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found out how to check how many hours a player has played Wows


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4014 h 21 m 26 s
The battle life time accounts for 5.4% of his/her life since 6/25/2015 when the account was created.

I guess I need rehab 🤪

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2 minutes ago, Tpaktop2_1 NA said:

4014 h 21 m 26 s
The battle life time accounts for 5.4% of his/her life since 6/25/2015 when the account was created.

I guess I need rehab 🤪

Over 4000 hours cool 😎  I should play more.

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2687 h 59 m 50 s

The battle life time accounts for 4.3% of his/her life since 11/3/2016 when the account was created.

I guess 4% of my time isn't too bad for a hobby. I'd probably be in better shape if I'd taken up golf but, then again, I'd be a lot poorer too, what with equipment and course fees. I guess I could hit some balls out into my empty block like my neighbors do. I pick up two-dozen balls a summer while I'm out mowing. I don't mind, the guy who hits the most of them brought his commercial mower in from work and mowed for me for free while I had COVID.

Here's my block, BTW. It's worthless in this tiny town but the taxes on it also are negligible and it gives the neighbors a good view because past that it's only prairie and fields for 50 miles. My dad bought it to build houses on but after he built nine new houses in town there were no more people interested in buying any more so that lot stayed vacant. He was in his 80s by that time anyway. He built all of those houses after he retired from teaching. And I don't mean contracted either -- he built them with a couple of other retired fellows. I didn't get in on building those houses but I helped him build a few other ones when I was home on leave from the Army and in the summers when I wasn't teaching or doing field research. Now, I wish I'd have helped him to build more. Maybe I should stick some flags next to the ground squirrel holes and call it a golf course?


Edited by Snargfargle
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Efros's battle life time in WoWs is 4302h 41m 02s.

The battle life time accounts for 6.4% of his/her life since 5/11/2016 when the account was created.


I think I need to get out more.

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27 minutes ago, Efros said:

I think I need to get out more.

What I've learned to do is to alternate WOWS play and things I need to get done around the property. Wash clothes then collect and put out the trash -- play a game of WOWS. Shovel snow -- play a game of WOWS. Repair the garage door opener -- play a game of WOWS.

Edited by Snargfargle
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I wonder if this includes all battle modes, including PVE?

"xamdam's battle life time in WoWs is...
2710 h 45 m 22 s

The battle life time accounts for 3.6% of his/her life since 6/26/2015 when the account was created."

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This is a great thread to see who has the most hours in Wows.

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6 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

What I've learned to do is to alternate WOWS play and things I need to get done around the property. Wash clothes then collect and put out the trash -- play a game of WOWS. Shovel snow -- play a game of WOWS. Repair the garage door opener -- play a game of WOWS.


Bomont's battle life time in WoWs is 889h 42m 12s.

The battle life time accounts for 2.7% of his/her life since 4/15/2020 when the account was created.

I'm similar - log in and then get sidetracked doing other things.  I'm guessing this measures how long you've been logged in.  If so, it greatly overestimates my time actually playing battles.  For instance, I sometimes log in before dinner, then don't get back to the game until after dinner.  I might be logged in for several hours with only a couple battles.

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36 minutes ago, Bomont said:


Bomont's battle life time in WoWs is 889h 42m 12s.

The battle life time accounts for 2.7% of his/her life since 4/15/2020 when the account was created.

I'm similar - log in and then get sidetracked doing other things.  I'm guessing this measures how long you've been logged in. 

Since this site samples the API, this likely is time in battle as that value is part of the post-battle stats.

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7 hours ago, MysticalWar said:

This is a great thread to see who has the most hours in Wows.

Too bad it doesn't register mouse clicks too! My right index finger looks like Popeye's forearms. 

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gillhunters's battle life time in WoWs is 4869h 9m 42s.

The battle life time accounts for 6.6% of his life since 7/21/2015 when the account was created.

I do spend a lot of time logged in while doing other things. I spent around 11,000 hours for the same time period working part time at an average of 25 hours per week.

Of course before I retired it would have been around 30,000 hours for that time period. That's why I retired. 😄

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I am wondering what the average play time is for Wows NA too. I'm guessing the avg play time would be 3000 hours more or less.

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Maybe a PVE main could confirm. I'm wondering if this is only showing time spent in randoms. I have around 5K in randoms and now 8K+ in Coop (post CV rework... lol). But there are thousands played in Operations that don't even show in stats, afaik.

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8 minutes ago, xamdam said:

Maybe a PVE main could confirm. I'm wondering if this is only showing time spent in randoms. I have around 5K in randoms and now 8K+ in Coop (post CV rework... lol). But there are thousands played in Operations that don't even show in stats, afaik.

Yeah.  Some of us spend most of our time in PVE operations or the recent ASB's and nowhere, are those hours played reflected.  They should be counted towards win rates in PVE....  It's simply wrong they aren't.......the computers wouldn't even notice...  But, we would !

Edited by Asym
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thornzero's battle life time in WoWs is 895h 53m 22s.

The battle life time accounts for 7.8% of his/her life since 17/09/2022 when the account was created.

4,829 co-op / 2,o12 random / 269 ranked / countless brawls


I did some figuring. This number 895 hours is 53,7oo minutes. If you use average times for co-op battles of 5-7 minutes or random battles of 15 minutes, this 9oo hours doesn't make sense, it is quite low. I also didn't play for some months of 2o23.

So I am just starting to become a better player after all this time. Its probably going to take another 5oo hours for my overall averages to reflect it. The ships I play regularly are looking better nonetheless even though this made me feel like more of a potato.  

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Thank you for link of website, this is very helpful to me, I played this world of warship of .09% of lifetime since I joined 2/6/2017 so my gameplay hours is round nearest to 536 hours, but however, money I did spent on World of Warship need to played lot of hours more. Like Skyrim, I think I buy all those DLC along latest version might be worth $150 but 1,400 hours for skyrim, then there if fallout 4, I think I fallout 4 with DLC, might be something like $125, similar gameplay 1,450 hour, Anno 1800, I I spend maybe $200 (all DLC with no sale, it's come out soon as I buy it since it's good game to me), it's 2,000 hours, and still playing current, all those is without sale, I just buy game and DLC when it's came out, is why no sale, more or less, but there is some game cost is not worth it at full price, I spent $60 but only play 40 hours, and not want to play that game, or some 4 hours, I can't refund that game. 

Star Citizen is most money I spent yet not much gameplay hour invest return since they still working on that game. 

World of Warship I do need spend more hours to get most of money I spend, it's not free to play to me since I already spend money on game. It's free to play when one do not spent money at all on World of Warship, even 500 hours gameplay is great, but for me, 500 hours isn't good deal to me, it's need more gameplay hours to make most of it due I spend money on it.  

Edited by Humility925
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