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bonehead play of the day


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No one likes to admit it but they are not perfect for every great game there is a bad game so what is yours.  When have you walked into a destroyers spread, lurched a little too far out of island cover in a cruiser.  Gone off halfcocked and found that your ship became the target of a submarine or carrier.  Shown a little too much broadside in a cruiser or battleship and got slapped with citadel hits.  Once or twice i have gone hunting a destroyer forgetting i was in a battleship and not a destroyer.  Pull up grab a bottle of Duff beer and share your insurance claim every detail of how you were robbed of a great victory if only the enemy was not such a sweaty try hard. 

Edited by kriegerfaust
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My insurance said they wouldn't cover me any longer. lol

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I thought I'd pushed the button for co-op so I sailed full speed ahead in my Scharnhorst, knowing that there was a 99% chance I'd either live or take at least a couple down with me. The shooting starts and is unusually accurate and focused. Look up at the top of the screen and think "Gee, that's a lot of ship icons for co-op."

I had, of course, pushed the button with the selector set to Randoms. Although I realized my mistake while still alive, I did not live long enough to get turned around and GTFO.

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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Napoli is a hella tanky cruiser, very BB like when angled correctly. Get caught broadside though, and you're totally F'ed. 3/4 health gone in one salvo. 

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I got lucky for my boneheaded play. I had just finished grinding the Cherborg, and a friend gets me in div to test it out. So my level 6 captain and no upgrade cruiser... gets kicked into a random battle because my friend forgot to reset the battle type! He was ALSO playing a brand new never-been-played Cherborg. 

The battle came down to me and a Kidd against 2 BB's. and I'm glad we were top tier and both had heals. We squeaked the win with less than a minute left to go while losing on points, and that's one of the few battles where I had used ALL of my consumables. Unsurprisingly I got a "dreadnaught" achievement. Surprisingly I also got 2 kills and a "brothers in arms".

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Not a play but a playstyle that has got me killed quickly, i take out my Sapien and choose a direction normally if i start on the right i go left and vice versa.  I then stay behind line far but not too far and slowly kite to the other side of the battlefield.  As long as one flank is not wiped out or change direction i am golden.  So you wonder why most carriers either turn around or simple hit reverse its you who for five minutes have been going right then swing heavy left leaving that side empty.  I should be paying attention but shock i am most of the time in my planes and not on my ship.   It is my choice and responsibility to see what the rest of my team is doing, so next time you see a carrier going for one of the back corners of your teams side you know the reason.

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