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Use your Festive Rewards and Certificates TONIGHT ...


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... or they'll just go away.


Edited by iDuckman
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You have until tonight (or tomorrow for EU) to earn them, but you can still spend them next patch

Edit: you can spend the t10 certificates next patch. You have to spend the bonus flake rewards before the end of this patch 

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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Looking at the Armory this morning, my "wallet" shows festive certificates and the pine tree tokens as continuing to exist (although I have none of either), and of course one can still buy Santa crates. While I don't expect the Santa crates to stick around for all of this patch (and indeed am surprised to see them still here), it looks as though the actual snowflakes on ships are the only things that have gone away.

I wrapped all my stuff up on Monday. It was a clean finish, with no bonus certificates that I couldn't use on ships I don't have.

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I can't get the Holidays Steel, so I said F it and wiped the rest of my 'Flakes. Really disappointed in how WG dangled the steel carrot while it faded into the distance.

Nice Coal haul, though.  And a ship drop rate that RNGeebus Inspector General will be looking into...


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1 hour ago, iDuckman said:

I can't get the Holidays Steel, so I said F it and wiped the rest of my 'Flakes. Really disappointed in how WG dangled the steel carrot while it faded into the distance.



Sorry, but I really can't decipher what this sentence means. English is my only language and I am at a loss. 

I managed to wipe all the snowflakes off my ships, all the steel on offer etc is now in my armoury. 

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2 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Sorry, but I really can't decipher what this sentence means. English is my only language and I am at a loss. 

I managed to wipe all the snowflakes off my ships, all the steel on offer etc is now in my armoury. 

Because of the restriction on obtaining Progress points and the increasing level requirements, what looked to be doable (getting the 1200 Steel) instead proved to be impossible.  So I quit playing and cashed my Festive Certificates.

For the allusion, conjure, if you will, a donkey pulling a freight wagon and tempted ever on by a carrot on a stick dangled before him by the driver.  A smart donkey eventually will realize that the carrot never gets any closer, no matter how he strives.  This donkey realized that as he advanced, the carrot got farther away.



Edited by iDuckman
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Ah, gotcha. That battle pass with it's uneven and increasing stage targets. I can see how a person with limited time would have to make unwelcome sacrifices to meet those targets. Fair enough. I am NOT a fan of the new battle pass mechanism. It sucks. And about that suckage - the game gets less fun every patch. Those Russians are so out of touch with their playerbase. Yes, the Malta & Belgrade real estate does not change the fact the suits are Russians. I used to play dozens of games beyond the daily missions and crates. Now, I often can't be arsed grinding the third daily crate, let alone the base xp missions. Why bother when it just isn't fun. Even operations is less fun quite often when players in good ships go hide all game behind a rock.

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