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Finally, a good event ship!


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I'm finding the Scharnhorst '43 that I got from the recent event to be an excellent ship. I've got its secondaries up to a 9.5 km range and focused with the manual secondary skill. With the speed boost, it plays a lot like a tier-VII Georgia with torpedoes. I've been doing pretty good with it in Ranked battles. What are you-all's thoughts on the ship?


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Its a good ship, the reload is longer though than the original Scharnhorst otherwise its a fine ship to me.

Edited by AdmiralMcintosh
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I think WG did a very wise thing in not messing with a good ship, only tweaking it a little to make it distinct from the already-great regular Premium.  What astounds me is they would offer it so easily and purposely undercut a ship they are making money off of in the Premium Shop.  It's quite a turnaround from the previous Holiday events when it seemed more like Scrooge was in charge, and the entire event this year has been a pleasant surprise.



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1 hour ago, Jakob Knight said:

What astounds me is they would offer it so easily and purposely undercut a ship they are making money off of in the Premium Shop. 

OG Scharnhorst is quite an old ship in WOWS terms, and quite frankly I'm surprised WG hasn't already made her a coal ship like her IRL nemesis, the Duke of York (which post-dates her) or the ORP Blyskawica. Germany could really do with a mid-tier coal premium, as could Japan. 

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1 hour ago, Jakob Knight said:

I think WG did a very wise thing in not messing with a good ship, only tweaking it a little to make it distinct from the already-great regular Premium.  What astounds me is they would offer it so easily and purposely undercut a ship they are making money off of in the Premium Shop.  It's quite a turnaround from the previous Holiday events when it seemed more like Scrooge was in charge, and the entire event this year has been a pleasant surprise.

Who hasn't purchased regular Scharnhorst yet benefits the most as the side-grade is equally, if not more capable, in "controlled environments" where Scharnhorst will be brought to and being so easily accessible that eliminates regular Scharnhorst from wish lists for good, not to say the

And in fact WG may earn more if they offer Stord 43 for free and Scharnhorst 43 for doubloons. Scharnhorst 43 is obviously better than Stord 43 while 3500 doubloons is still a bargain.

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3 minutes ago, Beleaf said:

"Am I forgotten?" - Somme

The grind for Somme was remarked to be as mind-numbing as the Battle of the Somme itself, while Scharnhorst 43 requires only 4~5 days of casual gaming (earn 1500 Bxp everyday).

Edited by Project45_Opytny
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1 minute ago, Beleaf said:

"Am I forgotten?" - Somme

The Somme mission was quite demanding, especially if you had a high duplicate rate (as I did) and needed to do more missions. It would have been a nightmare for a newer player to complete.

Next to that, Pozharsky (free T8 premium) was a walk in the park and Scharn 43 was quite frankly a gimme. WG has put us through far more in the past to get far less (e.g. Prinz Eitel Friedrich). 

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Just now, Ensign Cthulhu said:

The Somme mission was quite demanding, especially if you had a high duplicate rate (as I did) and needed to do more missions. It would have been a nightmare for a newer player to complete.

Next to that, Pozharsky (free T8 premium) was a walk in the park and Scharn 43 was quite frankly a gimme. WG has put us through far more in the past to get far less (e.g. Prinz Eitel Friedrich). 

On the other hand, with "Salvage" event and jury-rigging contents (like the reused event port) due to the Lesta separation here and there, perhaps WG staff reasoned that they have to make some generous offers and truely popular teasings to counteract ill reception of their money-grabbing/resource sinking and also stamping out rumors that they will abandon WoWS.

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10 minutes ago, Project45_Opytny said:

and also stamping out rumors that they will abandon WoWS.

Like the one you just started here?

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50 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

OG Scharnhorst is quite an old ship in WOWS terms, and quite frankly I'm surprised WG hasn't already made her a coal ship like her IRL nemesis, the Duke of York (which post-dates her) or the ORP Blyskawica. Germany could really do with a mid-tier coal premium, as could Japan. 


