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PSA. The No Cv ranked is actualy with Cv's!!


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It seems that Wedgie made a 



....and the no Cv ranked is actually






I think they overlooked to edit the qualificarion stage. That's where i am now and one can select and play ,both Cv;s and subs.


GG Wedgie.



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And yes


....subs too.


Edited by Andrewbassg
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Its WeeGee.

The dexter hand knoweth not what doth the sinister. 

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I don't seem to recall them promising no CVs or Subs in ranked this patch. In fact, the only time they promise that is with odd tiers. You are confusing ranked with CB, and the odd tier from last patch. They fully intend CV and sub to be in ranked. Always do when even tiers are involved.

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16 minutes ago, _KlRlTO_ said:

I don't seem to recall them promising no CVs or Subs in ranked this patch. In fact, the only time they promise that is with odd tiers. You are confusing ranked with CB, and the odd tier from last patch. They fully intend CV and sub to be in ranked. Always do when even tiers are involved.

You recall incorrectly. Both Silver and Gold Ranked exclude subs and CVs this patch.



The only question is whether the devs intentionally left Silver qualifiers with the same ship type rules as Bronze (but with Silver tiers and team sizes) or if it was an oversight.

Edited by Nevermore135
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oh lol ... who would have thought ... I want to bet they will change the patch notes 🙂

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Hi all,

I posted it on WG Discord... lets see...


Leo "Apollo11"

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HI all,



Right now, thank you for all the reports we're investigating.


Leo "Apollo11"

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53 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

HI all,



Leo "Apollo11"

Lemme guess

" Dear captains! Unfortunately there was a mistake and both Cvs and subs were allowed in ranked battles . We are sorry for the inconvenience this created. The problem will be solved with the next patch"

Edited by Andrewbassg
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Hi all,

Oh Boy...


We would like to inform you that our limitations to CVs & Subs for this season of Ranked in our article were unfortunately incorrect.
Sliver League will consist of 6v6 at Tier 8 with all classes allowed. Maximum of 1 Carrier and Submarine per team.
Gold League will consist of 6v6 at Tier 10 with all classes allowed. Maximum of 1 Carrier and Submarine per team.
The Ranked Season article's text will be updated to reflect this as soon as possible, we apologise for any confusion.


Leo "Apollo11"

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7 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

Oh Boy...


We would like to inform you that our limitations to CVs & Subs for this season of Ranked in our article were unfortunately incorrect.
Sliver League will consist of 6v6 at Tier 8 with all classes allowed. Maximum of 1 Carrier and Submarine per team.
Gold League will consist of 6v6 at Tier 10 with all classes allowed. Maximum of 1 Carrier and Submarine per team.
The Ranked Season article's text will be updated to reflect this as soon as possible, we apologise for any confusion.


Leo "Apollo11"

Priceless.  😄 

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15 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

Oh Boy...

 i called it!!


14 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

Now I'm pretty much convinced that this "no Cv ranked, but Cv;s are still in"....is not a mistake. No way in hell that Wedgie would let this opportunity to go unexploited. Just as was the case with the infamous indestructible secondaries , when the KM BC's were released, they will claim some  braindead "oh oopsie; sorry we did a mistake" sort of crap and let is as is,"just for a patch" just like then.

Wedgie wants dollar and everybody and their mother will jump. Playing against this new line, with a good player in ranked......is  almost a guaranteed loss.

I don't believe for a second that Wedgie will rectify this. And if they don't.... their dishonesty will be laid bare.


Edit: And also 

5 hours ago, Hugh_Ruka said:

oh lol ... who would have thought ... I want to bet they will change the patch notes 🙂


Edited by Andrewbassg
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WG needs to start adding a disclaimer to the official patch notes now.

I can’t decide whether this is funny or just sad.

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Ah yes, another miscommunication by WG.

While I'm not bothered by the outcome, they really do need to review their articles better.

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46 minutes ago, Verytis said:

While I'm not bothered by the outcome, they really do need to review their articles better.

They just spend too much time on WoWs Discord.  Quickly slap together an incoherent sentence > send.


Maybe they should have used a forum to communicate...🤣

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Everyone in this topic can simply consider yourselves "reacted to" in a positive manner.  Okay?  🙂 

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22 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

They just spend too much time on WoWs Discord.  Quickly slap together an incoherent sentence > send.


Maybe they should have used a forum to communicate...

Maybe they should have a QC department, that isn't terminally online and telling people they're wrong. Because one thing is certain, there's no one checking the stuff they post.

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Just a reminder, when WG staff complain about being disrespected...ask them how the constant stream of misinformation in WG communications is respectful of the player community.

Then, after the resulting bluster and excuses, ask what internal changes are being made to fix the obviously systematic failure to properly and respectfully communicate.

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WG being up to their standard old trick of blatantly lying ....... sorry "miscommunicating" regarding their 2 "protected classes" ......




Raise your hand if you're shocked by this! Still cant wait to see their upcoming suggested "nerfs" to CVs and Subs.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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Aaaand the Ranked Season is officialy over for me 🙂 With no Asyms and me not being a fan of the reworked Operations, I guess that's it for me this patch ... see you all in the next one ...

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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

cant wait to see their upcoming suggested "nerfs" to CVs and Subs.

I suggest thinking about them in terms of "changes" not properly "nerfs"... just to avoid dissapointment. 


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56 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

I suggest thinking about them in terms of "changes" not properly "nerfs"... just to avoid dissapointment. 



Got to keep the population of CVs and subs in game up to the leaderships targets...

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Hahaha another “miscommujication” feom the clown company

Edited by Yedwy
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