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Winter Wonderland


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Well, our "White Christmas" held off for a couple of weeks but it finally got here. Just got back inside from blowing and shoveling the driveway. Mostly shoveling as my electric snowblower was complaining about slinging that heavy, wet snow. I can't blame it, it's not really a heavy-duty machine and it may be about time that I retire it anyway as it's had a good ten-year run.


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We're due 3-5" on Sunday, it's a bit chilly here at the moment. 14F or about -10C.

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9 minutes ago, Efros said:

We're due 3-5" on Sunday, it's a bit chilly here at the moment. 14F or about -10C.

We didn't get all that cold last night, just into the mid-20s F. It's 30 F now, which is why the snow is so wet and slushy. I was up at 7 AM to clean off the drive but then I decided to play WOWS instead. To tell the truth, with a 4WD pickup I didn't really need to but if I don't clear the drive then the local kids will come around and want to shovel it as a community service for the "old folks." I'm getting older (late-60s) but not quite that old yet. However, in another ten years I'll probably let them do it.

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"White Wonderland" ... I really don't like it. Today we have had - 24' C during daytime and tons of snow as well. It's going to be worse the next few days at least. For me, such a harsh winter only means hardship. In order to explain, I'm living ca. 70 km north - west of Oslo / Norway. 

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3 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

 I'm living ca. 70 km north - west of Oslo / Norway. 

If you were in the US, that latitude would be Anchorage, Alaska. Too cold for me. That's what I like about the internet -- you get to talk to people from all over the world. Although we can get below 0 °F here in Kansas during the winter, it mostly stays about freezing, plus or minus maybe ten degrees. Our average high for January 5th is 47 °F and our average low is 21 °F. Our record low for this day was (-13 °F or -25 °C).

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I live in Western Maine, yearly snowfall is usually 8-10 feet. This year it has been extremely weird, relatively high temps more rain than snow. Currently the school district I work in has 5 snow days, none of them are actually for snow. The state police closed us down for 2 days due to a shooting incident nearby, 2 for a rainstorm that caused a lot of damage locally and 1 for freezing rain on the roads.

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