huge part of that.

I dont use RPF on every ship, but for those very effective att killing stuff I do. And for me Petro with its tankyness and hydro and his 12.4 km conceal and 12 km radar fits in that category. I rather kill 1 or 2 DDs in a game then get 10-15% more DPM. 

I also use RPF on all my fragile boats that doesn't wanna end up in knife fights like Kamikaze, Asashio, Yugumo and Shima. If I had Jeager I would definitely invest in RPF for him as well. RPF + Minimap makes it so you can be in right place at the right time and also avoid things trying to kill you.

But thats just me. 

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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