True, but the Scharn'43 is so easily obtained for no cost and is so close to OG Scharn that the demand for the older ship probably just dropped massively.  Anyone who was thinking of getting it now probably has it, so its place is going to be pretty worthless for a while (until newer players who want a Scharn and didn't participate in this event work through the ranks), coal or otherwise.


I do applaud WG for the move, as it was both unexpectedly gracious to make it so accessible and a ship every bit as worthwhile as the original while offering minor differences to give those who own OG Scharn a reason to feel they aren't losing out either.  It was just surprising from what past events have been.



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17 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Like the one you just started here?

I admit I have been biased against WG in autumn 2023, until early December when WG teased Commonwealth cruisers (that proved WG staff, despite difficulties are still working for the improvement of the game) while Lesta teased super-submarines (when existing submarines are already game-breaking) and "Flag of Russian Viceroy of the Far East" (that has greatly offended Chinese gamers).

Then, with disillusionment with Lesta's game development, regenerated faith on WG and acknowledgement that much has been invested in Global WoWS, I largely stopped complaining in that manner.

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OG schary was the only ship I've ever paid for...on my old Asian account. I missed her, but swore to not spend money anymore. So getting her in the christmas pass was a dream come true. Love the ship, polar apposite to gneisenau.  

Now the trouble is deciding between her and Prinz Heinrich to take out for tier 7 BB. 

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6 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

I think WG did a very wise thing in not messing with a good ship, only tweaking it a little to make it distinct from the already-great regular Premium.  What astounds me is they would offer it so easily and purposely undercut a ship they are making money off of in the Premium Shop.  It's quite a turnaround from the previous Holiday events when it seemed more like Scrooge was in charge, and the entire event this year has been a pleasant surprise.



Ah yes. Remember how generous the first 2 iterations of the new battle pass were. Then they were no longer so generous with tech tree prizes and collections prizes. 

Well, likewise, this xmas BP has been quite generous, which means there are permanent changes to the battle pass incoming that wwill be less generous than all of them last year. eg, steel removed from the paid BP and free RB points removed completely.

Wargaming giveth, and wargaming taketh away. 🫢

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17 minutes ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Ah yes. Remember how generous the first 2 iterations of the new battle pass were. Then they were no longer so generous with tech tree prizes and collections prizes. 

Well, likewise, this xmas BP has been quite generous, which means there are permanent changes to the battle pass incoming that wwill be less generous than all of them last year. eg, steel removed from the paid BP and free RB points removed completely.

Wargaming giveth, and wargaming taketh away. 🫢

The thing is, WG is doing the same thing as they did to the YT memberships, but faster.

They changed the memberships recently again, now it's a flat 1€ for an SC. Overpriced I'd say.

The 3500 db BP will fail, becuase it offers too little, for too much cash and time. They will keep going at it though, because WG is WG.

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14 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

The 3500 db BP will fail, becuase it offers too little, for too much cash and time. They will keep going at it though, because WG is WG.

I’m not so sure it will objectively fail. It’s 40% more expensive, and that may offset the lost revenue from players that decide not to spend going forward. This is especially relevant if the reduction in rewards (depleting in-game resource stocks and opening up other revenue-generating opportunities, which seems to be a trend lately) is considered a more important goal than increasing direct revenue from the BP. The increased price may be primarily intended to offset an expected drop in participation, in which case simply “breaking even” in regards to pre- and post-change BP revenue may be considered acceptable.

Edited by Nevermore135
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8 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

I'm finding the Scharnhorst '43 that I got from the recent event to be an excellent ship. I've got its secondaries up to a 9.5 km range and focused with the manual secondary skill. With the speed boost, it plays a lot like a tier-VII Georgia with torpedoes. I've been doing pretty good with it in Ranked battles. What are you-all's thoughts on the ship?


I like the Scharnhorst '43.  It's a pleasant surprise, given the bad press and poor impressions I got from the early dev-blogs.

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10 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Ah yes. Remember how generous the first 2 iterations of the new battle pass were. Then they were no longer so generous with tech tree prizes and collections prizes. 

Well, likewise, this xmas BP has been quite generous, which means there are permanent changes to the battle pass incoming that wwill be less generous than all of them last year. eg, steel removed from the paid BP and free RB points removed completely.

Wargaming giveth, and wargaming taketh away. 🫢


Perhaps.  But I've never based my enjoyment of the game on the free stuff I receive.  The Holiday event is quite special in most games as it is a time of giving and of celebrating being a community in a game, and WOWS in the ones since the PR debacle have felt quite otherwise.  This time has been different and I welcome that change.  If other changes happen (as we all know they will), I will take each on their own merits, but I won't link one to the other merely to diminish a good turn when such is given.

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12 hours ago, mashed68 said:

Love the ship

Me too and I've got both of them now. Double happiness. 😄 Technically it would be fine and absolutely appropriate by WG to give both versions a really high sigma for their main guns. We should not forget that Scharnhorst did possess an outstandingly accurate artillery that held the long distance record in WWII (a hit at 24 K) together with British "Warspite". Already disadvantaged regarding the calibre of her main guns this would be just fair and about time.

And yes, I was positively surprised by WG'S step how easy we could optain both Scharn 43 and Stord 43. Such surprise doesn't happen often, not at all. 

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15 hours ago, Project45_Opytny said:

and "Flag of Russian Viceroy of the Far East" (that has greatly offended Chinese gamers).

As I understand it, Lesta is basically only working for what used to be the WOWS CIS server and so is catering to that market. They're in the business of catering to a target demographic; and for better or worse, who they offend outside of it isn't something which bothers them. 

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21 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

True, but the Scharn'43 is so easily obtained for no cost and is so close to OG Scharn that the demand for the older ship probably just dropped massively.  Anyone who was thinking of getting it now probably has it, so its place is going to be pretty worthless for a while (until newer players who want a Scharn and didn't participate in this event work through the ranks), coal or otherwise.

I feel that is has been power crept pretty hard already at T7 that there isn't a huge demand for it anyway these days. It's still a fun ship but several tech tree ships are more fun to play these days. 

I don't even bring it for many operations now that they are randomized and I can just bring Odin/Annalt/ Tirpitz instead. 


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6 minutes ago, GandalfTehGray said:

I feel that is has been power crept pretty hard already at T7 that there isn't a huge demand for it anyway these days. It's still a fun ship but several tech tree ships are more fun to play these days. 

I don't even bring it for many operations now that they are randomized and I can just bring Odin/Annalt/ Tirpitz instead. 



It was always subject to being upstaged due to its lower sized guns, but it remains a very viable BB for its other qualities.  And T7 remains one of the best XP producing tiers due to having capable ships without facing T10 or Super ships.  It can still duke it out with the T9s, and I will still take it any day over a Colorado.



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I had some recent success in Stord 43 I don't play it very often but its still fun.

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On 1/4/2024 at 3:01 PM, Project45_Opytny said:

Stord 43 while 3500 doubloons is still a bargain.

...not sure this statement is universally true.

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Russian Empire[edit]

The region was annexed by Russia in 1858 in the Treaty of Aigun between Russia and the Qing dynasty. Amur Oblast was established with its center in Blagoveshchensk.[15]

Modern history[edit]

In April 1920, the Far Eastern Republic, with its capital in Chita, was formed from Amur, Transbaikal, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and Primorye regions as a democratic "buffer" state in order to avoid war with Japan. It existed until November 1922, when it joined the Russian SFSR.

So the Chinese are angry about land they lost once got back, lost again, then had that loss reconfirmed i guess the Chinese apply the rule if China ever held it its China forever. Mongolia should watch its back

After the collapse of the Qing dynasty in 1911, Mongolia declared independence, and achieved actual independence from the Republic of China in 1921. Shortly thereafter, the country became a satellite state of the Soviet Union. In 1924, the Mongolian People's Republic was founded as a socialist state.

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